how many times must i change the topic title to get your attention?

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Frances Spade

Well-Known Member
Hey Guys, so I adopted Frances here and currently she's a Slytherin, but I've requested a change over to Beauxbatons so there are girls to rp with around her age, haha, anyways that's not why we are here is it? Of course not.


Her half-brother who she doesn't know about....yet!

His name can be anything, he can come from anywhere. If you are interested in making this guy for me post here and I'll PM you the details about what I basically think his life has been and what parent he shares with Frances and anything else I can think off. Thanks :)

I didn't really think it'd come to this, but my friend gave me a character of hers and I can't keep up with her or a few others of mine because they don't interest me. Now I can't say that she won't come back and wonder about this girl, but she told me if she does come back she'll make a new character anyway.

Schyler Johnson second year Ravenclaw Currently. Smart. Her parents own a music producing buisness and you can do whatever with her I guess.

Kayden Night. For this second year Hufflepuff, I'd appreciate a enthusicatic rper who will be willing to play my character, Georgiana Night's brother. A serious rper is what I'd like to see and you can take this guy to anything you believe will suit him.

The next two I haven't been able to go on recently, but I'm not certain about giving them up so they'd have to go to a good home and you need to be able to convince me why you want them.

Maximilian Jez. He is basically developed as a character, as a few threads right now that need replying too. His roommate is Noah at Durmstrang and Adalyn is his best friend but he doesn't act like it. He makes allt eh clothes he wears, so he really isn't the protective type and ignores the rumors about his sister. :)

Jordan Trace Vanderhol :wub: I may end up not giving him away cause I love the little guy but there isn't much I've been able to do with him. He's a first year Puff, so if you have any ideas on what I could do with him, that'd be amazing :) Or if you've been dieing to see more of him haha well then i need your ideas :)
I have desided Jordan will not go up for adoption, i wuv him to much, but I am thinking about tranfersing him into member or family, and saying he is homeschooled because he is too shy for school but a few friends would be wonderful for him to have :)
Charries I have (active): Tracey Cameron - Fully Developed
[Dakota Fanning] (Domino)

Rachel Ryder - Fully Developed
[Mackenzie Foy] (Domino)

Ketty Fox - Fully Developed
[Mackenzie Foy] (Domino)

Victoria Fields - Partly Developed
[Kristen Stewart] (Domino)

Elizabeth Bkackheart - Fully Developed
[Susan Coffey] (Domino)

I got rid of some as I had loads (over 30) but i realized I'm going to spend more time developing!

I go on all of my actives.

I think I should get this charrie because
1) I believe it will improve my roleplaying
2) it will take a bit of load off you
3) I think I should have a Ravenclaw because all I've ever had is hufflepuffs. I think I will probably think like her, as he is a lot like me OOC.
Considering that you have a fairly new ones, including one you just made today, I think you should develop and rp with them for awhile. :) And If any of the characters are similar in age as mine, shoot me a pm and we can rp so you can improve lots :D
If you decide to keep Jordan in school then I have Natalina Vanderbal that I can offer up as a friend for him (be all like hey your name rhymes with my sisters name xD ) Anyhoo...she's quite nervous and fidgety, but isn't really all that shy. I'm not doing much with her and would like to RP with her more if you're interested. If you do end up having him homeschooled....ZOMG the girls are going to absolutely spoil their little brother to BITS!!
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