Hot or Not

I've read about you in the papers. Good luck at your next game!

Your a Westerner. 'Nuff said.

'Nuff said.
We've never met before. Whoa, Dude are you wearing make up?

Well, I haven't tried surfing before but it's worth a try, I guess. I'm more of a basketball person, you play basketball?
I've played before on theschool team/10
though i have been known to pick up a fair few fouls. :r

OOCOut of Character:
the funny thing is Myuna was based of a friend of my sisters from her basketball team.
I don't know you/10

But I doubt we'd become close...

Though, you like surfing... I don't like water.
no water?/10
how do you live without water? they have to force me out of it, i guess thats the side effects of being a barramundi. but we should still keep an eye out for each other.

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