How to Make Awesomesauce Banners in GIMP

Lemina Troque

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12 3/4" Black Walnut/ Maple Essence of Silver Thistle
(At the request of various users. Kudos to Steph Shirley for the name.)

Most people on HNZ used to just use the skills of the few able banner makers, and be done with it. But now, more and more people are deciding that they would like to have a shot at making their own banners. The majority, like I did, think ‘It’ll be fun, and I might get an OK banner. So, what do I need to get started?’ They have heard people going on about this marvellous Photoshop (PS) and decide to check it out. But then, they realise this great software comes with a great price tag. And definately don’t think that their banners - no matter how good they get - will ever be worth around £400/$600 (thereabouts).

So what’s the next best thing? I’ve tried a few completely free image editors and seen the results that they produce. The most advanced is definitely GIMP, as a lot of HNZ users have discovered. The only downside, making it produce anything decent is like finding a needle in a haystack (without the use of magnets).

And that’s where this tutorial comes in. I’ve spend almost a year attempting to find the needle, and have come pretty close. But it’s definitely not easy. So – at the request of a few users – I’ve decided to write up a set of tutorials. Below is the table of contents, which will tell you exactly what I’ve done so far and what is coming up.

If you need help with any of the tutorials, feel free to just leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you with help. Hopefully this helps some people out. If you have any suggestions of tutorials, let me know and I'll consider it. Whilst I've taylored these to GIMP, most of the skills can be transferred to PS or other image editors. Heck, I know I read plenty of PS tutorials ^_^ I'd appreciate it if people left comments here about the tutorials as well, anything I can improve?

Happy GIMPing!

You will need a PDF viewer to view the files. Also, they may take a few moments to load, hopefully not too long. Sorry about this, but it would be too messy and take too long to just view it on the board. If you do not have a PDF viewer and would still like to view these, then I am able to email them to you, just PM me :p

(1) Getting Started
(2) Saving and Uploading
(3) ‘Cutting’ out an Image
(4) Adding a Border
(5) Adding a Background
(6) Adding Stripes
(7) Downloading and Installing Fonts
(8) Adding Text
(9) Text Effects
(10) Bolding, Underlining and Italicising Text
(11) Making ‘non-rectangular’ Banners
(12) Colour Changing
(13) How to Add Smaller Pictures
(14) How to Create [Different] Links Within Your Banner
(15) How to Download, Install and Use Brushes
(16) Glow Effects
(17) Layer Modes
(18) Awesomesauce Banners: The Complete Guide


If have trouble creating the stripe for tutorial (6) then feel free to copy the image below, paste it into GIMP, copy again, and then pick up from where you are told to create a new layer.

If this still doesn't work, then I have prepared a 500 x 300 box of stripes that can be used. They are just black, but you can change the colour of them if you would like using the method I outlined in the tutorial.

Disclaimer I would just like to point out that since starting these tutorials I have moved onto Photoshop. I now admit that this is a better graphics editor than GIMP [don't shoot me!] but overall - incorporating value for money - I still say you should stick with GIMP if you are just messing around with it for a few HNZ siggys. I did not get it solely for HNZ - even though that is what I use it for most. :lol: I still intend to finish these tutorials sometime, keep GIMPing ^_^

Aww, thanks Ari and Greg, I appreciate the comments ^_^
I'm gonna finish these too, one day... :oy:
The instruction things were working the other day, and now I can't see them D:

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