How to Play the Guitar

Damien Blade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Damien walked the corridors of the Hogwarts school.He had his guitar strapped around his back and he had a small manuscript and a pencil and rubber in his pocket.THis is how he looked most days when he wasn't going to class.he usuallu brought his guitar everywhere else with him in case a song came to his head.Since returning to school he had filled up one of his manuscipts already and he had sent a letter to his mam to ask her to send him more.It was weird writing a letter to his mam and not his aunt.For the past ten years of his life he had always relied on his aunt who had raised him.But now he actually had parents,they hadn't abandoned him,they just hadn't been able to take care of him so they had given him to his aunt.he had spent most of hid life thinking they had hated him and he had never been good at making friends because he had thought it his parents didn't like him who else would?Another reason for not having many friends was the fact that he had magic and where he was from he had to hide it because everyone would laugh at him and bully him.He had done a goos job of it until some big bully had seen him so magic,he had told Damien that he was a freak and Damien had been so p!ssed that he had punched him and in the end they had both ended in hospital and Damien had a scar going down his back to prove it.he hadn't gone back to school after that,his aunt had taught him.That was why when he had received the letter he hadn't wanted to go because he believed it was the cause of all his misery but after class and some persuasion from his friends he had learned to love magic and was becoming a fast learner.He had made his way to the North Tower,he liked it up there and maybe he might feel the insipration for a song up there.When he walked up there he sat down on a bench and closed his eyes.
Andrea just finished her homework and was quite happy. Two things eventually went great this day for Andi. First of all, she had another extra pumpkin pie to much her guts out today at lunch and second of all, she finished her homework without any single fuss. Andrea walked with a happy face plastered around her young face as she made her way through the North Tower. The Student Lounge has always been Andi's favorite place in Hogwarts but today, it seems to be a bit crowdy and Andi hates it when she's in a place that has lots of people occupying it. Andrea climbed up the long staircase that was connecting the seventh floor and the North Tower. Fortunately, the stairs aren't changing like they always do so Andrea can climb up the Tower without worrying that the stairs are going to change any second. Andrea was surely going to miss Hogwarts when she goes on a break when the school year finishes. Even though there had been a lot of times when she felt like going home, Andrea eventually survived her freshman life for there had been lots of wonderful friends that helped her throughout the year and she knows will help her until the end of the school year.

When Andrea finished climbing up the annoying staircase, she stopped on her tracks to take a peek inside the Tower. A boy was already occupying it. She didn't know who but his silhouette looks pretty familiar. He was facing the windows while Andrea was looking through the open door so she couldn't really see his face. Wanting to know who the boy is, Andrea went in and asked the boy "Um, excuse me? May I-" and suddenly stopped her breathe when the boy turned around and faced her. Andrea suddenly remembered the boy's young facade.
Damien was humming a tune in his head and strumming various chords and notes on the guitar,he was also writing down notes on his manuscript.His hands were going from guitar to pencil every few he turned the page to the next page he realized he only ad one page left. "Damn"he said under his breath.He made a mental note to send an owl to his mom to send him a new one.It was still weird having that frame of mind and knowing that his parents were waiting for him when he came home.It was one of the best feelings he had ever fet in his life before and it was one he wanted to feel for the rest of his life.It was still hard to believe that his mam and dad were waiting for him that he could send a letter to them.Sometimes he had nightmares that,this had all been a dream and that none of it was true but it was great when he woke up and realized that it had all been a nightmare.As he was finishing up the last page of his manuscript her heard someone come up the stairs.He wasn't really interested because he was too much in music making mode.However when he heard the person's footsteps come closer to him,his concentration became more focused on his surroundings.He turned around when he heard a familiar voice. "Oh hey Andrea"He said smiling,he hadn't talked to her since before the holidays but something about her face,stopped his smile "You okay?"He asked concerned
Andrea wasn't quite ready to meet Damien yet. She was still bummed about him saying he'd let Andrea sing the next time he sees her. Although, it had been a pretty nice day when the Gryffindors met. It was at the library to be precise. The two had had a rough start but it turned out quite well at the end. Though, the two started laughing their heads off and they'd received some pretty annoyed looks too but the two didn't really cared since they enjoyed each other's company. Andrea wasn't only terrified about Damien hearing her sing. She was also terrified about what his opinion on Andrea's new hair will be. She wasn't sure if he'd like it or not. it wasn't really her fault, it was her mother that dyed her hair blonde since she obsessed blonde girls way too much. Andrea hadn't protested over this though but only because the day her mother dyed her hair was her birthday and Andi didn't really want to hurt her feelings. Her younger brother protested though since he doesn't really like blondes and because he thinks he looks like a boy version of barbie. Andrea's hair has been trimmed also so it was more fresh looking. Andrea's jaw was hanging open as Damien look at her with confused expression on his face. Damien had been pretty nice at first when he greeted Andrea but his happy smile faded when she saw her expression. He even asked if she was alright. After a few seconds, Andrea recovered herself from too much shock and managed to give him a fake smile. "Hi D!" she said all cheerfully, fake of course as she came inside the room and walked towards the direction of the bench Damien was sitting and sat down beside him. "Oh,I'm fine I was just surprised to see you here. It's really a coincidence". Andrea said, while turning her gaze away from Damien and giving herself a hard poke on the thigh.
It was only after looking at her for a few minutes that he noticed the change in hair color,it was also shorter too.He wondered why she had changed it,it had been perfectly nice before hand but girls seemed to like to change their hair.he thought it looked pretty nice but he really didn't know much abut these things so he hoped she didn't ask him his opinion because to him appearences didn't matter.Damien knew something was up because even though he had met her once Damien was good at guessing people's feelings.There was something bothering her and she wasn't saying it and that made Damien even more determined to find out what was wrong.He tried to think of anything that happened in their last meeting that would make her act like this because he was almost sure that he had said something to make her act like this and he didn't like the fact that someone he enjoyed being around was acting as if she didn't want to be around him.He racked his brains for something,something that he had missed.He remembered they hadn't started off very well but that had mostly been his fault and he was still a tiny bit embarrassed with his reaction but he was almost over.He remembered going outside the library so Andi could hear him sing and then,he realized why she didn't look very happy to see him.He had said next time we meet I'll make you sing.She obviously really didn't want to sing but knowing that she had tried to avoid him over it made him more determined to get her to sing.She had had the makings of a lovely voice when she had sung for him,it was the fact that she had never even heard of music before hand that had made her voice the was it had been.He listened to her and watched her carefully knowing she was faking it. "Listen Andi,I know why your acting like this and you don't have to be worried"He said smiling,if she really,really didn't want to do it he would let her off,he wasn't that mean but he didn't like knowing that he could be preventing someone from discovering a real talent. "Anyway,how was your holidays?"He asked changing the subject,he would get back to the music later on,first he wanted to catch up on everything that had happened since before the holidays
Andrea was faking the big smile that was plastered on her face. She wasn't quite sure though if Damien was buying it but she hopes he is. Andi was still a bit intimidated about the singing part. She hasn't try singing before but as far as she's concerned she's awful. She thinks singing is just not her thing. Damien, here has a golden voice and of course he deserves to share it in the world and be famous for it. Andrea just doesn't think her career will work out fine as a singer. She keeps telling herself that she should just stick to basketball and stop trying out new things for she is afraid that she cannot accept a "failure". Although, Andrea asked her mom over the holidays if she knew what songs are. Apparently, her mom did knew although she herself was not a huge fan of music. She'd introduced some old songs from the year 2011 some 90's songs also and some 80's. Andrea had started growing some kind of interest about the certain subject though she can't seem to bring herself out of her shell. She tried singing a song once although she thinks she's not good at it. It was, in fact, the only song that she knows. The song she'd been playing over and over again back when she was in her holidays but she was afraid that anyone was going to overhear her singing it and make fun of her. She was sure Damien won't do that since he's not that kind of person but she was afraid Damien might not like her voice and it would be very embarrassing. Andrea looked at Damien as he looked at her with a curious yet anxious expression. The first thing that struck Andi's mind was her hair. She quickly touched when she realized it and gave Damien a nervous look "Do I look bad?" she said, as a frown curled up on the right side of her lips. Later, Andrea sensed the feeling that Damien wasn't really buying her fake reaction. Andrea gritted her teeth for she knew that any second now Damien will break the news to her and that he wants Andrea to sing in front of him. Damien tried calming Andi down though since she was gritting her teeth really hard. When Damien said he didn't have to be worried, he just gave him a sheepish smile and silently sighed. Fortunately, for Andrea, Damien changed the subject so she left her nervous mood and went back into her usual mood. Her face brighten up when Damien changed it and he was glad. "My holidays went fine. I got this from my dad" She said cheerfully, showing Damien the red cap her dad gave her. "How was yours?" She asked, giving him a happy smile.
Since entering Hogwarts Damien had changed a lot.Before coming here he was really quiet and always tried to go unnoticed.That was the only way you could survive unless you were tough and were shaped like an elephant.The fact that magic would burst out from him and the most in appropriate times made it that little harder to fit in.Music had been his only way of expressing himself.Most of his earlier music is angry and emotional.As he had grown up it had gotten more angry and his parents.Sometimes is was about him being scared.He had thought there was something seriously wrong with him.His aunt had been worried too even though she had tried not to show it.Magic had been a big pain in the back side when he was younger.It had caused a whole lot of problems and it was because of it he had gone to hospital a lot.Now that he was actually learning magic and he was around people just like him it made him like magic more and he was realizing that it had basically saved his life.Before here he had barely known how to write his name and now he knew that and a whole lot more.He now had the chance of a life.He had never really believed that he would make a career out of music,he still wasn't sure but now he had options and it ws something he wasn't going to take for granted.Damien was brought out of his dream land when he heard Andrea speak again.He wasn't sure what she had said,but when she touched her hair he guessed it was that "It's lovely"He said smiling hoping that made her feel better.He really was hopeless at fashion,hair or make up,it just was't his thing.He smiled when she showed him the cap "Nice,they were grand,moved in with my mom"He said smiling.He couldn't remember whether he had told her about his family situation so he left it at that and she would wither get it or not."Did you read the new school magazine?"he asked curiously.
Music has also been rotten for Andrea ever since Damien brought the subject up. She was very clueless at first and sad to say she's still until now. She also found out that her mother indeed knew what music was as well as her father but the topic hasn't really been an interest among Andrea's parents that's why she knew nothing of it. Even her younger sister Nicolette knows what is. Andrea only knows one song though. Her mother taught her the song when she begged for her to. Music has been of the things that interest Andrea most these days all thanks to Damien for introducing it to her. Other people may find Andrea's being clueless to music a bit irrelevant and weird but it's not like it's her fault. Yes, she's heard music before but she hadn't known what is was called until Damien told her eventually. Andrea's hair has been swaying endlessly as the warm Autumn breeze kept on coming towards her. Andi noticed Damien's bangs sway a little also showing more of his light brown hair. Andrea's hair would remain stubbornly dark brown if her blonde-obsessed mother hadn't attacked her with a blonde dye she bought at a boutique for three dollars and ninety-nine. If only that time her mother attacked her was not her birthday then her mom could never get away with it. But unfortunately, it was her mom's birthday and Andi's father told her to just let go and make her mother do all the work. To Andrea's regret, she did and her current hair was the result. "Are you sure? Mostly, I think I look like a darn Barbie only uglier". Andrea remarked, as she watched Damien with a curious expression. Damien seemed to be out from the conversation. Like he was daydreaming or something. Andrea shot Damien a strange look at first. "What do you mean you moved in with your mom?" She asked all anxiously. Damien hadn't told her anything about his family and Andrea hadn't either. "Uh. No. Have you?" She asked and answered at the same time when Damien asked her if she had read the school paper. Andrea isn't really fond of reading so it wasn't as if it was unusual for her to.
Damien had grown up in a world of music.Music had been and still is his aunt's passion.Not a day went by when he didn't have a song played to him or sung to him.He had grown up with this everyday and it must of rubbed off because he loved music and it was now his passion.The day he had gotten a guitar had been one of the best days of his life.The only time it wasn't by his side was at school and sometimes when he went to bed.Some nights he had gone to sleep with it,usually a cold night because he didn't want it going out of tune and the cold was always doing that.They had never had central heating in his old home and it had been a big surprise to him when he had come to Hogwarts and he was actually warm during the night.It had been a nice feeling and he was glad that his mam had central heating because it had been horrible going back to his cold house after Hogwarts.He didn't know where he would be with out his music.It was his everything and it helped him when he was down.There was a nice breeze blowing in on them and Damien was looking forward to winter.He wouldn't enjoy much of it though because back in New York it would be in the middle of summer.He was looking forward to the long days and short nights.He hoped his mam would take him on a trip,he had never been anywhere but New York in America.He wanted to do some exploring and discover more about his home country.Damien laughed "It's fine,quite nice but why did you change it?"He asked curiously,He always wondered why woman and girls changed the color of their hair wasn't it fine the way it was."Oh,well I was living with my aunt all my life and I moved in with my mom"He said keeping it brief.It was a long story and he would maybe tell her it someday,he wasn't in the mood at the moment."I read a bit,complete rubbish really,just someone telling every bodies secrets,you'd think people would have more to do with their day"He said frowning.He just thought it was plain rude and mean and to be honest he thought it was complete rubbish.SO what if it was true,like he cared about someone cheating on another person,or the quidditch match,diseases and bruises.There were much more interesting things to read.Or maybe that was just him.
Ever since the day she saw her father playing basketball with one of his friends, Andrea grew sudden interest of the sport. She didn't knew why. Every time she plays basketball there was something inside her that always feels good. Win or lose she'll always love the sport. Andrea was quite sure Damien also felt that same feeling about music. For Andrea, basketball is like her destiny or something. She always loves doing it. She feels just about the same towards art though she kept criticizing herself that she's not good. For a brave and tough kid like Andi, she's not really what people call a "confident person", at least towards something she's not sure she's good. Music is something Andrea only discovered last year when she and Damien first met. He had introduced music to her. But it seems like she has a different feeling about it. She wasn't sure if the feeling was positive or negative but she was sure it was quite unique. Andrea looked at the room. She had been in the North Tower a couple of times before. The view was breathtaking. It always reminded Andi of her neighborhood. Andrea took her glance away the view. The North Tower was known in Hogwarts for it's beautiful view, it's cool breeze and it's uniqueness among other places in Hogwarts. Andrea was quite far away from the corner of the Tower but she can see the view very clearly. The breeze was also cold and was the kind of breeze that usually occur when the season is very near to Winter. Andrea shrugged when Damien laughed. Barbies always look rotten. Andrea doesn't know why but for some reasons whenever she looks at barbie she gets this huge amount of feeling of being disgusted. "Well, I didn't change it. It was my mom." She said, with a shrug and looked at Damien in the eyes with an embarrassed yet mad feeling inside of her. She wasn't sure if she should tell Damien her mother's blonde hair obsession but she figured Damien was already a close friend that she could trust with her secrets. "You see, she's obsessed with blondes. Ever since her boss happen to be this blonde model, she became furious of making me one too." She went on, "And when I went back home in the Holidays, it was her birthday and she told me she only want one thing for her birthday and that was to turn me and my younger brother into a freakin' barbie and I really can't decline her offer since it was her birthday and wouldn't it be bad if I rejected my own mother, especially on her bithday?" She said with a sad but regretful look on her face, she shrugged and her sad expression blurred on her face. "Oh well, it's better this way I guess, since my hair is so much shorter and more easier to comb" She said, rolling her eyes. "But let me ask you D, do I look better with this blonde hair or do I look better back when I was a brunette?" Andrea wanted to know. Andrea gave Damien a strange look. She hadn't really had a clue on what Damien was talking about. "What do you mean you lived with your aunt your whole life?" Andrea asked once more. She didn't meant to be sounding rude but she wad just clueless. Apparently her current status was more alike when she hadn't known what music was. "Well, that's sad. I always thought the school magazine was cool." Andrea said with a frown curled up on her mouth. "You know since the Ravenclaws wrote them, I just assumed they were interesting". She added, with the same frown on her lips.
Damien parent's hadn;t been what he had dreamed they would be.His mom was actually now becoming a successful businesswoman and his dad was training to become a teacher.Never in his wildest dreams had he expected that.He would of just been happy with two parents but now he actually had a big house,running water and central heating.These were all new things to Damien,to have in his house anyway.Another big thing was that he would actually be living in a house not a flat,that was a huge thing for Damien.When he had first saw Hogwarts his mouth had dropped to the ground.He had never thought that he would ever call something like that school or home.he actually hadn't seen where he would be living his mom wanted it to be a surprise for him,.Sadly his parents weren't together,they had gone their seprate ways,but they had been meeting to see when they would tell him.They had been organizing for when he could come live with them.They had always wanted it but their personal addictions and problems with money had been a barrier.They had had to go through a whole pile of paper work too and their homes had to be checked to see if it was suitable for him to live in.Luckily everything had gone to plan and he would soon be living in his moms house which was in Boston.It would be weird not returning to New York,it had been his home for ten years and he would definitely miss it.He was moving to a completely different city and he was beginning a whole new life.It was a scary concept but Damien had prepared himself for it.This was all going to be for the better and he was finally going to be living with a blood parent.He was of course going to miss his aunt Chloe terribly but she was moving on with her life too and all in all everyone was moving on and starting a new life.He had been waiting for this ever since he had been old enough to realize how much he wanted a proper family.Damien smiled and nodded,he had doubted that she had changed the color of her hair out of her own free will.She didn't seem like that type of girl to Damien.He listened to her as she explained her story.He had to admire her for letting her mom do that,she really did love her,not that he ever doubted that she didn't,all kids loved their parents.They were everything.He didn't like being asked his opinion because he was afraid he would say something wrong and she shouldn't really trust his judgement.He looked at the hair for a few minutes. He had to admit he liked it short and maybe the hair was a bit blond for his liking but it wasn't that bad "Overall I'd go with the blond or maybe a darker shade,I don't know really"He said ,secretly hoping he hadn't offended "I don't think you look like a barbie"He added.Damien looked at his hands,he mustn't of told her then "Well,you see when I was a baby my parents couldn't take care of me because of their addictions and my aunt took me in and raised me for the past ten years until over the break when I met my parents for the first time"he said a huge grin on his face.That moment had probably been the best in his life.Nothing would top it. "yeah I think it's a different one,it's all about the secrets of people that no one except for them is supposed to know"He said idly strumming his guitar strings
It was June and the season was still autumn. Andrea had nothing against autumn except for the crunching leaves, that is. The strong wind that went by her didn't bother her at all. Because this time, she managed to wear a sweater. A form-fitting sweater to be exact. More of a cardigan really. If you asked Andrea, she'd said she looked awful. The thick yet form-fitting sweater only made it look very clear that she was skinny. It made her skinnier as a matter of fact. Honestly, Andrea has been trying very hard to gain weight. The fact that she’s physically active only makes the situation harder for her. Even though she's skinny, Andrea's quite strong. Another skill that brought her to the Gryffindor house. Andrea likes many food groups. She practically eats every food group except for the vegetable group. No matter how hard she tries, she still remained stubbornly carnivorous. Every time she forces herself to consume a lettuce or an eggplant, her tongue starts whining which eventually causes her to spit the veggie out. Andrea tugged her sweater uncomfortably. Honestly, the sweater her mother gave her for Christmas last year wasn’t quite overwhelming for Andrea’s skin. Clothing was another story. Andrea isn't really that fashionable girl type. Usually, she just grabs whatever clothing her hand first lands on and put it on. Being trendy isn't really on her list. Her hair is a whole different story too. Even though she's now blonde and she's getting the hand of being one, a small part of her still kept insisting that she looks awful and should change her hair back. She ignores this part though since she doesn't want to offend her mother. She honestly doesn't know what Damien might reply to her question but as long as it isn't insulting she'll be fine with it. Not like Damien is going to say anything insulting because he's a good person. He's pretty innocent-looking if you asked Andrea.Andrea shrugged when Damien told her he'd go with the blond. Andrea liked her old hair but being was is fine with her. She raised an eyebrow when Damien told her he doesn't think she looked like a barbie. "That's great, I guess. Hair color is always confusing." Andrea said, the last part full of sarcasm. Her sarcastic remark ought to be a joke really. Andrea's face clogged with concern when Damien explained why he lived with his aunt his whole life. She laid a hand on his shoulder and gently pat it. "I am so sorry about that. I'm glad though that you finally lived in with your mom." She said, with concern. "Well that's stupidity. They shouldn't just go off and write the secrets of certain people without their permission -Wait, don't tell me what I said was true. I mean, did they just really wrote the secrets without the permission from the keeper whatsoever?" She remarked disgustingly and asked anxiously. Andrea rested her eyes on the huge thing that Damien was holding. He was strumming it strings. It looked pretty foreign to Andrea yet it made sounds. "What's that?" She asked anxiously and she pointed the the big thing her fellow freshman was holding.

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