Hot or Not


Might as well add buckets and stickers to the list of nicknames :r
Tall/ Out of Ten

I am six feet and ten inches. You?
That is tall/10
So you know what it's like when people stare at you because of it.
I'm (if application is approved) eight foot nine ((im applying for him to be part giant)) I'm got sure how tall if it isn't.
*gasps*/ Out of Ten

I don't really care if people stare. Shows that no one fails to notice me.
A bright future/ out of ten

You are young but if you hit the books you may go far, especially since you are a gryffindor​
quidditch league official/10
that sounds like a fin job. I want to play quidditch next year, and work in the ministry but not your department.
We must have a match/out of ten
Come on briar lets get you up in the sky!
It's on/10
but be warned. I play to win, and have lots of energy and little concern for my safety.
Oh dear Merlin...​
<FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="black">
<COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="50">Iheardwhatshedid/outoften
That was mean and if I could appologize for her I would.
Thankyou, you should change your name to Meighan Goodhart :r
<FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="black">
<COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="Times New Roman">Do me a favour kid, stay away from Bulgarian bars in winter at night.​

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