How I wish to dream again

Ruby Clow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V.
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring
Ruby was waiting out here. It was one of the few times that Kennedy had not picked her up at the shop but knew that he had only short time before he had to get back to his mother for his studies. Ruby seemed to slip into nervousness if she didn't have at least a letter from him telling her that he wasn't going to meet up with her. Ruby knew that she was clinging tight to Kennedy but she couldn't help it. Every scrap of affection that did not come with a price was valuable to her. This was why she had her sister Sapphire write to her once a week too. Ruby needed to know that Sapphire had not forgotten about her while at Hogwarts. She knew that she was doing well there not that her voice was back. Ruby could see herself not doing so well. She was still afraid of a lot of things that would seem silly to others but at least she was getting better.

Ruby placed herself on a swing and started to push herself softly as she looked up at the sky. She started to hum a little bit a tune that Sapphire had sung to her when she had come out of St. Mungo's hospital. "We're walking in the air, we're floating in the midnight sky." She sang though she knew that her voice was not as good as her sister's. It was something though to keep her mind from going to 'what if' land. If she went there then she would choke up and need her inhaler which she didn't want to depend on. Ruby noticed that she was depending on everything as of late, people and things to keep her steady. She hoped that one day she would be able to be less dependent on that but then again she was sure that it was nice having something to care for like her. Someone had to be the weak one. "I find that I can fly so very high with you." She hummed to stop herself from thinking bad about herself.
Mylissa had ventured out of the house without the company of her older sister for the first time in weeks. It wasn't out of choice however. Florence had gone to visit their parents to assure them that they were alright, not that they actually cared. After the childhood that Mylissa had, had she was confident that they actually dissapointed that she was still alive. Not only that but her counsellor had advised her that she should go out and try to face her fears head on. Normally she wouldn't have taken her advice but Mylissa knew that Florence would want her to try and get better, or at least make an effort. It wasn't like it was her fault that she had developed phobias but everyone was making such a big deal about it. She hated the attention.

Walking the streets Mylissa made sure to avoid the busiest streets, the close proximity of people was bound to end in touching of some kind and that would put a complete end to the trip as a panic attack was sure to follow. Entering Tâkarokaro Park, which was thakfully almost empty the brunette wandered over to the only empty swing and gently lowered herself into the seat. So far she hadn't felt any anxiety and she was feeling slightly more confident with her ability to venture out without supervision from her sister. Glancing beside her, she saw a girl and Mylissa gave her a small smile, trying to appear friendly despite her lack of words.
Ruby looked over as she felt someone come near her. It wasn't Kennedy or someone else she knew. It was a child, maybe about seven or eight. Her younger siblings had been about that age. Ruby when she had first been let out of St Mungo's would have screamed by now. Instead she looked at the girl. The hair reminded her of her older sister, so did the look in her eyes though not the color. Sapphire had eyes to match the gem she was named after a true rich blue that reminded Ruby of the warmest summer's day. "Hello there little one." Ruby said meekly. Her voice was soft as if it would go out at any moment but she was grateful that it was steady. Ruby closed her hands around the chains of the swing and let her legs curl under the seat.

At near sixteen year old Ruby was a full five foot seven. Tall enough to be a model she was assured but Ruby wouldn't be brave enough to stand in front of a unforgiving camera. Kennedy told her that she was beautiful all the time, so did Morgan but after years of being told that she would never be anything that anyone wanted to look at Ruby had a heard time accepting it. As Ruby swung back she put her feet down to stop herself. "Do you talk?" She asked the girl beside her. She remembered that some children where shy and didn't speak around those older than them. Or around those that they didn't trust.
Mylissa looked back at the girl, on closer inspection she seemed only a little bit younger than her sister Florence. Flo had just turned eighteen and was now legally old enough to be her guardian, thankfully. She was eternally grateful that she could stay with her older sister because if he didn't get to stay with her she would probably might have ended up running away or ending up dead or something. Smiling at her Mylissa's eyes betrayed the wave of panic that swept over her. The girl was speaking to her. Mylissa hadn't uttered a word to anyone except her sister in close to 4 years. She was always terrified of saying the wrong thing, which to her parents was everything and anything that came out of her mouth. She had learnt to go without talking and had switched to a rather crude form of sign language on order to communicate. She stuck with a friendly wave in her direction.

Hunching over Mylissa tightened her grip on the chains of the swing and peered down at her feet, it had seemed she had forgotten to wear shoes today so her feet we a little on the grubby side. Looking up again the young girl shook her head in response to the question. She was a diagnosed selective mute. She only ever spoke to her sister but instead of trying to explain Mylissa pointed at her throat and shook her head insistantly, trying to get across her point. She wondered if the girl understood her wild hand gestures. Not everyone did.
Ruby made a wave as if to dismiss what she was saying. Do not be worrying about it. My older sister used to be the same way. Not that she had a choice but she used to not talk as well. She would write down her thoughts or sign to those that knew how to. She taught herself sign language well because of it." She said the smiled gently at the girl. She saw that the girl didn't have shoes on but then there are some kids that went around without them all the time. She had seen them running around, their mother's nearly having an attack because of what could be on the ground. Ruby hated going barefoot herself because she was still a little afraid of what could be placed on the ground before her. "I can transfigure shoes for you if you want." She said pointing down but keeping her distance.

Ruby didn't touch much still. She let Morgan do it because when she had first gone into the house she noticed that the family was into hugging and she couldn't very well freak out every time. She welcomed Kennedy's touch even found herself craving it. Not in the way Zeal would crave her but still it was something if she was wanted it. For the most part it was hands to herself though. "I am practicing wandless magic so it would be good practice and you would have to be forgiving me if they are not very pretty." She said looking down. Her sister was so talented when it came to creative magic. She could do Transfiguration and Charms with ease but she swears up and down that she's absolute rubbish at Defense Against the Dark Arts. Ruby knew that she was only trying to make Ruby feel better about her own talents which where mainly householdy spells.
Mylissa grinned, glad that the girl had understood what she was trying to say. It was one of the few annoying things about not being able to speak out of sheer terror, not many people sympathised or understood how hard it was. People instantly judged her for not saying anything and most people thought her to be rude and snobby. Nodding she shrugged her shoulder, as if to say that she hadn't learnt sign language. Her counsellor believed that learning sign language was making her fear of speaking win. That one day when erratic hand gestures failed she would have to speak. Mylissa couldn't see it happening anytime soon. She felt panicked just thinking about it. Mylissa tried to think of a way to introduce herself, she couldn't sign as she didn't know how but suddenly it hit her, the necklace that Florence had given her for her birthday. Pulling out the chain of her necklace she held out the scriptive 'Mylissa' that hung from it, careful not to make contact with the girl.

Looking down at her feet again she thought for a moment, shoes would be a good idea. Looking back up Mylissa grinned and nodded enthusiastically. The young girl had only seen the little bits of magic that her sister did around the house. There was of course the magic that her parents did but she inwardly shivered at the thought of that. Those days were dark and something that needed to be kept in the past. Mylissa shrugged at the girl's comment that they probably weren't going to be pretty. She wasn't really one for overly pretty things anyway. She had to contain her excitement, she wanted to see the magic.
Ruby looked down at the necklace and nodded. "Mylissa i a pretty name. Mind if I call you Lissa though? It will make it easier for me to remember see. I can remember mathematical formuli all I want but when it comes to names and faces I am hopeless. Then again if you where to ask some that know me I'm hopeless at everything." Ruby said laughing softly. "Oh right my name now. It's Ruby. Named after my hair." Ruby said as she pointed up at her flaming red hair. It used to be brighter when she was younger but it seemed to have washed out a little bit. It was still redder than she had seem on anyone except for maybe one of Weaslieys.

Ruby looked around and found a pair of stones at the edge of the playground. Ruby got up and picked them up. She saw that they where about the same size as her hands, they should be good enough. She closed her eyes and let the magic go through her hands. She opened them and saw that she had created the pair of high top sneakers she had envisioned but they where still a stony gray. Ruby walked back to the swing set and placed them in front of Mylissa. "Here you go. They're still gray but they look soft enough and I may not have gotten the size right by just looking." Ruby said with a shy smile.

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