HP Studio Tours

Alice Hills

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kate v.1 [Main]
Lignum Vitae Wand 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Hi all,
In August I went to the Harry Potter Studio Tours in Kent Watford, London area (I'm shocking at Geography).
Anyway, they are highly amazing and moved me to tears of happiness in many occasions! I'm just wondering if anyone else has gone, and if so, what they thought?
Anyone who doesn't live in England been committed enough to travel?
I think that all people - Harry Potter fans or not - should go.
Anyone got any epic photos to share?
I didn't know there was one in Kent area :o that's so much closer. The one I went to (August 3rd) was all the way in Watford, London.
It was one of the best days of my life (just behind the day I became a couple with my partner). He took me as an early birthday treat. We spent waaaay too much time in the shop. I seriously might just go back just to buy a load of shirts and robes and stoof.
Butterbeer.. BEST. THING. EVER. Way too sickly sweet after a while, though. I'd prefer something with more of a kick and less of a sugar rush.
It was really just so amazing to be there. It was a beautiful day and I had an awesome time. I'd definitely recommend it.
http://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/552603_10152003899465595_254316357_n.jpg (My partner was sorted into Ravenclaw on Pottermore)
http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/418295_10152003929495595_784329688_n.jpg (Me drinking butterbeer.. We went for a few drinks before the tour so I was genuinely a little tipsy xD )

I'd love to go to the Harry Potter in Orlando. Anyone know if it's any good?
ahaha my bad... I completely meant the one in London... I don't even know any more xD but yes, that one! Butterbeer was amazing... we got the recipe online and made it for my sister's 18 hp party! The shop kept us all entertained for aroun 3 hours :r Bought a couple of t-shirts, scarves and a time turned necklace ^_^
Nice pictures :)

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