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Devlin Maxwell

Marques of Donigael | Member of Parliament
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Unyielding 12 1/2" Alder wood wand with Magaul Feather core
Devlin had managed to get the time off from his own company. After a various happenings around her family and Teagan, he needed to relaxed. he decided that New Zealand was the place to get lay low, go to beach and just enjoy the sun while it last before he goes back to England. But today was different, he wanted to get mad and ruin his own mini vacation. Devlin ended up inside of a cafe than at the beach with his daughter. Papers sprawled on his table, his laptop open and was simply calling people back home. Jessica decided she wanted Teagan to herself and that she had all the rights to her.

Devlin was a smart man, nice and loves Teagan dearly. He was only protecting her well being by giving up to Jessica's demands. But now that she had gone too far, the Marquise was fighting back and with all the money in the world, he thinks he can have Teagan safely back in England. With a smile plastered on his lips when he hanged up, he could breath now. Devlin sat back and reminisce the times he had fought for his daughter so many times but everything was worth it. Sipping his last cup of coffee, he sat back and enjoy the rest of a couple hours before joining with his sister and daughter at the beach.
Irene was enjoying her holidays. This would be the first time that she was not going home to her family but had the time to herself. She stayed in New Zealand but took advantage of the beaches and not the city scenes. Sun and sea were two of her favorite things ever since she lived in New Zealand. She stepped out her hotel room, just like any Muggle, and wandered out to the nearby shops around the resort. Her wand was in the purse she carried together with her camera and sunnies. She enjoyed all the things she saw as she stopped by some shops to explore.

Irene had lost track of the time and it was when she stopped in front of a cafe that she realized she had skipped lunch and was starving from all the walking. Entering the cafe, she surveyed the place which was getting a bit crowded with all types of people. The tables were being occupied quickly. Just as she ordered her favorite coffee and a piece of cake, she turned around to find all tables occupied. Sighing, she carefully made her way through the bustling customers and stopped in front of what looked to be a businessman with his laptop and papers. Stopping in front of the man, she cleared her throat softly,"Excuse me. Would you mind sharing a table? Everywhere else is taken.", she asked with a friendly smile on her face.

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