How to waste time....or not

Cecily Kiernan

Well-Known Member
Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone
Cecily wandered out to the lawn guitar in hand. The days lately had been beautiful, summer really starting to take hold over the grounds of the castle the young girl was just learning to call home. Finding a willow tree that looked appealing, Cecily settled in, shifting she found just the right spot to sit with her back against the tree, her eyes looking over the lake. No matter how many times she came here, she was always in awe of its beauty. Her blue eyes sparkeled as the young girl caught her breath, a peaceful smile spreading over her pretty features. With nimble hands she began to play a simple and yet striking melody on the guitar, simply letting her thoughtswander where they may.
Dylan lay out on the grass by the lake when he started to hear music, being played quite well he may add. At first he thought he might be going crazy, but then spotted where the music was coming from. It came from a girl sitting by a tree. "Nice playing" He yelled, "Can you play anything else?"
Cecily started when she heard a voice yelling, but somehow managed not to miss a single chord. A smile quickly spread across her suprised features as she realized the shouting she had heard had merely come from a boy some distance away. "Thanks" she replied, eyes sparkling with happiness at having been complimented on something she loved. "Sure I can, what would you like to hear?" she yelled over to him, not bothering to stop her playing just yet.
Dylan got a response, he stood up and moved closer to the girl. "Erm, I don't know, what else can you play?" He asked, "I'm Dylan by the way, I don't think I've met you before." He smiled at her, he had met loads of new people recently, "What's you're name?"
Cecily smiled as the boy... Dylan moved closer. She moved slightly to make room for him to sit down in her little area. "Hmmm, I can play a bunch of stuff really. It's my biggest passion. Whenever I get bored or feel lonely, I just play my guitar. Just give me a genre and I'll pick a song to play for you." she said "No, we haven't met. I'm Cecily. It's a pleasure to meet you Dylan" she said, stopping her playing momentarily to hold out her hand to the boy.
"You can play anything?" Dylan didn't believe that, there must be something Cecily didn't know how to play. "Okay so play..." Dylan thought of the first song which came to his head, "..The taking back sunday song, a decade under the influence. Do you know it?"
Cecily smiled at the boy, sensing his disbelief. "I never said I could play anything, just a bunch of stuff" she responded before going right into the song and playing it nearly flawlessly, even going as far as to sing it.... well, part of it, obviously the part where the singing overlapped she couldn't replicate. She smiled at him playfully as she finished, eyes glinting. Cecily never felt more alive than when she was playing. She finished the last line, singing rather than semi-screaming "I got it bad...." She looked into the boys eyes, trying to judge his reaction, though not entirely caring. Cecily had been playing guitar since she was two. She'd been singing before she could talk. This was definately her talent, she'd just been lucky enough to discover it early in life. She went on to quietly play the tune to a Silverstein song as she spoke, "Actually, TBS is one of my favorite bands. I'm pretty much in love with Adam" she said joking with a slight laugh. "So what'd you think Dylan. Got any other requests?" she questioned, flashing him her signature smile.

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