How's life?

Kamaria Warlock

Well-Known Member
Kam awoke in the earliest of dawn that morning, rising out of bed half asleep and half awake. She had a long sleep last night, not one disturbance must be a new record. It was odd for really, to awake with hours needed of sleep and almost waking up refresh, The Slytherin didn't complain. she slipped on some sweats and wrapped her long hair in a scarf. She tuck every bit away just in case someone saw her as she mad her way upstairs to the owerly. Bed head is unpleasant to wake up to, it took her hours to tame it, best to be safe with a scarf. Kam stepped out of the dorm and head quickly to the towers. Took her about twenty minutes to get there, thank goodness she was still alive by the time she reached the last step. Out of breath and with two letters in hand she gave two addresses to the owl.

She hadn't the slightest clue why she would sent Yvonne a letter but she had her reason for her sister. Truthfully she wanted to see how the girl was holding up. She could be the greatest annoyance in the world, did not stop Kam from wandering about the girl and her whereabouts. She took sight of the morning sun for ten minutes, a minute later after ten she was gone, down those flight of steps to get ready for the day.

Letter said:
Dear Yvonne,
Hey, how are you? I know you hadn't expect me to write but I did, in fact several time over the summer. I'm still waiting for your letter, I don't know but I'm a little worried about you. I know we started out wrong, but it doesn't mean we can't be friends? I mean look at us when we were in school, maybe about the only girl I can relate too. Except Tyrus, if you ever meet him stay away from him, he's a little bit messed up island boys. Island boys are wrong. Anyways getting back to the point. I picked up a lot from the last day of school, it really bother me all summer.

I know life is crud write now, but think about you only have a couple more years till you move out. I have just a few months, but I think I might stay home with my sister. She's all I've got you see my mum's never really been there for me. From the beginning she's been preparing sort of to live alone, didn't know she'd leave any time soon. I still see her and go stay with her, it's not the same. Guess I'm saying everyone have problems, no reason to be bitter all the time.

Anyways I have to go, cheers
At breakfast Yvonne was not expecting yet another letter from Kamaria. If she saw the girl's owl one more time she swore she was going to throw it in a fireplace. Yvonne did not actually plan to kill the owl. Though she was very capable of doing so. Reading Kamaria's letters over the summer actually brought a smile to her face. Enrique had not moved out of the house, so Yvonne was throwing daily tantrums all summer. Seeing her older brother still in the house and alive made her fill up with a indescribable rage. She felt like She was going crazy all summer.

After putting the owl in Durmstrang's Owlery Yvonne headed to her dorm. She decided that being late to a class to reply to Kam was worth it. She sat on her still unpacked trunk and wrote a letter back to her 'friend'.
Letter said:
Dear Kamaria,

Over the summer I was mostly alone. My family left me at our home while they went to visit family in Spain I believe. I was throwing really bad tantrums anyways, so I kind of forced them out of the house. Enrique still has not moved out of the house, and I am very displeased about it. I hated my summer, but reading your letters made me feel better... kind of. Was your summer pleasant? Though I don't really care. It is just something a person is expected to ask, right?

I have perfectly valid reasons to why I am so bitter and rude, but I feel no need to explain them to you. Sorry. I was very disappointed to find out that you transferred somewhere else. I hope you have fun (If you have fun or not does not really matter to me. It is just something people expect me to say.). I was looking forward to studying with you, or whatever. I guess we can try being friends, but I am not good at being friends with anyone. Just a warning.

Yvonne Ramirez
Two letters follow two days letter, one from her sister Lenna and the other Yvonne handwriting could be seen in front of the envelope. She had actually written? Kamaria open Lenna first, her sister was doing well, she misses Kamaria and can't wait to head down for a weekend to see her. The fact she would travel down to see her, made Kam smiled, she was adoring her sister each day, she was actually suiting the role of a mother figure. The next came Yvonne, she read carefully. The message was unclear, to Kam. Who was Enrique and why did her parents deserted her? She bit the inner side of her cheek, reading the letter again. She stop biting when the taste of blood withdrew inside her mouth. poop now I've cut myself. She gets up and summons a cup of water to her desk, using her wand to sprout water and filled up a plastic cup. She drinks it and sits, she writes her letter without a second though, she writes whatever comes in mind.

When she is finished she saves it inside a book. When she has the time, Kam sends it out for Yvonne and Lenna to recieve.

Dear Yvonne,

Who is Enrique and why is he bothering you? How come your parents left you alone, do they not care? I guess we have a lot in common without even knowing. I would say hope it gets better, but as I shouldn't care, I won't. Still as a normal person with her own issues, I do wish it gets better for you. Whatever trouble that you maybe in.

I'm not asking you to be my best friend, how bout we use these letters just to communicate and b!tch about everything that's bothering us? As for the transfer it happen without me knowing, a professor had put my name in a somewhat lottery for this program and I was chosen. When I was told, it was a week before I came here. I did sent you something real quick, although I'm not sure if you get it or not. Who cares anyways, I'm here now. That's the jits of it, if you still need help I will do my best, cause you know that's what enemies do for each other, help each other.

See you whenever,
Yvonne had received Kamaria's letter a few weeks ago, but she was busy studying. She had to make she she got good grades. She had to make sure she got perfect grades. She had to do whatever she could, and then her parents would give her some attention. She just needed a little bit. A tiny bit of attention is what she needed. Acting out was not doing her any good. She needed to try something else, and it had to be efficient. She got Kamaria's letter, reread it and then she started to write.

Enrique is my older brother, and he graduated from Durmstrang last year. He steals all our parents attention, and I do not know how much more I will be able to take. I am deprived of attention at home, and acting out at school is not helping me either. I feel like I am going to break down pretty soon. I don't know if I want to be at Durmstrang anymore. I am so lonely, and it is not fun being lonely. I would try to make friends, but I don't want to get hurt. What should I do?

Yvonne Ramirez

P.S. I apologize for me taking so long to write you such a short letter.
[Tea couldn't lie to herself, she missed getting letters from Yvonne. It's something about being there for someone else that made her just a little bit happy about life, since life was not all about getting grades. That's when she tells herself whenever she was alone or had just fought someone else for a damn book in the library. Strangest situation like this made her think of Yvonne. At least Yvonne didn't get badly beaten like she did to that Slytherin boy, stupid boy. She should've kicked him, maybe he wouldn't have laughed afterwards.

Tea was pleased to get a letter today, she read it briefly, Yvoone was alone too, poor girl. Tea was starting to think of her more and more as a sister, and it sucked when she get letters like this. They shared so much in common too, it was sort freaky. Kinda makes you feel like your not the only person in the world with the same problem. Tea took out her stationary and wrote Yvonne a letter. If she changed a little or something, perhaps Yvonne could stay with her, who knows? She would have to ask her to find out, it won't hurt if she tried. The worst that could happen is Yvonne rejecting her offer.

Letter said:


You are sounding like crap each time you write to me, I don't know what to say. Is there anywhere else you could live with, like extended relatives that could house you while your not in school? If there is someone, then maybe it's best if you ask them if you can stay with them. If not I can ask my sister if you can stay with us, I only have a few months before I;m seventeen, so I don't think she will mind. Tell me if it works or not, I don't want to ask her and then you change your mind. I'm keeping this letter short, take care.


Ps. It's okay, I've been so busy with school too.
Yvonne had put off Kamaria's letter for days. She was thinking about her offer. She definitely did not want to go to Colombia with her grandparents. She did not have enough tolerance for elderly people. She did not want to stay home with her family because she felt like she was going to die. If she could stay with someone Kamaria she would probably be able to breathe again. She would not feel like her head was spinning all the time. Yvonne would actually feel sane for a little in her life. Maybe she could actually change.

Yvonne took the letter Kamaria sent to her and turned it over to the back. She sat on her bed with her legs crossed. She started to write a letter to her 'friend'. She made sure to write carefully and clearly. She was in no rush to do anything afterwards.
Letter said:
Dear Kamaria,

If I say yes to you offer I would have to change right? I have never been cared for in my family really. Once I was able to walk and feed myself my parents turned their attention to their only son. I know that I am mean, unstable, spoiled, stubborn, and a b!tch, but in my mind I have a valid reason for being this way. Maybe later you will be able to find out what I went through as a child, but not now. I think I will take you up on your offer. My parents would probably be happy to get me out of the house. I will be happy to get out of the house. In my house I feel like I am suffocating. Maybe it will be different if I am with you. It is all up to you and your sister whether you take me into your home. I just want you to know that I have issues and a temper. I have not know anyone, other than my family that was able to put up with that.

Yvonne Ramirez
In the following weeks Tea received Yvonne letter. She read it more then once in the day that she received it. To be frank she didn't have the energy to respond back to her for two reason. One she was tired and two her sister letter in the request to have Yvonne moved with her still haven't came. It would be another mouth to feed, Tea already knew that. Yet she was willing to help someone who didn't like living with their parents. She has gone through the same scenario, although it was switch the other way around. Tea still didn't blame her mom for leaving. At least she could still see her whenever she wanted, that counted. tea slept that night hinking what to do. she had no answers by the time she was in a deep sleep.

The next day nothing.

The day after a letter came, this one Lenna. Tea read it during her time in the student lounge. Her sister agreed if the girl needed a place to stay it was okay, one several conditions, she added some points and then she ended the letter with: she your responsibility till she seventeen. Not a problem, the house will be hers too by then. She could handle only because Yvonne would be in school, while she be working somewhere in the U.K. Tea rip a page from her notebook and sent off a quick reply to Yvonne. She ran up the stairs and stop right near the owerly.

Letter said:

When I see you we can talk, okay? But my sister said yes, she says you can stay. When I see you though I'll have to explain what's going to happen and such. Anyways, this letter is super short, sorry I have to get to class and I'm already late.


Tea sent out a small prym owl, it flew away into the distant while she ran back down the stairs to get her stuff and head for class. Freaking stairs, I'll never get use to this.

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