HWA: Closed

I'm welcomed to HNZ once more! Yaye me :frantics: :p

I'm Alexis Richarde from HWA and many characters on HNZ that have alexis' character at the bottom of their siggy, if not I usually think it is obvious. But I was also Jacquline Ethier there but I think I'm not going to make her because she's an alumni and just had a baby and I think her husband is dying. Too much to handle for me.

Welcome to my HWA counter parts :D
I've been hoping you lot would join some time but it's a shame that HWA had to close down because of it but we understand, Ryan don't fret love :)
Welcome to all newcomers from HWA! One word of warning, don't get scared at any of my posts. Thats all I'm saying :r :p

Have a great time here, PM me if you want to RP (although Aroha is actually un-concious in the Hospital Wing, so you might have to wait. But oh well ^_^ :woot: )
Hey all,
SO I actually hadn't heard of HWA before like, ten minutes ago :p HNZ is just too much of a love for me..... though now I wish I had, it sounds like a different but still amazing experience. I've been on HNZ for over two years now, and it's ALWAYS been a place where I can whisk away from my RL life and just be....

I hope you enjoy yourselves here as much as I do, and if anyone would like to RP or would just like someone to talk too let me know. Hilary is a friendly, outgoing, down to earth Gryffindor Seventh year Prefect...... and she's always up to meet new friends, just throw me a PM.

Good-luck and once again welcome!
Deb @ Hilary
Well... I would have to say i wasn't an evil character in the last forum...maybe conflicted...but since my characters status in the last forum is not allowed here I'll go with the closest thing there is... which is..by all account practically the same thing..different name...anyways...I was the token Demon ^_^ dog/wolf demon to be exact...so basically the same as what you would call a werewolf...^_^...and yes...I'm particularlly saddened for the lose of a site i spent 4 years in....*sighs* It feels as if everything was just let down the drain to waste i suppose.

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