Hunger at Midnight

Andrew Bruke

Well-Known Member
Andrew yawned and said "Lumos" holding his wand lazily as he walked through the dungeons.He was feeling hungry at midnight because Mr.New nerd had been busy in doing Herbology homework and had skipped dinner for that reason. Andrew, get a grip on yourself, so much studying is injurious to health, he scolded himself.

He was dressed in a black cloak on top of his pajamas. Why is hunger such a thing that it won't let you sleep? he thought with a frown as he tickled the pear in the portrait and it swung aside to reveal the kitchens. Taking a step in, he tripped over his own overlarge robes.
Ari had been up late in the common room, playing her guitar and practising spells alone. Her stomach had been rumbling, and she's finally given in to the urge to go down to the kitchens. So, dressed in her pyjamas and dressing gown, she had tip toed out of the common room. The walk down to the kitchens had made her jumpy, and she almost ran the last few steps to the door. Ari was relieved when she finally entered the warm, light kitchens. Closing the door softly, she turned around, and was very surprised to see another student sitting there.
"Um, hey" she said to him, walking further into the light of the room.
Andrew looked up as he heard someone talk to him. It was a girl, younger than him. "Hey" he said as he got up feeling embarrassed by his trip. "Came in for a midnight snack?"he asked her with a smile. The elves seemed to have noticed them and seemed to be excited by this.

One of them came forward and with a bow asked them "What may Gina do for Master and Mistress?" Andrew smiled at the elf, the creature always wanted to serve them happily no matter how tired they might be. "I actually skipped dinner" he said feeling a little awkward saying it in front of the girl.There was only one way to remove the awkwardness, being friends with her. "I am Andrew by the way" he said letting out his hand for a shake and giving her a dazzling smile.
Arianna nodded "Yeah, pretty much..." she said, knowing it must sound odd "I don't do it much though" she added. In fact, the last time she had been in the kitchens was on Valentines day. Arianna wasn't sure she liked being served much. The idea of elves having to do everything for them made her feel quite awkward.
"Hi, I'm Ari" she replied, shaking his hand, and sitting down in a chair opposite.
When asked what she would like, she thought for a moment "Er, could I have some cheese? Please" she said, knowing it must sound odd.
Andrew smiled at the girl and then once again turned to the house elf. "I want any sort of food you can provide me with" he said to the elf as he sat opposite to the girl. "Good taste" he said with a grin as she asked for cheese. It had been Andrew's habit to sneak cheese from the orphanage kitchens when he was younger but it had changed now.

"What year are you in?"he asked wondering if she was a first year. Not many first years had the courage to sneak up this way unless they were a Gryffindor. "I am in Fourth Year" he informed the girl.

The elf came back after a minute, carrying a tray that had apple tart, roasted beef, smashed potatoes and a bowl full of cheese. "Here you are Master and Mistress" he said as he served Andrew and Ari. "What would you like to drink?"he asked them with another bow.

Andrew smiled at the elf as it served them. Andrew took a some roasted beef in his plate and started eating it, chewing on each bite. He unlike other boys did not eat like a pig. "Well I would like butterbeer but as this is not Brightstone, I'd do with pumpkin juice"he said with a smile at the elf.
Aurora had been dieing of starvation in the astronomy tower, which was why she had been hiding in the cupboard for the past hour eating cake. It was like she was greedy or anything *dodgy eyes* she just liked to have cake in the middle of the night.. don't they? She had been to busy eating cake, and she couldn't hear the two students outside, which was a little awkward. Suddenly whacked her had against one of the pans and the cupboard fell down, smashing to the floor. "Ow. That's gonna hurt in the mornin'" she spoke, her American accent coming through strongly. The echo's of the pots and pans that had fallen whispered through the castle.
Andrew was enjoying his roasted beef when it seemed that Earthquake striked Hogwarts.He had always thought it was earthquake free area due to the magical enchantments put on it but on a second thought he realized that it was no earthquake. Maybe a Death Eater has intruded Hogwarts by using the kitchens, he thought excitedly as he turned his head to see the source of the noise.

It seemed like neither earthquake no Death Eater was in the kitchen, but it was their very own Professor Aurora. "Professor, are you alright?"he asked as he jumped out of his chair and went to help the fallen Professor. "Is that part of a new invention?"he asked foolishly wondering if Professor Aurora could see from this magical cupboard a new universe. "Aww..Cake" he said with a grin as he saw cake smashed on their professor's face. This is certainly going to be the headline in Penning The professor, he thought excitedly.
Arianna thanked the little elf who brought the food, feeling guilty that they were being served. She smiled, relieved he didn't think she was too weird by wanting cheese.
"Hot chocolate please" she said automatially. It was her favourite drink. They elf brought it back quickly "Thank you" she said, smiling at the little creature. She was just about to reply to Andrew's question.

The was a loud crash, and Ari looked around quickly, spilling her drink all over herself.
"Oh!" she exclaimed, when she realsied it was Professer Merrythought. Jumping up, she ran over to help her up. When Ari saw the cake spattered all over her face, she couldn't help but laugh out loud. Covering her mouth with her hand, to stifle her giggles, she managed "Are you ok?"
"Oh haha, Andrew" she laughed. "I think i'm fine, I feel like i'v dislocated my shoulder" she stifled, wiping the cake of her face. "Talk about making an entrance" she smiled. "You can't tell anyone I was down here, and if you don't tell anyone, then I don't tell anyone you were down here" she bargained.
Andrew felt like he would take detention for this but he was going to write about it in the magazine."Oh You should hurry to the hospital wing" he said with concern in his voice."Professor it would be okay if someone knew about me being down here but as a Professor sneaking cake this way at midnight is so totally cool" he said smirking at Ari. "Don't you think you should announce it so everyone can join you here for company?"he asked with a grin.

Andrew had decided to play dirty. He was going to write about it in the HM no matter what.
"Should we take you to the hospital wing and bring you more cake there?" he joked now laughing at his own joke. "But if a few people did know about this incident it would be good for publicity, don't you think?"he asked Ari smiling at her.
Arianna grimaced when the Proffesor said that she felt like she'd dislocated her shoulder "Ouch, do you think you need to go to the hospital wing?" Ari listened to the deal Proffesor Merrythought proposed "Sounds good" Ari said with a guilty smile. Andrew seemed to have other ideas though. "Uh, dont think people knowing about us being down here at midnight is such a good idea" she said, frowning.
"Publicity? For who?" she said, a little frustratedly, almost glaring at the older boy. Wouldn't publicity be embarassing for Proffesor Merrythought? Ari knew she wouldn't want something like that publisised.
"Publicty for the Professor Ari" he said with grin and then winked at the pair. "But now..we have to go to the hospital wing, the Professor has dislocated her shoulder for Merlin's sake" he said as he took a final sip of his butterbeer and then put it down.

"Now let's not waste time" he said looking at Professor Merrythought. Andrew was so going to write this. It would be so much fun for the readers and Isabella would surely be impressed by this kind of news.
Ari frowned at him. She didn't like being spoken to like a child, so she opened her mouth to protest "Wouldn't publicity be embarassing for Proffesor?" she said, looking at Proffesor Merrythought to see what she thought about all this. She couldn't possibly want the whole school to know about this.

"Yes, hospital wing" Ari said, opening the kitchen door for Proffessor Merrythought.

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