How Things Have Changed

Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Kate was sitting down at the kitchen table eating her breakfast. It was a beautiful spring morning and the sun was shinning into the kitchen. Kate loved mornings like this, she especially loved spring. Everything was waking up and beginning again. It was such a beautiful time of the year.She had still not gotten used to the mentality that they were in the month October. It was only in the past year she has lived in New Zealand full time. Before hand she has been swapping between the time zones. She was more used to it now, it didn't affect her, she was actually enjoying living in New Zealand, it was a lot like Ireland, climate wise. She loved living with Stefan, it was perfect for Kate. She was going along with her studies and she was really enjoying it. She was happy that she had finally figured out what she wanted to do with her life, it had taken her long enough to come to this conclusion but what mattered was that she had finally found her calling in life. It was hard though, since she had gone to Hogwarts she hadn't learned any muggle subjects, it would be a long time before she would be qualified to teach but Kate liked the revision. It gave her something to do during the day. She did have a weekend job, she had to earn money, she didn't want to be relying on her parents all her life and Kate was twenty, she needed to be depending on herself. She was living her own life and although it was not what she had planned, it was even better. She loved Stefan and though he sometimes had his bad times, they were coping and getting past it. Lydia and Ty were around often and Kate loved having kids around the house, though they weren't that much younger than herself really.

Kate went to the fridge to put back the milk. She frowned when she saw how low they were on supplies. Checking her watch, she figured the shops would be open by now. Putting her bowl and glass away, "Stefan?"Kate called, looking around the house. He had't been in bed when she had woken up but she presumed he had been around the house somewhere or maybe outside. She figured he was off doing his own thing. She left Stefan a quick note before throwing on her sunglasses she walked a bit away from the house before apparating to the outside of the near by town. Kate was surprised to see that she was actually quite warm in just her t-shirt. It was a small bit breezy but otherwise it was lovely. The day was still heating up from the previous night. Walking into the local supermarket, Kate did her rounds and bought the necessary necessities. She even bought a few treats, maybe she and Stefan could watch a film tonight. Once she had bought her shopping she decided she had time for a quick cup of tea. There was a cute coffee shop, at the end of the street.It was never too busy at this hour of the morning. Walking in, she pushed the glasses to the top of her head. She ordered a cup of tea and a nice looking smartie cookie. She found herself a table and set the shopping bags down. Luckily, Kate always had a book stashed in her bag. She took it out and began to read.
Sapphire had her jumper over her shoulder as she looked around the shops. Her sister Petite had called her over because her brother Wolfgang was about to be let go from St. Mungo's. Had just about been when he went into a full rage in the cafeteria of the mental ward and had to put on lock down. Sapphire had spent the rest of the afternoon comforting the hit witch. In reality she had seen this as unexpected miracle because not even the healers treating him had been sure that they would be able to take off a lot of the spell damage that Wolfgang suffered over the years and heal his mind. He was a wolf man and there where chanced that he would always remain a wolf man. Still she let Petite lean on her shoulder and cry her black tears until she was better. Now Sapphire was free, not that she had been in a great hurry to leave her sister's side but seeing the signs that where still around of Dympna's damage always did a number on her normally happy life.

Sapphire loved her life now. Her books had taken off better than she had ever expected, she was keeping in constant contact with Vreal Graves who she hoped soon would turn into a boyfriend because he was just that sweet, and she had a circle of friends in L.A who where just so much fun to be around. She never really liked to look back at what her life had been like but it was never in her nature to turn down someone from her extended family. She here she was in New Zealand in the middle of spring a time when she was meant to be happy, feeling as if there had to be something more that she could do to help Petite and Wolfgang. Sapphire found herself in front of a coffee shop and decided that she might as well feed her caffeine addiction. After placing an order for a latte she took a seat and looked around. She giggled to herself, remembering the first time she had met Vreal it had been in a place much like this one. Her crystalline blue gaze caught on to the hair of a brunette she hadn't seen in a long time. "Kate Moon?" She called out. The worst that would happen was that she would call the wrong person and she would be emberessed.
Kate had been keeping an eye out on her two siblings. She didnt hear from Star much as she was traveling around the world. Kate was glad that her little sister was making her own way in the world. She had always been so quiet and shy and Kate was glad that Star had broke out of the shell. Kate had been kind of worried, she had felt bad that she hadnt taken more care of her. She had been left behind and Kate had been too wrapped up in her own problems but she was paving the way for her own life and Kate was extremely happy for her. Then there was Ryan. He was reallt enjoying himself over in the US and Kate was really looking forward to hearing his band play. She had heard a lot about it and she couldnt wait to see them. Kate loved concerts. She hadnt been to too many concerts herself but she jus loved listening to music live. He was doing so well compared to a couple of years ago. He had een in a real messand thankfully with the help of Sara he had taken control of his life. Then Sara was almost an auror, she had her dream job and Kate was just so happy for them all. The family was in such a better place compared ti a few years ago.

Kate was rather engrossed in her book. It was good, she was enjoying it. It took her a few minutes to realize that her phone was ringing. She wad still fairly new with the phones. Technology hadnt worked in Hogwarts and she wasnt really into it. She had a fairly mediocre phone ehich worked perfectly for Kate. She coyld ring and text and go on the internet. She wasnt a huge user of the internet. She was a bit behinf that way. But Kate and stefan didnt need technology. There was a laptop at the house which she used for assaignments. Research was realky the only time she used the internet. It was Star on the phone. Dhe was currently in Italy. Kate smiled as Star excitedly explained her recent adventures. After a brief phone call. But it brightenened up Kates day even more. Kate turned when she heard her name. She almost couldnt believed her eyes "Sapphire!"She said disbelievingly her mouth still open. She stood up and walked over to Sapphire and gave her a hug "Its great to see you, how have you been?"
Sapphire couldn't believe it either. Her old friend and co-conspirator in the Hogwarts String Experiment. She got up and returned the hug. "Oh my gods Kate it's fan bloody tastic now that see you. I've been good. Made a name for myself in the Wizarding writing world writing comic books and novels. How about you? You and Stefan still a thing?" She asked remembering the relationship issues that plagued the girl back in Hogwarts. She immedetly thought that it may have been the wrong thing to ask seeing as most who she had met had not had much luck in keeping their old sweethearts but she said it now and there was no way to take it back. Sapphire just smiled wide and hoped that she realized that it was just something that just fell out of her mouth.

She looked Kate up and down and smiled. "You look good girl!" She said brightly. She took a seat again and gestured to a seat next to her telling her it was open for to sit. She was running into everyone now. She was grateful for it too because though she had friends in L.A she did miss the people she hung out with here. She loved it. Sapphire beamed as her coffee came and she started sipping waiting for Kate's answer.
Kate and Sapphire had started their own string group. Kate hadn't played her violin much since leaving Hogwarts. Seeing Sapphire reminded Kate of her more musical past. She hadn't really indulged into playing her violin or singing. Kate realised she actually quite missed it. She had been focusing so much on her studies she had forgotten what she loved to do. Kate realised she had sort of zoned out from the conversation. But she did heard the end of Sapphire's sentence. "Wow that's fantastic"Kate said excitedly. This was amazing news, she made a mental note to look out for one of Sapphire's books. "What are they called? She asked curiously. Kate smiled at the mention of herself and Stefan. Things had been much more different when she had last met Sapphire. "Yus, we are, living together now actually"Kate said smiling "What about you, anyone in your life."She asked

Kate laughed "You're looking fantastic yourself girl"She said following Sapphire and sitting down again. She was looking great. In Hogwarts the two had been in the public eye for the wrong reasons. It was a part of her life Kate didn't like to remember. It had been complete rubbish of course but that hadn't stopped the rumours .
Sapphire still noodled around in instruments every once in a while but mostly her life was her comics and her novels. She realized that Kate had spaced out on her a little bit which was quite fine by her. It was saved her from some embarrassment. "That would depend on what you're looking for. The whole thing is called The Overworld Chronicles but there are two series with in that world. The first is a drama called The Life and Times of Carlotha White which is a bit of a romance with a twist then there is The Adventures of Captain James Silica which speaks for itself. Both are a lot of fun to read so I'm told." She said humbly. Though she liked her work and pored her heart into it she never tried to dictate what other people would think of it. She had her critics like all artists and she listened to them if the criticism was constructive and leaving the rest to their opinions of her art and writing.

"Congratulations on that. Goodness knows you deserve it after what we went through. Me on the other have been hopping around since graduation. Part of L.A life I guess. Though I have met some interesting guys since starting to live there. I don't know if you follow Muggle music but I'm seeing the lead singer of a band called Traitors. He's nice and so sweet." She said with a bright grin on her face. She would didn't like to admit it but what she had gone through with her home life and combination with what happened to her at Hogwarts left her with some rather difficult relationship issues that she was still working through. She really did hope that Vreal was the one to help her fix them but only time would tell. For now they where having fun and that's what mattered. Sapphire merely smiled when Kate said she looked fantastic. If anything she had gotten more ink done. "And what else are you doing with yourself?" She asked leaning forward on the table.

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