Hot or Not

a nice puff/10
but then again puffs are meant to be nice. by the way, you are looking well.

Haven't seen you before but I bet we'll get along well.
abandoned by mother/10
don't worry you're not the only one.
FellowBeauxbaton/ Out of Ten

I do not see you around much though.
I think you and i will get on.
you again, and i remain with what i said last time whats the point of a hairbrush when it will just mess up again

I'm not saying you have to brush your hair, but it would look so much better, you have a lovely colour.
I hope my child is not growing tto become you.
sorry but you are so normal it is almost boring.
young lion/10
welcome to Gryffindor, I hope you enjoy being in the best house

Thanks for getting rid of that bug.
Frightened/out of ten
I should introduce you to some people. Might scare you to death. Literally.
I personally wouldn't go there no matter how much older you look,
is the reason you look my age because you're really intelligent too?
Pretty girl//outoften
gurrrrl, ii like how you whip yo hair back and fourth !!​
Whoa/out of ten
Ravenclaw Prefect, congrats! Belated, but still.

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