Hufflepuff Quidditch Try-outs Y48

Bailey Walden-Cade

Sixth Year | Heta President | Seeker & Co-Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
12/01/2047 (16)
Bailey felt like a complete fraud standing in the middle of the Quidditch pitch waiting to address the assembled students for the new years try-outs. The previous year she had stood where they stood trying to regain her spot as an alternate seeker, suddenly she found herself elevated to co-captain and handed her seeker spot without having earned it like an alternate was supposed to. It was wrong, but how could she have said no?

Once everyone gathered, Bailey got their attention to get the try-out started. "Welcome, my name is Bailey Walden-Cade and I'm one of the new co-captains along with Marley Owens-Lee, I don't need to say much, we come into this season as defending champions and I think we'd all like to keep the cup in Hufflepuff hands, everyone joining the team should be willing to put in the work to make that happen. As always returning players your spots are safe and any alternates will...need to try-out again," She shifted awkwardly at her final words as they should have applied to her. "Let's get started,"

SeekerBailey Walden-Cade (Co-Captain)
BeaterMarley Owens-Lee (Co-Captain)
ChaserJonah Edogawa
ChaserOswald Brambleheart
ChaserDominic Owens-Lee
KeeperCallie Cardoso

OOCOut of Character:

Returning team members must post to keep their spot on the team. Alternates must try out again!

First years are not permitted to try-out without the approval of the captains. If you wish to have your first year try-out please PM one of the co-captains and we will discuss it. Please note it is unlikely first years will make the team but there's always a chance for some character development.
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In all honesty, Marley couldn't believe she had been asked to be co-captain. It had all come to be a surprise if she was being honest. But she had been proud of herself to make it this far into quidditch and she was grateful for it. She stood with Bailey as she waited for Bailey to address the rest of the players and the try-outees. Marley agreed with everything Bailey had to say. She could see potential in a lot of them. She smiled at all of them. "Good luck!" Marley says with a smile, giving a thumbs-up before she watches the rest of them get into the air and try out and practice.
Callie arrived at the hufflepuff try-outs eager to be ready for the new season of quidditch. She loved playing quidditch, it was the most fun she tended to have. Callie had her broom in hand and waved to Marley, proud of her friend for becoming captain and then went up into the air the moment that she could.
Oz always felt like a bit of a joke playing Quidditch, but here he was, committed to this whole thing. He nodded at Bailey and Callie, they both worked hard and definitely deserved to be captains. He guessed Chase wanted to step down, which was fair enough he supposed. He was just glad not to be involved in leadership here. He already had prefect duties, and he also sucked at Quidditch. Part of him thought he should maybe step aside for younger students who didn't suck, but he did enjoy playing, and sometimes he figured he could be at least vaguely helpful. He took to the skies to work with the other chasers, trying to derust his own goal shooting but more so help pass to anyone trying out.
Susie had been dying to try out for the Quidditch team since the moment she'd set foot in Hogwarts. It was totally unfair (in her opinion) that first years had to get special permission, especially when the majority of students had magical backgrounds and had ridden brooms loads of times, probably. Susie had, anyway. She'd been flying since she was six, and could do all sorts of tricks, and she'd only broken a couple of bones and they weren't very important ones.

"Susie Lagowski, trying out for beater," she said. There were no free roles on the team, but one of the beaters was a seventh year, which meant Susie might only have to spend one year on the bench if they let her in, and besides, hitting bludgers at people sounded like incredible stress relief. She pushed off from the ground and shot up into the sky like an arrow. All that practice at home had paid off, and it wasn't long before she managed to line herself up with an oncoming bludger. The toy bludgers she'd played with at home were feather-light and pretty harmless, and she was surprised by the force of the real thing as it connected with her bat, but after a few more tries, she started to get used to it. Her aim was decent; she directed several bludgers away from her teammates, and even managed to hit one of the targets that had been set up in the sky for the purpose. All in all, it was a pretty good try-out - in her humble opinion.
Apart from flying, Sofi had hated every moment of being an alt beater last year. The position was all about hurting people and it just wasn’t in her nature. She had not tried out for that position in the first place and had only taken what was offered to her. Even though her commitment to the team last year would probably see her fill the vacant beater position, Sofi didn't want it. She had intended to tryout for chaser, then wondered if she had what it took to be alt seeker instead. Even as she arrived at the pitch, she was still uncertain. But when it came time to step forward, her voice made the decision for her. “Sofi Ayre, trying out for seeker,” she said, feeling both nervous and excited.

Mounting her broom, Sofi kicked off from the ground and began her search. Her eyes scanned the pitch until she finally spotted the snitch in the distance, she leaned forward and accelerated as fast as she could. The snitch darted unpredictably, forcing Sofi to take sharp manoeuvres, and dodge other players and bludgers, but all the time she didn’t take her eyes off thevsnitch. Her heart beat fast as she closed the gap, stretching out her hand and then wrapping her fingers around it.

She couldn’t believe it. She’d actually done it. "I did it!” Sofi cheered, “I caught the snitch!”
Jonah didn't know how to feel about Quidditch. It was a sport he knew he loved. Or at least it was what he kept on telling himself repeatedly. He'd been so excited last semester when he'd gone to try out and got into the team as an alternate. He'd thought he would have to try out again this year, but since one of the older chasers had left, Jonah had apparently been promoted as a starting player. It was probably a good thing... because he'd thought about not trying out this year. He'd already felt like he let the team down enough last year, all that was left to do now was to be better, so he'll focus on practice, and hopefully, when the games roll around, he'd be of more use to the team. For now, he was going to practice getting some shots in while helping any of the other hopefuls.
Dominic made his way to the quidditch pitch for the tryouts. He was looking forward to seeing some new faces join the team, especially with their captain having graduated, and hoped they would be good team players. As he gathered around with his team and the new faces, he beamed as he noticed Marley was co-captain of the team now. As they were told to head up into the sky, he decided to congratulate her before doing so. "Well done Marley!" he exclaimed to her before mounting his broom. He spent the time helping the newbies try out, taking some shots for those that were hoping to be keeper, and then was happy to head back to the castle at the end of the tryouts.
In the end, curiousity had brought Daiki to the quidditch pitch. He hadn't thought about trying out, but he'd seen the sign for it and in the end decided to at least go try for it. The worst that could happen was they said no and that really wasn't that bad. He could deal with that easily. Daiki looked to the captains, nodding along with what was said and then stepped forward. "Daiki Saito, for chaser," he told them, deciding in the moment what position he wanted to try for. The hufflepuff grabbed his broom and then shot up into the air.

Daiki was a steady flyer, by no means the fastest, but he flew well at least. He caught the ball and passed it on. He wasn't one for glory and did rather support his team with it. But on a few occasions as Daiki flew around with the quaffle, he attempted to score. he'd played rugby before hogwarts and found himself having to adjust to the quaffle in his arms. It wasn't the same shape, needed to be thrown in a different manner. He missed more times than he got close, but the more the try-out went on, the better he got at it. Eventually the try-out was over and he flew back to the ground.
Nox hadn’t been sure about trying out for the quidditch team, but when he found out Bailey would be one of the co-captains suddenly it didn’t seem as daunting, he could at least try-out and if he didn’t make the team, it would be ok right? Lumos didn’t make his house team after all. He made his way down to the pitch and stood with the other students waiting to try-out, he tried not to look at Bailey too much, he didn’t want anyone to think he would get special treatment, not that Bailey would favour him over someone better.

Once the try-outs got started and it was Nox’s turn to try-out, he stepped forward and cleared his throat. “Nox Walden-Cade, trying out for Beater,” He smiled awkwardly at his sister and the other co-captain, climbed onto his broom and took to the air. It was difficult as a beater because all he could do was sit and wait for bludgers to come to him, or for him to spot them and go after them. He spotted one going after Sofi the girl trying out for seeker so he leaned forward on his broom and shot forward to get between the bludger and her, swung his bat and collided with the bludger sending it flying off away from her. He continued flying around hitting bludgers away from other members of the team, including one from Bailey who hadn’t been paying attention. He hoped that would work in his favour.

Once Nox was finished he returned to the ground and dismounted his broom, thanked both captains and left the pitch. He was nervous to find out his fate but he was pretty happy with how he did.
OOCOut of Character:
Try outs will close in 24 hours. Anyone still wanting to try out should do so ASAP.
Lottie wasn't sure about trying out for quidditch, but she wanted to make more friends and find a group to be apart of. She wasn't necessarily athletic, but it seemed like an option worth trying. She had thought about trying out for a chaser, but Seeker seemed like a better fit, as it was more of a solo activity. Lottie headed down to the field and pulled her hair back into a small ponytail as the captains spoke. She watched as some other classmates tried out before taking a whirl at it.

"I'm Charlotte, but you can call me Lottie. Uh, Williams. Charlotte Williams. I mean, Lottie Williams. I wanna try out for Seeker," she finally got out, clearing her throat before heading up into the air and keeping an eye out for a shiny golden ball. It took a while, but she finally saw it appear and headed towards the flying sphere, trying not to run into any other players as she weaved back and forth. After about three minutes of chasing the thing, she could see it was within her reach and grasped her fingers around the ball tightly, feeling her broom start to nosedive. Lottie held on as she flipped, but quickly held up the ball in triumph with a smile. "Got it!" she called to the captains before letting it go. She never did catch it again, as tryouts ended, but she was proud to have caught it at least once.
OOCOut of Character:
Try outs are now closed, thanks to everyone who tried out. You'll receive a PM in a few days with a link to our first practice.

Seeker (Co-Captain)Bailey Walden-Cade
BeaterSusie Lagowski
Beater (Co-Captain)Marley Owens-Lee
ChaserJonah Edogawa
ChaserOswald Brambleheart
ChaserDominic Owens-Lee
KeeperCallie Cardoso
Alternate SeekerSofi Ayre
Alternate ChaserDaiki Sato
Alternate BeaterCharlotte Astor Williams

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