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- Wand
- Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring
Ruby was waiting out here. It was one of the few times that Kennedy had not picked her up at the shop but knew that he had only short time before he had to get back to his mother for his studies. Ruby seemed to slip into nervousness if she didn't have at least a letter from him telling her that he wasn't going to meet up with her. Ruby knew that she was clinging tight to Kennedy but she couldn't help it. Every scrap of affection that did not come with a price was valuable to her. This was why she had her sister Sapphire write to her once a week too. Ruby needed to know that Sapphire had not forgotten about her while at Hogwarts. She knew that she was doing well there not that her voice was back. Ruby could see herself not doing so well. She was still afraid of a lot of things that would seem silly to others but at least she was getting better.
Ruby placed herself on a swing and started to push herself softly as she looked up at the sky. She started to hum a little bit a tune that Sapphire had sung to her when she had come out of St. Mungo's hospital. "We're walking in the air, we're floating in the midnight sky." She sang though she knew that her voice was not as good as her sister's. It was something though to keep her mind from going to 'what if' land. If she went there then she would choke up and need her inhaler which she didn't want to depend on. Ruby noticed that she was depending on everything as of late, people and things to keep her steady. She hoped that one day she would be able to be less dependent on that but then again she was sure that it was nice having something to care for like her. Someone had to be the weak one. "I find that I can fly so very high with you." She hummed to stop herself from thinking bad about herself.
Ruby placed herself on a swing and started to push herself softly as she looked up at the sky. She started to hum a little bit a tune that Sapphire had sung to her when she had come out of St. Mungo's hospital. "We're walking in the air, we're floating in the midnight sky." She sang though she knew that her voice was not as good as her sister's. It was something though to keep her mind from going to 'what if' land. If she went there then she would choke up and need her inhaler which she didn't want to depend on. Ruby noticed that she was depending on everything as of late, people and things to keep her steady. She hoped that one day she would be able to be less dependent on that but then again she was sure that it was nice having something to care for like her. Someone had to be the weak one. "I find that I can fly so very high with you." She hummed to stop herself from thinking bad about herself.