Closed how to be alone

Eurydice Nightray

princess • wanting to be seen • sweet
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Curly 17 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
It was rare for Eurydice to be outside of the castle, but it was hard to resist going outside when the snow and the frozen lake looked so nice. It was probably going to be the last snowfall since spring was already coming fast. Still, she figured she would enjoy the last of the cool weather before spring and, eventually, summer rolled around. And so here she was, sitting on a blanket out in the snow right by the frozen lake, wand out as she waved it around and played around with casting bluebell flames.
As long as the bugs were not biting, Imogen Styx-Cade could tolerate being outside. Oh, and if people started to sweat, then she hated being around them. She didn't sweat. She glistened. That was different. And now, it was cold and she was bundled up. She approached the lakeside and wondered if the ice was enough to really freeze enough to where she could ice skate. "Oh, sitting on the ground can be gross, you know," Imogen threw out there when she saw her classmate Eurydice Nightray. From the last name alone, Imogen knew better than to be a complete bully. "Did your parents charm it for you to repel water and bugs?"
Eurydice looked around as someone spoke, searching for the source of the voice. Her eyes narrowed a little as she examined who she thought must be one of William's cousins. By the lack of Gryffindor boy attached, her guess was she must be the Slytherin twin, Imogen Styx-Cade. Eury had never had any beef with the girl, in fact, they'd never really interacted at all. She was more familiar with Esme through the random truth or dare that both of them had participated in. Still, it didn't hurt to be cautious, but it must be alright since Eury already had her wand out. She wasn't defenseless, she told herself. "Mhmm. Mum's work and probably Miss Zeeny's," she said with a nod. She wasn't about to pretend how house elf magic worked but she liked to think that what Mum couldn't do with clothes and fabric, Miss Zeeny could. And her blanket had been useful whenever she'd been sitting outside.

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