How Much For That Banner In The Window? [C]

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Emily Reid

OOC First Name
I would like <this person> to fill my request.

Banner Request Form
Character's Name: Emily Reid
Banner Type: Blendy Blend!
*Banner Size: Your natural!
Celebrity you're using: Emma Stone!
Images on banner: Any of her in the AQUA!
*Background Image: Keeping =)
*House Crest/Dark Mark: None
Text on banner: Her name and "Now you see me..."
*Fonts on banner: Something like this, though if you have something better, feel free =)
*Colour Scheme: This one
*Border colour/size: Thin black one.

*Other: Thanks again ahead of time

Avatar Request Form
Character Name: Emily Reid
Image(s): This One (Zoom in on the face.)
Text (if any): None
*Font Colour:
*Border Thin black one.

Hey :)

How's this:


I can change anything or start again with different images if you want, its up to you ^_^


Let me know what you think,


While i do like that one, I meant the other dresses, maybe they're light blue (To be God awful honest, I'm color deficient with my blues and reds) If you don't mind trying with thouse images, I will most likely also use the banner that you have now. Also, the avatar looks awesome.
No, its my fault, i completely blanked as to what you wanted... i was really tired and assumed it was a name of a film or shoot or something xD


How's this?? ^_^

Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)
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