How can you say goodnight if you aren't going to sleep?

Annie Cartwright

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
The seventh year was out on an evening stroll, if by stroll you mean run, and if by evening you mean night. Annie was running from something she didn't even know she was running from. That is if she was running from anything. Annie concluded that she was running because she just simply wanted to run, she had ran while she was at training but she just felt like she needed to run more. That was how her mind worked, she would do what she wanted, when she wanted. Plus, exercise was something she was naturally used to, due to how athletic she had been her whole life. Some one who might have happened to be overlooking might think that she was scared of something, not Annie. The seventeen year old was taking pictures in a tree earlier and felt like going for a run, so she did. Why else would a young blonde girl be running with a camera in her hand? Even Annie couldn't answer that, and she was a girl with many words, and thoughts, and usually her thoughts would grow conclusions for her and answer the many curious questions she had about the world. Annie stopped in front of a willow tree and leaned with her back against it, she wasn't even panting from her run, her fitness was just as high as it had been the day before. The Beauxbatons student was leaning on the tree in the slight hope that maybe she could find something else to do, instead of taking pictures, as she usually did. She was the kind of person to get bored with routine and structure. Annie flipped her hair and continued to stand there, holding her camera half-heartedly, in the way she always did. It was a habit of hers, it's not like she found it annoying or anything, she was just being normal, well, normal for her at least. Which to a normal person, would be considered weird.
Some months later, after his the whole ordeal of switching from New York City up To Canada had pass, Jake would be lying to anyone right now if he said his life was complete. He would be totally lying to you if he said things were okay. Things was not okay, it was more like what was missing in the young man life. He had no social life like his brother Jon, he wasn't in love like his sister Maddiie. He had no means to settle down like Kasey and he did not want anything complicated like Ben Carla. Still, there was a slight tinge of jealousy for all his siblings he felt he couldn't ignore. Or just another part of him that wanted more than life than just be normally established. He wanted excitement.
In a desperate act, he left Ontario for a couple weeks,
giving his Quitdditch Captain a two week notice of his vacation for a couple weeks. He didn't tell anyone else that he would be gone, he just left with the wind, letting the occurrence guide him. Using magic where there were less muggels presents, cautious about where he appeared. Thinking where there were less activity in the area. Everywhere he ended up didn't seem to be the young man kind of scene. Boring. Lame. Sighs. With just a bag in hand and magic being the answers to all problem, he decided to just walk, taking in the sights of the unknown city that he was in. (Because he left without planning or a sense of direction)Everything was new to him, at the same time frighten because he feared he was lost without using magic. Seeing a girl, a young looking one, holding a camera he asked polite. "Do you know what city I'm in? I have no clue where I'm at" by than it had become night and walking for hours made him feel defeated. His legs were aching, not by much, but they did hurt. And he was thirsty, after drinking water all day he grew bored of it and fancy something like pop. He preyed there were a shop nearby or something, he wanted a drink and food too.
The seventeen year old filched when she heard a voice speak to her, she hadn't been expecting somebody to say anything to her, for the most part because there was hardly anybody around. Not even the odd Muggle, not even the sound of talking, it was only Annie, and the cars around her. The shock didn't phase her as much as it should have, her confidence was too high and she felt good from her run. Annie looked at the person who had asked her where he was, he was a man, he looked a bit older than her. She couldn't see him as well as she would like to, it was a little too dark. The seventh year ran a hand through her sun-bleached hair "You're in Paris, France." She said nodding in the direction of the Eiffel Tower, which was lit up in the distance, well, close enough so that you could see it easily but far enough so it wasn't right in front of you, it was the almost perfect distance. It was eerily beautiful, much like the whole world was to her, this was a good thing about her, or at least she thought.

Annie was a bit baffled as to why the stranger didn't know where he was, maybe he was just a drunk Muggle. Either way, she was puzzled by the question. How could somebody not possibly know what city they were in? She thought to herself, she wasn't about to ignore the man, or say anything rude in fact. She was just going to let her curious instinct take over again, without making any effort to stop it. "Why do you ask? I thought it was obvious that we were in Paris." The seventeen year old queried, with the usual tone of concern and kindness to her voice. It was something that she couldn't avoid, the way she cared about every living thing, even if they seemed so out of it. At least she had something to do to kill some time, and that was help the stranger, that was if he needed help. In the case that he did, Annie was up for showing him around and city, if he wanted. Although, she wasn't about to ask just yet, she was going to wait for the right time.
Jake paused to look over the Eiffel Towers come in brilliant view for him to admire at. He must've miss that completely. Or his eyes sights were dissolving like old timer on an older gentlemen. The structure of the tower shotted out from four corners of the ground to join at the middle, and remain erected for anybody can see. It was Paris greatest touring site, anyone who knew about this magnificent tower wanted to visit Paris. Out of all places though, out of all places to show up, he ended up in Paris. France. He scratch the back of his head, nerves ticking at him like a drill. He could feel the bead of sweat working at the side of his hairs. Thanks Merlin he bath wherever he stayed at, or else he be knocking the hell out of this charming girl senseless.

"I didn't know actually, I been traveling without guidance. I ended up here because I didn't want to keep, ummm traveling by train to much" he lied at first. He couldn't be to sure if she was a muggel. Although he sense something from her that made him think otherwise. Like he knew after seven years of schooling, when someone was a muggel or not. It's just that feeling that told you enough. "I'm not lost just curious..." again he said. Okay maybe he was a little lost, but that was the whole point of this vacation. To get lost and end up where you can't be found, "You wouldn't happen to know where the nearest pub or place to dine around here? I'm kind of wanting some food, though I request in advance, no snail please" he said slightly working up a smile at the girl.He was wearing denim jeans, checkered shirt, some old timberland boots. a jacket to keep him warm and a hat for his mattered brown flecks of hair. He was also carrying a northface bag fill with clothes (charm on the inside to fit a lot) and funds. He look presentable to shed a smile at someone young and pretty looking. No harm came to that.
The young witch managed to hide her amusement with a smirk as the stranger focused his attention on the Eiffel tower, she could only do this momentarily. As she let out a quiet chuckle once her amusement became too much. It was funny really, how this man seemed to be going on holiday when he knew nothing about where he even was. Now that she had corrected him, Annie silently bit the inside of her lip as he explained why he didn't know where he was, if he was explaining it at that. "Travelling alone? I can understand why you didn't want to keep travelling by train." She said, agreeing with the man, Annie wasn't the kind of person to catch trains, she was the kind of person to travel by foot. So she understood why he did want to travel like that anymore. "I would much prefer to travel by foot or water." She stated, trying to sound like she was kind, and that she agreed with him. Which he probably already knew from her previous statement. Annie didn't care much that she was repeating herself.

Annie had a slight feeling that this conversation was going to get interesting, as she knew exactly where to go to get good food, where all the waiters and waitresses knew fluent English. This man would probably need to go there at first, she assumed that he didn't know any French, just like her. "I know a good place, they have snail on the menu but they obviously won't serve it to you if you don't order it." Said the seventh year with a friendly smile. It was about a five minute walk from where they were, Annie hoped that it wouldn't be too much of a hassle for him. Annie realised that she hadn't even introduced herself yet, she shook her head after she looked away from the stranger and at her feet, which weren't bare, luckily. That would most likely have been a bad look for her to the man, seeing a teenage girl with bright blue eyes, sun bleached hair and in bare feet, she was surprised that she even looked approachable, at least she was wearing shoes. Annie looked up, and smiled back at the man, "I'm Annie by the way." She said, now that she had said her name, it was her duty to show him around. The guy was dressed casually, and Annie admired that. Usually, the people that came up and talked to her would be dressed so fashionable, Paris was the fashion capital of the world and all, and it was just refreshing to see somebody that had the guts to dress as casual and effortless as her. Even if he didn't know where he was going.
Jake was trying hard not to bewitched by the girls bright eyes. If he stared at her any longer, he was certain he would fall into a spell by how clear they were yet fill with the brightest azure hues you did ever see. He was use to staring at his reflection back home, when he was always preparing himself for a game. His eyes were golden brown, much like honey but a lot little darker. If there were natural lights peeking down on them you could see the golden flecks in his. They were of Christina Holland, she bless every one of her children with these eyes. A few like his, can change to seem more like Roswald. But they always say, you look so much like your mother. It made him smile often, though he could always make out the sadness of it whenever he hear that compliment. "It's always better by foot, you never know what you miss out if you don't" he said to the blond. Disappointing to miss her any day.

"Good. not that I don't enjoy them or even thought I tried them. I was just told snails give gas, or served much alive than I want them to be" he was gracious of how nice she was being with him. Any Blondie wouldn't probably look at his way. Seeing as he was in the capital of Fashion, to much of the French think highly of themselves. "I'm Jake nice to meet you Annie, I swear I be nothing without your help tonight" he lent out a hand for her to shake. He had to be nice to her, not just because she pretty and all, if he had stumble upon someone else who didn't know English he truly will be lost right now. Annie knowing English, made it easy for now to navigate his night. "Do you know any French? I am terrible at it" he said waiting for her to lead their way. If he guess correctly, or going by what she said, they were in the main city? Right. Paris is the Capital of France, but were in Paris, so it means were in the city? He hope he was right or near to being right. He did bad with guessing sometimes. Even back in Canada he guess wrong when he was out and about with his teammate.
This man was staring at her eyes, she was used to people staring at her eyes, mainly because they were so blue. A close friend of hers had once said that it reflected how much she loved the ocean, how much she loved nature. Annie didn't know why her eyes were so blue. Her parents both had brown eyes, as she remembered. Annie loved how the stranger and her seemed to agree on things, especially his last comment. It was true being in nature made you vulnerable to everything it had to offer. The good and the bad. It didn't frighten her, it made her want to explore nature and travel even more then she had before. "You can see and hear a whole lot when it's just you and nature." Annie said, agreeing to his last statement. She did chuckle after that, she chuckled again, without a reason. This was just how she was and since she was young she had an attitude that told people of they didn't like anything about her they can leave. It had worked for her so far and nobody had actually been rude to her yet. She was proud of herself for this.

Annie tilted her head to the side as the man talked about snails. It was funny really, how he talked about snails like they were they most disgusting thing ever. Annie had tried them and honestly, it was pretty close in her opinion. "They aren't that great." Annie stated, it was short and sweet. There was nothing special about her statement either. "Nice to meet you too and you're welcome." Annie said casually as she nodded and shook his hand. She was being polite, as she was usually. Although she did hold her head back in laughter when he asked if she knew any French. The truth was she didn't speak a word of French. It was what had made it hard for her to make friends while she had been attending Beauxbatons. Every other student she had met knew French and she didn't. One might ask why she was living in France if she didn't know the language, although she wasn't about to tell Jake any time soon. That was if she ever talked to him after this. "I don't actually." Annie answered. She shrugged. "But I can show you where the Cafe is if you want." She was trying to take attention away from the fact that she only spoke English but she was probably not doing a very good job.
Jacob let out an exhausting sigh, now that he knew where he was, it made him rethink the time he did use French. Once or twice, he couldn't count that many times. He knew more Spanish than French, even with Spanish he sometimes mix it up with English. Than that becomes what some call Spanglish, so in truce he fail with all the other language except English. "It's alright, I probably won't sleep tonight. I'm thinking of enjoying the view till I get on the train tomorrow to head either east or west" he said rubbing at his neck as he spoke. Carrying his bag around made his neck stiff, he rubbed it a few times around to make it less sore. It help, for a minute. He could feel his right shoulder tense up in place, he had to dig his knuckle to release the air within his muscles. It was out, good. Merlin that hurt.

"If you showed me, well can you stay around to have some pop? It's on me, trust me I have funds" he said smiling after the irritation has passed. He would like more than anything in the world to have company from a complete stranger such as Annie. He wouldn't have offered a drink if he didn't, he would be disappointed if she didn't tag around. Besides, he was harmless. He was surprised she didn't recognize him with him being a rookie in Quidditch leagues. Being a rookie stinks. Sometimes it did sometimes it didn't. Right now he couldn't choose if it did or if it didn't. He like that she didn't recognize him, it means knowing her truly without his fame being involve, but if she did how would he denied it? He was making difficult than it felt, he just pushed it away right now. He was more glue to the fact if she would have pop with him or not, being rejected would be harsh, a little. He'll just have to find a clever way for her to say yes. "That's if you don't mind having me for a company?" he added more.
Annie bit her lip at Jacob's next comment, it had become a habit of the young girl, to bit her lip in a situation she didn't know how to react to. This was showing weakness, something that she wasn't afraid of. Although she had been confident most of her life and showed confidence without trying, heck, Annie had no reason to be insecure, with the way she was so positive. It was in that miniscule moment whenever she reacted that way, when she showed any insecurity, if any at all. This was something that only the people who knew her really, really well could notice. So Annie naturally assumed that Jacob wouldn't notice, he was too busy rubbing the back of his neck anyway, not that it was a bad thing, honestly, Annie thought it was cute. "That sounds cool. Where are you planning on adventuring to next?" Annie asked, in her naturally inquisitive voice. She did want to know why he wasn't going to stay in Paris, there were so many places he could go and so many places to see, it was a little disappointing for her to know that he was planning on leaving the next day.

Since Jacob had offered for Annie to have a drink of pop with him, she couldn't refuse, she was a little thirsty from her run before, even if she didn't show any fatigue from running, she was still thirsty. It was something she couldn't help, she was always thirsty from exercise and passing up a free drink was the last thing the girl would do. "That sounds great, thanks. I don't mind having a drink of pop with you, Jake." Annie said, reassuring the nice man, or attempting to. She wouldn't say no to him, not now that he had been nice enough to actually offer her a drink. Annie clasped her hands together firmly, and stood up strait, in a way that somebody would so if they were going to get a move on, which is what she was doing now. "Would you like me to show you where it is now?" Annie queried, before adding a smile at Jake, she appreciated how nice he was, she didn't meet many nice people in Paris, because they seemed to judge her by how casually she dressed, not Jake. She admired how he wasn't judgemental towards her and she hoped that he thought the same back.
"To tell you the truth, I have no idea at this point. I said I would get lost for the next two week and that's just what I'm doing now" he admitted with a sheepish smile. Jake had no clue where he was taking the train too, let alone where he will be the next day by tomorrow. He wanted to go somewhere he hadn't been in a while or some place he's never been too and has the chance to go there now. It was his time to be liberal, not to think where he sleep by night not knowing he will meet during his travel. Taking all that he's been missing about life and not have to regret every moment of it. He just simply went with the flow. "Sure I'd love that you show me the way" he pushed along side of the young girl. She was petite and it made him think she was a little younger than him. Maybe not by a whole lot, but somewhere in the range of 16-18.

He stride carefree, lugging his north face bag around while she lead him the way to nearby pub or cafe to share a drink of two with the young blond. "Do you mind if I ask how old you be? You know for appropriate reasoning. I don't want to end up getting caught with someone's awesome daughter" he threw a compliment in there, to made it sound safe. "And if it all goes well from here, I can always do a little sight seeing tonight, but I don't want to be a bother" he said whirling around at her, he was walking backward. It look plain silly walking backwards without watching where he was going, missing a step in his footing, he end up falling backward. Landing on his bum, ne landed with a big oof!

"Please tell me you didn't see that?" he blushed slightly from the fall, he couldn't believe that just happen. It was the jock side of him to show off all the time, what! He couldn't help it when he acted dumb in front of a girl, she was adorable, pass adorable, the man was dumbfounded just by her eyes. They were maddening to stare at, he stared at her any longer and he'll turn into some sort of zombie boy drooling over the princess of Paris.
Annie was still disappointed that Jake would probably be leaving the next day, she admired how adventurous he was, it was what she would do and she felt like she somewhat understood why he would want to do that, she just wanted him to stay so she could get to know him better. He seemed like a nice guy, he seemed funny too, and interesting. She wouldn't want somebody like him to leave so quickly after meeting her now, would she? "That makes sense. It sounds like something I would do if I was stressed or really bored with my life." Annie said, she was relieved that there was a slight possibility she could hang with Jake more. She didn't see anything wrong with it, she just needed to keep him interested with the conversation, and Paris in general. It was a pity that she couldn't think of anything at the moment. "Let's go then." Annie stated, she paused as Jake moved past her slowly, she then went to show him where they were supposed to be going, Annie started walking, holding the strap of her camera loosely as she walked.

Annie walked casually, with the usual spring to her step. This was a habit of hers that she had only really just noticed, it was funny in a way, how she only noticed the small things about herself, the small things that made her who she was, whenever she walked. She knew exactly why, it was the rhythm of her walking that made it able for her to think like that. "Oh, I'm 18." Annie said, as Jake's voice snapped her back into reality, she was only realising now that she was actually staring at her feet. She must have looked really weird or stupid, both of which she didn't want to be in front of Jake. "And thanks." Annie said, she was used to people assuming that she had parents. She wasn't going to correct Jake at all, that would be rude, Annie just did her customary 'act like it didn't sound weird to you' reaction and continued walking. She might tell Jake about her parents later but now was not the time, seeing as she didn't know him well enough and they had just met. "It doesn't bother me at all Jake. I don't have a curfew or anything." Annie said right before Jake fell over backwards onto the ground. Annie gasped in shock and stood still for a short second, with her mouth hanging open. She must have looked really intelligent, with her mouth hanging open like that.

After the short moment she had been standing there in shock at the sudden falling over of Jake, Annie crouched down and asked kindly "Are you okay?" She said as she helped him up. Annie laughed when she noticed Jake was blushing a little. "This kind of stuff happens to me all the time, don't worry about it." Annie said, she was surprised that she actually hadn't done anything clumsy yet. She was proud of herself in a way, but assumed that the reason she hadn't been embarrassed by her tendency to fall over was because she wasn't taking any pictures, that was when she had her clumsy moments. It was what triggered it. Annie couldn't tell what had triggered that clumsy moment, it may have been just because Jake was walking backwards, or it could have been because he was just a clumsy person like her, either way, Annie thought it was one of the most adorable things she had seen a person do.
Jake sighed, being help by someone so much smaller than him made his fall just that more silly. Holding her hand, he balance all his weight onto his feet so he could rise quickly and not send the poor girl trembling down besides him. Catching that passing strenght he was up on his feet, dusting his pants off. "Thanks that was helpful of you" he said, his face still glowed from embarrassing himself. he was use to being smooth all the time and a bit of a joker. He was going to show off a bit by back flipping as they walk, since he was so use to doing them as a stunt man. That rarely happen to him, when he fell before showing the girl his trick. He should've taken his bag off than done the trick, no point doing so right now. He felt awkward after falling.

"Might I ask why your carrying a camera" he said, he continued to sauntered along with Annie. He was pushing the topic to elsewhere, he was mostly doing it so he can avoid talking about why he had been clumsy to fall right before her. He also took notice of the camera just right now, with everything else to notice about Annie the camera was the last thing that came into mind when he first stared talking to her. It also had him thinking about Maddiie. She was his sister and he hadn't spoken to her in a long time. Life been hectic and with all that's happen to her over the year, he was afraid to even wonder. She was like a hitting target, anything negative seem to gravitate over his sister's life. From losing their mother to almost losing Delilah, to her divorce with her estrange ex husband, nothing was ever normal for her. Last time he saw her, she had been bitten by a werewolf and now lives her life even more traumatic than before, it never ends with his sister. He just wish she found happiness with Sirius and he can do a better job protecting than her than his family.

The skies were awfully clear tonight, a half moon and scatter stars accompany both Annie and Jake all the way to the cafe. The lights in Paris were dim to his likings, he love it. It gave the city more natural look than something artificial. He dug his hands deep into his pockets, it was nice but the breeze was more notice. He wasn't cold at all, traveling had kept his body temperature up and what he been wearing help loads. He wonder if Annie was cold, he could offer up her jacket, but she seem fine. from what he can tell, she look okay to Jake.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it's rubbish a bit
Felling somewhat accomplished with how she had helped Jake up from his fall, Annie couldn't help but blush a little when Jake was holding her hand, his hand was so soft yet so strong. That was weird to her, she shook her head and once she moved her hand away from his, she nodded to Jake in acknowledgement. "Anytime, I'm used to falling down and usually nobody helps me so it was nice to help somebody, if that make's sense." Annie said, she was poking fun at herself, she wanted to make Jake feel less embarrassed by his fall, even though she was still blushing from touching his hand. She didn't really want him to notice, she assumed that he would have other things on his mind than a silly teenage girl blushing because of him.

Pausing to look at her camera that she had loosely been holding throughout their walk, Annie frowned, she was frowning because she hadn't taken any pictures yet that evening and by now she would usually have hundreds, she was distracted from one of the things she loved to do most. "Um, I want to be a photographer when I leave school at the end of this year. I would usually be taking pictures tonight but I guess I have a distraction instead." Annie was poking more fun at herself than usual and this was for an unknown reason. If she knew, then she wouldn't have been thinking so hard to herself, luckily, Jake wasn't able to read her thoughts, then he might have been as confused as she was. She didn't want to burden him with her racing mind, she had never wanted to burden anyone with anything really, she just wanted her life to be simple and easy going, something that a young woman like her was able to hope for.

Now they had arrived at the cafe, it was still the rustic dwelling that she had been to so many times before even she couldn't count them. It had a feel of humbleness, one that Annie wouldn't be able to find anywhere else. It was reasonably small but it was cosy, Annie looked at Jake "You ready to go in?" She asked, raising an eyebrow before she entered through the door, once she was inside, she sat down at a nearby table, it was far away from the window in the slight case her aunt or uncle might find her. She was 18 now and responsible for her own actions but they still thought of her as a child, at times it was a good thing but it was also bad because they were too protective at other times. It's rather amusing really, how some people just can't let go.
"Are you kidding me? No one helping the likes of you?" he expressed this overly dramatic. He sounded like it was amusing to him but seriously, he would help this girl anytime. If she almost look like she was taking a dive or if he saw someone snatching her pocket bag away, he will be sure to help her any day. Not like some super hero or anything like that, the man was far from a hero. In fact girls would consider him the heart break kid, a few of the flaws he detested the most about himself. He fell for the girl too just not the same way. just not serious to let it go far, he was warn about this bad habit. If he kept going the way he was going, someone will sure break his heart. It was bound to happen one day.

"That's interesting" he look at the camera, he never knew the model his sister carried. Muggels and Wizards had their own brand of camera, Maddiie own a few of both. "Hope I'm not the one distracted you tonight? DO you use it for a school assignment?" he had to ask, cause than he will feel a little guilty taking her away from that. School never been this guy favorite scene or subject, but he hate to be the one to make anyone fail at anytime, that's what idiots do. Low life idiots.

The warm glow of the cafe came in view, you could smell fresh pot coffee for those caffeine freaks who enjoyed the beans during bight time, You could hear a mellow music playing from the inside, the chip sign hang over the cafe. It was suppose to have been glowing or something, he saw the lights were fading and flickering. it was a shack but not a bad shack. My kind of place. The food seem affordable, a few specials caught his attention. To his relief he saw no sail in either specials tonight. Grasping the door he wedge it open,"After you, my treat. Remember?"he held it till she stroll in.

A man waiting at the cash register wore a white apron and a grey shirt underneath. He had bored look on his faces, but he was talking to a few customers ahead of him. The music sound, whatever it was came from an old juice box, what muggel use to play their kind of music. Jake spotted a seat by the juice box, but it wasn't like really loud that they couldn't hear themselves think. He pointed at the seats for Annie to see, "How bout there?"`
Annie smiled at how Jake was being overdramatic. It was a little funny, but Annie also thought it sounded a little sarcastic, this added to the amusement. "I just don't think I am the kind of girl who looks like she needs help when she falls over." Annie said, making an effort not to sound negative or anything similar, being positive was a trait that she would like to keep alive within herself. Nobody wants to be around somebody who is negative and depressing. So ever since she had moved to Paris, she had kept optimistic and never let anything get her down, even if that meant hiding her feelings from people with confidence. That was why she always appeared cheery and fun to the people she came in contact with, and that was all because she was making an effort to be fun and happy all the time.

Smiling in admiration and respect for Jake, Annie shook her head. "You are distracting me, but in a good way. I haven't found anything good to take pictures of in a while. Plus, it's not for school. It's for recreation so it's not that big of a deal if I get distracted by you or not." Annie said, ending her sentence with a playful wink. She was trying to take the attention away from how awkward the conversation could become if she was boring or Jake started to get bored with her, Annie didn't want that at all.

The cafe that Annie had grown so used to had its usual warm glow. It wasn't the classiest of cafe's well, it didn't look expensive, but that didn't mean the food was bad or anything. Annie had never been the girl to focus on looks. She was one of the least judgemental people you could find. She was nice to everybody she met and she was even kind to the rude people she would occasionally talk to. It was lucky for her that she avoided any situation that could result like that. It was also lucky for her that she had been approached by Jake. At least she had something to do that night, and she was glad it was with somebody who was as nice as he seemed to be. "I do, thank you." Annie said as she nodded at Jake and walked inside, her white summer dress flowing along with her.

After walking into she cafe and taking a deep breath, something that she would commonly do when she entered a new environment, Annie looked around. She didn't really care where she sat, as long as it wasn't in the window where her aunt and uncle might have been able to see her, that was if they were looking for her. That was why when Jake pointed to a table near the back of the cafe, she was releived. "That looks perfect to me." Annie stated before she turned to Jake and smiled. She then turned away and strolled to the table and sat down. She assumed that Jake would follow her. Annie sighed as she browsed the menu she had picked up and flipped her sun bleached blonde hair. When someone was buying Annie food, she would always pic the cheapest thing on the menu, it was all apart of being polite, and that was what she was doing now
Jake follow the sun bleached blonde with the summer flowing dress lace gracefully down her figure, he had to admire that all from his view as he trail behind her, liking every bit of what he saw. He look away the last minute that she turn and took up the seat across from Jake. It was distracting not to look at a girl like Annie, she look fun and exciting, everything about the way shh carried her self, made Jake want persuade something more realistic with a girl he just met right off the train station. Stuff like this rarely happen for the man, he was to busy to notice the world around, that he really felt he was falling behind on what was going on and who was there to meet. Jake was a non believer of destiny, he just believe more in going with the flow than thinking miraculously he was met to do something or meet someone, for example like Annie. It was more of the best passing in time for him at least.

"Well I am always good distraction to anyone" he said, half laughing, pealing away his bag from his back. It wasn't heavy, it was light as a feather. With magic anything can feel light as a feather. All his possession can be very much well fit in that bag, if he decided not to return to Canada. That idea cross his thoughts more than he could count, not returning to Canada. Jake wanted to believe he could do that. Though a very portion was tied down to his home up there, and it was the main reason for his relationship with Kathryn never work out. Jake constantly reminded himself, if he had stayed with Kathryn, he wouldn't feel to put the blames on the team for his relationship problem. Thinking made Jake down, he flooded that memory quickly before it linger to long.

The cafe smell of freshed brewed chino and chest nuts crushed, mashed an one. They served chino any time of the day as well anything else available for them to heat up and served fresh right away. Jake scan the old menu, the plastic pealing back out of its placement told you how old the menu was. Jake order a lemon lime drink, spice with a bit of alcohol accompany with small sub sandwich. He sat recline to the comfortable worn down chair, letting Annie order her own. His mind never drifted away more than the conversation he was liking with Annie, it was rude of him if he found that he was thinking to much, when he was suppose to be enjoying her company. A stranger company, but one he like to know more than name basics.

"I'm sorry if I seem out of it tonight, it's just this whole vacation was meant for me to clear my head and stuff. And I've been failing at it since I got here" he explain, why his words slip in a distant and why his honey hues seem lost when he tried to enjoy his time with Annie. "I shouldn't bother you with my story anyways, it's complicated from the very start" he said, grabbing the lucid glass from the table and taking a long sip of the drink. It tingle his taste bud and gave his heart a work out swallowing the hard content that was mix inside. Jake a less casual drinker, decided tonight he would enjoy just a little to wake him up a bit and keep him away from thinking. Yeah, that's good excuse. It keep him away from thinking and maybe regretting some choices in life he wish he could take back. But everything happens for a reason, what the hell am I suppose to do?
Smiling in agreement with Jake's last statement, Annie said "I think so." While she continued to sit at the table. This was a much better way for the eighteen year old to spend her time, it wasn't too late just yet and she was expecting to hear something from her aunt and uncle within the next hour. She had never completely understood why they were so protective of her, sure, she had an idea of why they didn't want her out too late, she just wanted them to finally realise that she was an adult and responsible for her own life, Annie could look after herself, if she moved out and lived by herself, she would be fine, she had everything under control, it was just a shame that her family just couldn't let go. Annie sighed, being in this cafe with Jake was pleasant and interesting and she wasn't about to leave just now, she still had a lot of things to learn about Jake, like where he lived or any other basic information that she needed to know.

When Jake took his bag from his back, Annie started to become curious, his bag looked really light. She didn't think he had enough stuff in the bag to be travelling, heck, if she was travelling without a destination, she would take anything she might need, Annie tilted her head to the side and queried "What's in your bag?" Before she smiled again, if Jake wasn't prepared enough, she would be happy to help him find what he needed, it would be the polite thing to do and after all, he was buying her something from the cafe they were both in, It would be the least she could do. "By the looks of your bag, I don't think your prepared for very much." Annie said, sounding caring, she was being honest and she would help Jake if he needed anything. He just needed to say so.

Annie had always admired this cafe. She was so happy when she had found it a few years ago, since she didn't speak a word of French she wasn't able to order any food without her aunt or uncle there and when she found the cafe, where everybody spoke English she went there whenever she needed to. Annie would always order something cheap when somebody else was paying for her, Annie ordered a chocolate chip cookie and a glass of warm milk, she felt like a cookie, she didn't really now why, but it was a good price and the cookies they had on display looked delicious. When her cookie arrived, Annie picked it up and took a big bite. She must have looked childish, she was a little embarrassed but it wasn't enough embarrassment for Jake to notice "So, where do you live?" Annie asked politely, this was an attempt to get to know more about him, Annie would answer his questions honestly if he asked her anything, but she had made the decision to ask him first.

Nodding as Jake talked, Annie wondered why he wasn't going to tell her his story, sure he had said that he thought it was long, Annie was all ears and her curious personality made her want to know more. "You aren't that out of it, I haven't seen you normally so I wouldn't know the difference." Annie said with a shrug. "I don't mind if you tell me your story, if it's too complicated and you don't want to tell me that's fine. We can always find other things to talk about." Annie said before she took a big gulp of her warm milk. She must have looked like a pig but even if she did, it wasn't a big deal, if Jake didn't like it, then he could always end the conversation. Annie was pretty full now and she had only eaten a little bit, she didn't notice this as much as she could have, she was more distracted by how distant Jake was, Annie was thinking about asking him what was wrong but it didn't feel like she was in the right moment to ask.

Jake smirked."Your right you haven't seen me on the regular basics to know how I really am" he said after a few sips of his drink was half way finished. "So to spare you time, I would just maybe next time you'll get to hear my story" if there was a next time. He was hinting at an obvious invite for her to join or reject, the boy wanting to feel very positive she would accept. "But if I tell you, meaning you do come can we count that as date number one because this is rather cheesy and I think I have better taste in places to go, even if it's Paris.."he would have a good excuse to stay besides her. The good o'l I have to visit my sister excuse work for him, plus he had no problem staying for a girl like Annie, she was beautiful gorgeous. There was no way in hell this guy was letting a girl like her get away. "What do you say?
While the eighteen year old listened to Jake talk she took another big mouthful of her milk. Annie thought his offer was a good one and she wasn't abut to turn it down, he was a nice guy and wasting time was something she never did, without a reason that is. The reason she had stayed and talked to Jake for this long was because the time was worth it. After Annie had finished drinking she smiled and replied. "I say that's a great offer, one I can't and won't refuse." Annie stated confidently. She just needed to know how to contact Jake now, after tonight when they parted ways. She would have to ask, seeing as that was the only way she could really find out. "So, how will we stay in contact after tonight then?" It was a straight forward question, but a question none the less.
"Great." Jake was thrill to see her accept the offer. The boy was lonely, unlike his two older sibling who had companionship, Jake had no one. It certainly didn't mean this will progress to anything serious. He was young, the world was his adventure grown, it was the time of his life to take careless chances and meet people along the way who did the same too. Reaching inside his bag, he wrote down his sister address. "I don't use phone, I umm" he reach over and whisper, "Am a wizard, owl contact is my thing. I know lame but that's how we wizard roll" he gave her the piece of paper, Jacob smirk. "Can I take you home, I'm free than I'll head to my sister's house" he offered.
Now was the right time for Annie to be naturally shocked at Jake's confession that he was a wizard. It was relieving for Annie because she was a witch. She was surprised however, that she didn't pick up on it before. Annie leaned forward towards Jake and whispered "I'm a witch, I'm graduating from Beauxbatons this year." Before she leant backwards and smiled again. Annie looked at the piece of paper Jake had handed to her and said "That sounds great. I'm fine with going home by myself but if you insist." Annie said, nodding at Jake. This was unexpected, how she had met somebody so much like herself in such a short amount of time. She liked how casual this seemed, how her and Jake were talking casually, a situation like this would usually be awkward for Annie, she would usually say something that was weird and then the conversation would be dead. But not this time. Annie picked up her camera. "You all good to go now?" She asked, before she stood up and smiled at Jake again.
Jake exhaled coolly. The shocker of Annie being a witch, made his heart jump at his throat. "For like a second my heart beat just stop, I thought a swamp of ministry official would be rolling here in like secret to erase my memory" Jake laughed. He paid the tip and gathering up his bag. The night felt extremely rush all of a sudden. In this time continuous, he do just about he could think of to freeze time and be here with Annie. "I'm graduated a year ago, or two I get confuse" he shrug, detouring his way out with Annie. They step out into the fresh air and the bright city of Paris. He hung his bag on his shoulder, and let the door slide behind Annie. "You must be excited about graduating? It's a big deal when you no longer live home!"
When Annie walked out of the cafe after Jake into the breezy atmosphere of Paris, she felt relaxation take over her, it was the fresh night air. Since Annie was very young she had loved nature unconditionally, it had brought her into the world of athleticism she was currently in. Annie was the kind of girl to not dwell on her regrets. Did she regret spending too much time on her hobbies and not on her social life? No. Because the people she spent her time socialising with in the small speck of spare time she had were worth it. Fortunately, Jake was one of those people. "Of course I am excited about graduating. Once I do graduate, I will have a lot more spare time for more important things than school." Annie said, she was trying not to sound like she disliked school, in fact, Annie thought school was vital, she just wanted to spend more of her time on becoming more social. Annie winked at Jake before she started walking down the street, with her camera in tow, she assumed Jake would follow her, just to be sure, Annie took a quick look around her shoulder and smiled.
Jake follow right behind Annie. He fell right into steps next to her, his eyes scanning up and down the streets they were walking on. Paris felt fresh, the night air seem fresh, it smell fresh too. He like it, not like Canada but fresh. New York had nothing like that, he knew the first time he went there he would hate it. That's how the big whole split happen that and the distant kill him."I thought that too, you know more free time and more people to meet. Now that i'm saying I think I miss school a lot. I went to New Zealand Hogwarts and a few years in Drumstrang. Unless you travel like I just did for weeks i'm here, you really don't meet that many folks." he shrug. it sucks, it stinks. His best friend or friends were his brother. The people he meet were the ones they date, but Ben married so is Jon, Kasey going through trouble and Maddiie with someone he already knew years ago. No one new, he sighed, Hogwarts had been the connection between the young folks his age. It blow that it ended so soon.
Paris was a wonderful place to be at night, the city lights lit up everything and made the world seem endless, like you could spend centuries trying to find everything it had to offer. Annie was one of those people that wanted to adventure and see everything she could when she could. One of her plans one she graduated was to travel the world and see so many different things, so many different places, she hated the thought of being grounded in one place for the rest of her life. The eighteen year old still hadn't figured out where she would go first, honestly, she had no idea where she might go or what she might do, but she did know that everything would eventually fall into place and make sense. She just needed to wait and organise everything first. "I want to travel when I leave school, not straight away but once I can actually travel I will." Annie stated, now that Jake and herself had continued walking, they were on one of the main streets of Paris, Annie knew exactly where to go, she had walked this street so many times before. "What was it like at Durmstrang?" Annie asked nonchalantly, she had wondered what it was like there for a while now, she just hadn't had the opportunity to ask yet.

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