How could she do this

Kala shrugged and tucked her hair behind her ears, her purple streak resisting and sliding in front of her eyes. She really hadn't made up mind if she wanted to go insdie. Her room mates and best friends would be worried, but she really didn't want to go in and see Skyle right now. All she could think about now and days was her and Darian smooching. She sighed and stretched her legs. "I almost never go inside."
" I've slept out here all this week. Its been pretty fun." Alex said smiling. " It gets to boring inside after hours, There is nothing to do in there." It was true after curfew, the Hufflepuff dorm became dead, no one talked to anyone in there and nothing ever happened. He usually ended up getting into a fight with Alex Cullen which could be some fun, but he was getting over hurting the head boy to much, it was funny just the other day he had broken his jaw, with one simple little knee to the head.
Kala nodded. She had never slept out here, prefering to go inside after a few hours. It was easy for her to sneak back in. It was just so peaceful out here. She would have been too afraid to stay late tonight, had it not be for Alex. He seamed to sooth her fears. She looked up into the sky. She missed that safe feeling for so long, she didn't even realize it was gone. "I haven't been wanting to go back to my dorms."
" Either, It's more peaceful out here. The cool breezes that come through and the stars are beautiful." Alex said as the the curfew finally was in place, if any one was caught out now , it would be detention for them, even though it seemed like Alex was being a bad influence on Kala, seeing as he is seven years older then her. Alex drew his wand and drew a circle in the ground tapping it a few times and thinking the words to a summoning spell. A platter with two butter beers appeared on the ground and he handed one to Kala. " It's butter beer, it isn't even alcoholic."
Kala's eyes went wide as she saw him preform magic. Even though she knew she was a witch from a very young age she never saw that much magic, speaking her brother Kari was a squib. She smiled and took the mug he held out, sipping it. It was sweet as she swirled the amber liquid over her tongue. She smiled and gave an appreciative nod. It felt nice out here. She knew she wouldn't regret this even if they did get caught. She just hoped that Alex wouldn't get in too much trouble, him being older and all. She giggled upon realizing something. "You know what? I have an Uncle Alex."
" Ok cool. I think I have a few uncles, but I never met them and don't want to, they weren't at my parents funeral." Alex said as he stood up. He began to wonder if she knew what a animagus was, seeing she was her age and it was difficult to learn so much in a short period of time. " Have you ever seen a animagus?"
Kala shook her head. She had heard her brother mention the term when he had been explaining something about a woman he met, but she had ignored most of it. As much as she had figured out, an animagus had something to do with animals. She looked up at him, then pulled herself to her feet. It took her a moment for the world to stop spinning, and instinctively she laid her hand on him to steady herself. Once she was steady she smiled up at him and folder her arms behind her back. "No, why?"
The transformation was really quick, his whole body shape changed and his skin grew a massive amount of fur, which felt kind of good, even thought it was boiling hot. He sat there his green eyes staring at her, his teeth exposed, he wasn't going to hurt her he was just going to see if she would get scared, he doubted she would, seeing as he was no threat to her, just wanted to show her a animagus. He let out a soft roar and walked up to her and rubbed his head up against her leg as if to say pat me.
"Wow." It was all she could say as she watched his body shimmer and then saw a new form standing in front of her. He was amazing, and she felt so awestruck. The soft roar seemed almost comforting and his fur was soft as he brushed up against her leg. She plopped down on her legs and gave him a rough scratch behind his ears. A huge smile spread across her face as she looked into his green eyes. They were almost the same color as hers. She giggle like she had when she was a little child. It was the most amazing this she had ever saw. "That is so cool."
Alex plopped himself down on the ground so it was easier for her to pat him, it was something that he had enjoyed, he had got patted by some random person in the ministry and he hadn't minded it, it was a good feeling. He rolled over on his back and looked up at Kala, as he transformed back into a person. The change in the size of his ribcage took the breath out of him again, as it always did when he would transform, it was like the hair had fallen off of his body, it was so good to be without fur, on this hot night. " Yeah it's the best thing ever."
Kala nodded. She wondered to herself what it would be like to transform into an animal. Would you still think like a person? Did it hurt? She chewed on her lip as she taught. Looking over his body for any type of distress and pain. He looked happy to her. She grinned and in her most awe inspired voice said, "I want to be able to do that some day!"
" All you would have to do is apply at the Ministry for magic, it isn't that hard, but I don't know if they will let you, at your age, seeing as they might think your going to use it to immature, in some way." Alex said as he looked up at her, from where he was laying on the ground. " At first it will hurt a little bit, but after a while the transition will be painless."
"Really?" She thought about it. She didn't mind waiting for a while. Waiting was easy for her. She smiled, her cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much, which just made her smile more. She liked the thought of being able to turn into an animal. "I don't mind pain. I've gone through enough with all my illnesses." She frowned a little but recovered, not really want to show how weak she really was. "Will I have to learn special spells?"
" No you go into the Ministry and they just teach you how to do it, it's very weird." Alex said as he stood up and stretched his body out before putting his shirt back on, now that the sun had set, it was starting to get kind of nippy. " Do you like going out into the Forest, its good out there, seeing as nothing has happened around there since what had happened to my brother, but yeah I still go in there sometimes. Want to come over there?" He asked as he looked over its way.
Kala shrugged. She had only been in the forest once, and that was with a friend during the day. Still she didn't mind. She knew Alex would be able to protect if need be. So she nodded and stood up. She smiled. "I've never been in it this late. So maybe I'll see some things I can draw later."
" Yeah ok, its pretty cool in there." Alex said as he looked over at the pathway to the forest. " If where quick we will be able to make it into the forest, before the teachers come out on patrol." He said as he started to look at the castle to see if there was any sign of movement inside, hoping there was and they where bening called to break up a fight or something like that.
Kala nodded and followed him. She had to keep her arms out some to help keep her balance. She was having a hard time seeing today. She really needed some glasses, but untill Uncle Alex popped up with his questionable money, they would have to wait. "How often do you go into the forest?"
" Once or twice a week maybe more sometimes I'm in there everyday, its hard to say really." Alex said as he watched her extend out her arms as if to keep balance. "Are you ok?" He asked hoping she was alright it looked pretty silly with what she was doing, but I suppose she just wanted to keep herself upright. As they made it to the mouth of the Forest he looked around to see if there was any teachers around and he stepped into the darkness.

Could you make the topic in the dark forest please :)

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