How'd your [insert winter holiday] go?

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
I hope everyone is in the midst of enjoying their day! :hug:

I know Hannukah is long behind us, but I'd still love to hear how your days went for you. ^_^

To all of the Christmas people, how'd it go or how is it going? Did Santa take good care of you? :Santa: :elf:

Do you celebrate another winter holiday that I haven't mentioned? I want to hear how it went for you too! :party:
Christmas has been good to me so far. Got a fair amount of presents and my family were all happy with their presents (I always worry that they don't have enough xD ). Now it's all about getting the dinner started and eatting then lying in front of the tv all day for the various Christmas specials :frantics:
Christmas was very good this year. I'm absolutely broke thanks to all the money I spent on buying presents this year, the Secret Santas, and the all the other money I spent for Christmas related stuff. But it leaves a good feeling in my stomach so I'm not too bothered by it.

I got some pretty good stuff from Santa this year as well. Enough to keep me busy for awhile! Now its time for a ham dinner and family time! :frantics:
My holiday has been pretty good. I spent Christmas Eve with my family, and Christmas with my boyfriend's family.
I've been drunk since like 3pm. Got some pretty cool gifts!
All is good...
I had a good time. My grandma gave me this card with a whole story inside it about Rudolph feeling left out and getting to lead the sleigh. And I got a Tinkerbell doll from Santa which was a huge surprise :D Christmas dinner was a bit crazy. We forgot the mushrooms and stuffing and pretty much everything. :lol:

Hope everyone else had or is having a good winter or summer time. :hug:
I had a great time, though it was very busy! Santa bought me a chocolate nougat pudding, as per tradition. The noises I made eating it may have been vaguely NSFW :lol: :r

I got a sewing machine and a handbag from my family, so I'm pretty happy with that! A little bit of spending money too, which can make up for what I spent at the Boxing Day sales without that money on hand (I bought some new clothes).

I'm also getting a new computer from my dad! I'll be picking that up today, gotta tidy and rearrange my room in order to find a space for it first but I'm very much looking forward to having it.

I was with my aunt for the week which was nice, it was nice to be in an oestrogen filled house for a change. :p We hardly got time to stop though, since it was shopping on Monday, catching up with people on Tuesday, Christmas Day on Wednesday (with its share of family drama, unfortunately), shopping until I dropped on Thursday and more shopping yesterday! Still, I got through a book in that time so that was pretty good.

All in all, it was a lovely time that went by far too quickly. I hope everyone else had a lovely holiday too. :)

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