How could she do this

Alexander Fields

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Elder 15 1/2" Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Alex was sitting down the lake, tears rolling down his sun burnt face, he felt like he was in agony, his whole entire chest hurt, maybe it was from sparring Artemis or maybe it was because of the events that had occurred the day before, he couldn't believe how someone could do this to him, especially Maddiie, and all over a kiss he had with Lily before they got together. His shirt slightly wet from the tears rolling down his face. Alex wasn't the type of person who was afraid to cry he was the type of person to not care what anyone thought or said, he wouldn't really care if someone came up to him now and made fun at him for crying, well maybe a little bit, but they would be doing some caring while they where in the hospital wing, getting there jaw fixed. As he looked out upon the lake, he could see the ripples forming from where fish where swimming or either the Giant squid was, either he didn't know because none of them surfaced themselves.

Alex stood up and picked up a rock throwing it as far as he could, landing in the middle of where the ripples where coming from, before slowly turning his back. " how could she do this to me and why would she do this to me, I thought she loved me." Alex mumbled to himself as he slowly staggered back towards the castle before he collapsed on the ground and looked up at the stars.
Kala had been on her normal walk. The sky looked beautiful, covered in small dots of light, and the lake freshened the air around her. She had been having a good day, as she often did since coming to Hogwarts. She smiled to herself and closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of the breeze. She Heard something plunk into the water and her eyes shot open. She looked around to see a man on his back. She walked slowly to him, wondering if he was hurt. When she got close enough she could see the tear streaks down his flushed face. She could only imagine how he felt.

She sat down beside him with her legs beneath her. She looked down, her smile long faded from her face. Her innocent eyes betrayed her rocker appearance. She wasn't sure whether to try to comfort him, or to just sit there. She definately didn't want to hurt him any more then he had already been hurt. He looked like her brother, frail in a way, but strong in another. She sighed. "Hello there."
When Alex heard someone speak he felt kind of embarrassed about it, he slowly sat up and looked at her. " Hey..... I'm Alexander Fields. Nice to meet you." He sniffled before falling back onto his back, it had been a while since he had been like this, well this upset, it was back when his brother passed away. " So what bring you out here?... erm.... who ever you are?" He asked not trying to be rude, it was just the mood he was in and he didn't know her name. He felt like such a ******* by the way he spoke to some people, but sometimes it was usually the mood he was in, which was no excuse.
Kala lifted up slight so she could see him better. Her eyes where never that good, but she hated glasses and could never afford them anyway. She smiled softly, glad he had even said anything. She chuckled slightly at his directness, that was something she liked. She cocked her head slightly, giving her an even more child like appearance. "I was just walking, trying to see if there was anything out here I could draw." She folded her hands in her lap, clutching the blue plaid skirt she had neglected to take of after class. "The name's Kala Kelly. I'm a first year."
" Very nice to meet you Kala." He said extending his hand to her, for her to shake it. " So your an artist are you? Are you any good?" He said trying to get his mind of the events that had been happening over the past few days. He wiped his face with his shirt taking it off as he done so, seeing as he hardly ever did where a shirt these days, it was to hot and he wanted to get himself a nice tan. His six pack moving as he breathed heavily.
Kala held his hand in a light grip for only a moment. She shrugged when he asked her if she was any good, and instead of giving him an answer she just handed him a small sketch pad. It had a flower bed, a cat jumping, and an unfinished squirrel in its pages. She wasn't surprised when he took his shirt of. It was a warm summer night, much like her home in Australia. She gave him a light smile, knowing he was avoid his issue. "Whether I'm good or not is for others to judge, but I am happy with my work."
" Yeah that is true, as long as you enjoy it and it makes you happy, keep at it." Alex said before he looked at the drawing, he was really impressed it was a brilliant picture, it even had the 3D affect to it when you looked at it, not like a hologram but like a actual shape. " You are very talented, I wish I could draw, I have done a few before that looked good but they where massive flukes." He began to wonder where she came from, judging by her accent she was from Australia just like him, which was cool, he had just never seen her on the flight over here, maybe it was because she had only started this year.
Kala smiled. A real smile. That was something that didn't happen very often for her. He really was starting to remind her of her brother. She reached for her sketch pad and tucked it away in the small shoulder bag she had at her side. She slid down of her legs so the could stretch out. The sky really was beautiful, but it was slightly different from the sky back home, the one she used to watch with her parents so long ago. Her smile faded, almost as quickly as it came from. She pursed her lips then spoke, her voice soft. "It really is pretty out here." She cleared her throat, she had thought about asking him why he was out here but decided on something else. "So, you always come out at this time?"
" Im out here all the time, if im inside there has to be something wrong, either im sick or I have broken bones." Alex said as he looked up at the sky, the sun would soon be setting and the curfew was almost up, which meant they would have to go inside soon, but Alex wasn't going to he was going to sleep out here in the moon light, even though he could get expelled for that or worse cost the rest of his house a lot of house points, which would be a bad thing. " So where are you from?"
Kala nodded, knowing what he meant. She often spent time out here as well, sneaking out past curfew. So far she hadn't been caught, but most of the time people just don't take notice to someone as small and frail as she, even with her interesting appearance. She smirked to herself, then was brought back into conversation. it took her a moment to realize what he was saying. She smiled. "Australia. You?"
" Yeah me to, I'm from lightning Ridge, its a muggle mining town." ( i don't really live there lol, but its a lovely place to go.) Alex said as he stood up and wiped his face off again, he had stopped crying and had started to have a interesting conversation, with Kala, which was something he hadn't had in a while. " What house you in? I'm a Hufflepuff." He asked, hoping she wasn't a slytherin girl even though she was really nice, he just didn't trust Slytherins.
Kala smiled. She had been there before with her parents a long time ago. They still had pictures. They where visiting her Uncle Alex, when he had been hiding from the queens guard. Her smile grew when she saw him wipe his tears away. She loved making people feel better. A month ago she had run into a cold streak and stop talking to people, this was the first time she really spoke in a while. She had to clear her throat again, which was sore from so much talking, after so little. "I'm in Ravenclaw. I bet you meet a lot of nice people in Hufflepuff."
" Some days you do some days you don't I met my girlfriend there, well i'm not really sure whats ging on with us these days, she kissed another Hufflepuff boy also called Alex." He said feeling angry again, he knew he shouldn't have bashed him, but it was all he could think of, he couldn't think of a way to resolve it any other way then to hurt him physically.
Kala shook her head. She had never had a boyfriend, but she had a crush on her best friend. She knew how much it hurt to watch him kiss another girl. It felt like her heart was being torn out, which each time she would scold herself. 'Your only Eleven, your not old enough to think about boys.' In the end she would always end up thinking about him. She sighed, and reach out to lay her hand on his shoulder. It looked even smaller than usual on his muscles. "Its hard. To watch someone you love do something to betray you. Some times its better to just let it go, whether you decide to stay with her or not." Her green eyes twinkled with empathic pain. "Maybe if you look at the whole situation, step back, and relax. You can find the answer. Thats what I do. Its what I have always done, and it helps."
" Yeah your right, I shouldn't have beaten him up, but I couldn't think of any other way to sort it out, it was the first time I had ever been in that type of situation and I just couldn't find it in me to talk to him, or have a argument." Alex said rambling on a little bit as he done so. He hand felt nice and warm on his skin, it was odd having someone so young put her hand on him, it kind of creeped him out, seeing as though it felt kind of good. " You know your very mature for a youngen."
Kala nodded when he explained is motives for hurting the other guy. See had often thought about doing that, but she was so small she would never win in a fight. She sighed and gave his arm a quick squeeze before pulling her and away to rest in her lap. Her brother often said that to her, told her that though so many years of hardship she had begun to turn into a woman. She could still remember the fear in his eyes as he said it. She kept her voice level, her brother's face still clear in her mind. "Just had to grow up fast, ya know?"
" Yeah I suppose so did I, there was a lot of things that have happened in the past, sometimes you have to try and get over it, or just deal knowing they are never coming back." Alex said, was he getting told something, maybe he was meant to be alone for the rest of his life, and have no one." So do you live with your parents?" He asked hoping she did, seeing as no one deserved to be with out them, even though a lot of people are with out their parents.
Kala shook her head slowly, but her appearance wasn't sad. "No, My parents died when I was 3. It was a car accident. My brother had just turned 18 that year, he has been raising me since then." She still wish she had her parents but because of what happened her and her brother became so much closer. She would give the world to make sure he was okay, and he would do the same for her, and has done so so many times. A small smile turned her lips, showing him that it wasn't as bad as things seamed. Kala was actually pretty happy with her life. "What about your parents?"
" Well my mother and father died when I was eight years old, they where Auror's and they where looking for a group of dark wizards and they where killed, my forster parents died in a car accident three years ago and my brother died in the forest over there at the start of last year." Alex said pointing over towards the forest. He hated going in there, but he did anyways, looking for the things that took his brother, some people reckon he has gone insane and his brother had simply ran away, but some people believed him. It was odd how easily it came out these days, he didn't feel like he was going to cry, even though he felt sad it always made him feel better knowing he had talked to at least one person about it. " It seems as though I lose everyone I love and care about."
Kala's eyes filled with emotion. They boiled over into tears. The thought of her possibly losing Kari made her sick. She grimanced. She leaned her head on his shoulder, something she used to do with her father, and something she still did with her brother. It was such an innocent gesture. "I don't know what I would do if I ever lost Kari. I would go mad." She looked up at him. "You must be so strong." There was so much admiration in her voice.
" Not really, i didn't take it that well, I struggled for a bit then I realized that was just life, things happen and you have to deal with them, some people have rough upbringings and I was one of the unfortunate people to have to deal with one." Alex said as he could see some tears welling up in her eyes as she spoke, she spoke with pure emotion. He looked down at her head, which was now resting on his shoulder, it was cool how she would be so comforting to people she hardly even knew.
She nodded her head gently, and blinked away most of the tears, but her eyes still had s lot of emotion. Her smiled slightly. He was strong, and not just physically. She could tell. He was going to be able to get through his troubles. She sighed, wishing she was strong to. The sigh was small, but it gave a lot away. She smiled to cover it up. She knew curfew was coming soon, but she wasn't sure if she would go in or not.
Alex saw more tears come down from her eyes and he wiped them away for her, and looked at her. " Ok, we should do something, something to make you stop crying." He said with a smile, it felt as though she was like his little sister, the way she acted towards him was like that, it would have been cool to have a little sister, but seeing the track record with family members it wasn't a good idea.
Kala giggled softly. It was just the same thing Kari would do. It was strange, she felt like she wanted him for a brother. The thought even gave her a big smile. She giggled again and shook her head. "Thats funny speaking I sat by you to make you feel better." He look became reproachful. "I hope I did. Your a good guy, some one who deserves a bit of cheeriness."
Alex couldn't help but smile, she was a nice kid, she knew how to make him smile when he was sad which was a good thing because usually no one could. " So are you going to go back inside tonight, or stay out?" Alex asked as he saw people sneaking off as the teachers began to call out for the students to come inside before it was completely dark outside.

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