Closed How Am I Lost?

Hinata Edogawa

gymnast • finding my footing • bashful
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Curly 12 Inch Swishy Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Hinata Edogawa stood in the middle of a corridor on the Fourth Floor as she stared unabashedly confused. She had been so sure that she had made the correct turn after the staircase and the turn after that, but considering that none of the things in this part of the corridor were even remotely familiar, she definitely took a wrong turn somewhere. The thing was, she didn’t even know when exactly she took the wrong turn. Or how she was going to find her way back really. She probably could go down to the Great Hall and try to follow the path that the prefect showed last time but it seemed like way too much effort. But there was also the fact that there was absolutely no one in the corridor at the moment. It was definitely a conundrum.

A few moments later of pondering, Hina decided that there would be no progress made with her just standing around and so decided to continue walking and hope to encounter a prefect, or a housemate, or literally just anyone. Probably just head to the library if she could find it at all. She really was regretring maybe just a tiny bit that she had decided to go to this school. Then again, she’d probably be just as lost in the others so it didn’t really help. With her feet wandering along with her mind, the young Hufflepuff girl continued to walk rather aimlessly in hopes of being eventually a little less lost.
Horror Zhefarovich knew that the fourth floor corridor was where the Hufflepuff house rested. Why did he know that? Because his father attended school here and let him know. Horror did not know the password or the exact location, but there were an abnormal number of yellow tied students. Horror could try to weasel his way in, but he felt that he would not receive much from it. He would have to handle Hufflepuffs, and he was not sure if he wanted to do that. His father was. He did work hard, even now. He was fiercely loyal. And he was excellent in the kitchen. Just about everything one would need from a Hufflepuff. Except when Chaos tried to set someone on fire. As rude as that was... Horror could hardly think of it. But he was here regardless, and noticed that while he was observing, one student in particular looked lost. Now that was interesting. Shouldn't she know her common room location by now? He needed to know. So, he approached her with a hand on his hip. "You lost or something?"
Hinata probably should have been paying more attention to her surroundings considering she had gotten lost. But then again, she was already lost so there really wasn't any more use to paying attention. Aside from actually noticing that there was in fact another person in the corridor with her. The young girl nearly jumped out of her skin in shock when she was pulled out from her reverie. She vaguely recognized him from sorting and they probably had class together? It took a moment for her to remember and realize that he had asked her a question. "A little? Wrong turn on the way to the Common Room," she said barely above a mumble, her ears turning red in embarrassment as she struggled to not fidget.
Horror looked over her as she spoke just loud enough for him to hear, but even then he had to strain pretty hard to hear it. She seemed to even be nervous and such. If he looked harder, he could have seen her ears turn red. But Horror did not bother. But she confirmed that she was lost on the way to the common room, and since she was a Hufflepuff, he was not entirely sure how to help her out, but why not have some fun with it? "I might be a Slytherin but I know the way. You go down this corridor, to your left, and then make a right at the third door." Horror just gave her directions to the library instead of her common room. Horror smirked if she knew whether or not she suspected that he was lying. "Or you can follow anyone else in that yellow tie." Horror spoke, not lying on that one.
Hinata wasn't really expecting much from the boy she had found - or she supposed the boy that found her. While she really wasn't sure who he was, she was at least sure that he was not from her own house so help in finding the Hufflepuff Common Room would be a bit weird. The young girl was surprised however when the boy proved to be contrary? Contradictory? Weird. He was weird, she decided. A Slytherin that knew the way to the Hufflepuff Common Room who was a first year like her! Was he pulling her leg? She was certain that the surprise was clear on her face with directions so easily given. "Uhm... Thank you? How did you .... uh ... know?" she asked, though figured that it was probably rude. "You don't have to answer I'm sorry," she gushed out in one breath before giving a bow and hurriedly begun walking in the direction he just pointed out - her face red in utter mortification.
Horror took in her expressions as she seemed rather surprised over his knowledge. But now she was asking him how he knew. Before he could even answer her, she said that he did not have to. He reached up, rubbing his face with his hand. Oi vey, she was one of those people, wasn't she? Pretty face, but lacking in everything else. So, Horror started to follow after her, his legs taking in longer strides to catch up to her. "Your face is red, but are you seriously going to follow my directions? You are aware of the fact that I do not have access to that at all?" Horror did not ask his father where it would be since he did not know if he would end up being in Slytherin or Hufflepuff. Horror could ask Chaos but he was not going to. He would not need to. He did not know anyone too interesting in Hufflepuff yet, though he wouldn't mind if he did. Maybe this girl was interesting. Maybe. "I'm Horror Zhefarovich, by the way."

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