G Galaxy Sith Well-Known Member Messages 470 OOC First Name Cole Age 1/2015 Jul 9, 2015 #7,676 Imaginative // Out of ten Keep that trait as you grow up! Remember that anything is possible!
Lucan White father; poet; couturier Messages 191 OOC First Name Claire Blood Status Pure Blood Relationship Status Married Sexual Orientation Homosexual Wand Knotted 15 Inch Whippy Rosewood Wand with Mermaid Scale Core Age 3/2004 Jul 9, 2015 #7,677 </FONT>FinallyLoved?/OutofTen I'm sure you were always loved. Someone always loves you, no matter where you go!<FONT font="times new roman">
</FONT>FinallyLoved?/OutofTen I'm sure you were always loved. Someone always loves you, no matter where you go!<FONT font="times new roman">
O Olivette Tchovinski Well-Known Member Messages 45 OOC First Name Cole Wand None Age 7/2017 Jul 9, 2015 #7,678 nervous // out of ten You should really loosen up, after all life is more fun when you're relaxed
Dominique Grimm Sebby's Mama Messages 162 Blood Status Pure Blood Relationship Status Single (Looking) Sexual Orientation Bisexual Wand Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Rigid Aspen Wand with Unicorn Hair Core Age 11/2021 Jul 9, 2015 #7,679 TooKind/OutOfTen Nothin' wrong with that, Babe! But with that kindness, try to throw in some fierceness and you will be absolutely fabulous!
TooKind/OutOfTen Nothin' wrong with that, Babe! But with that kindness, try to throw in some fierceness and you will be absolutely fabulous!
P Prudence Armstead Well-Known Member Messages 674 OOC First Name Nichole Age 8/2025 Jul 10, 2015 #7,680 uhm // out of ten I don't actually know how to feel about you...
Keevan White Grieving | Pharmaceutical Business Owner | Tired Messages 121 OOC First Name Claire Blood Status Pure Blood Relationship Status Widow Age 07/1998 (55) Jul 10, 2015 #7,681 Typical/OutofTen Typical teenage girl. Likely incapable of feeling more than one emotion at once.<i></i>
Typical/OutofTen Typical teenage girl. Likely incapable of feeling more than one emotion at once.<i></i>
Elowen Rydderch Well-Known Member Messages 124 OOC First Name Cole Age 11/2021 Jul 10, 2015 #7,682 typical brooding man // out of ten Incapable of wearing more than black, are ye?
D Dahlia Beauregard Well-Known Member Messages 160 OOC First Name Carrie Wand Straight 13 1/2 Cypress with Dragon Heartstring Unyielding Age 5/2028 Jul 11, 2015 #7,683 Untypical Beauty // Out of Ten You seem unaware of your beauty. That makes you even more so.
S Sarisa Henderson Well-Known Member Messages 73 OOC First Name Camilla Wand Mahogany, 13 and 7/8", Boomslang Venom core Jul 11, 2015 #7,684 Ambitious/10 It's a good trait to have. I hope you strive to be the best you can be at Hogwarts and in the future.
Ambitious/10 It's a good trait to have. I hope you strive to be the best you can be at Hogwarts and in the future.
Hades Styx II Well-Known Member Messages 584 Wand Curly 13 1/2" Unyielding Acacia Wand with Unicorn Hair Core Age 1/2016 Jul 12, 2015 #7,685 Independent/Outoften Good. No one likes a clinger anyway.
O Olivette Tchovinski Well-Known Member Messages 45 OOC First Name Cole Wand None Age 7/2017 Jul 12, 2015 #7,686 Sinister... // Out of ten Why are you sinister - you look nice enough. I bet you're misunderstood!
D Dahlia Beauregard Well-Known Member Messages 160 OOC First Name Carrie Wand Straight 13 1/2 Cypress with Dragon Heartstring Unyielding Age 5/2028 Jul 13, 2015 #7,687 Kindergarten Teacher // Out of Ten I'm betting you're glad they don't come home with you after work.
E Edea Fortescue-Bleakley Member Messages 24 OOC First Name Camilla Jul 13, 2015 #7,688 Ambitious Slytherin-hopeful/10 I hope we both get in to Slytherin. Maybe we could be friendly rivals?
Ambitious Slytherin-hopeful/10 I hope we both get in to Slytherin. Maybe we could be friendly rivals?
Keevan White Grieving | Pharmaceutical Business Owner | Tired Messages 121 OOC First Name Claire Blood Status Pure Blood Relationship Status Widow Age 07/1998 (55) Jul 13, 2015 #7,689 </FONT>Relax/OutofTen No need to be nervous. I'm sure you'll do just fine, whichever house you're put in.<FONT font="Times New Roman">
</FONT>Relax/OutofTen No need to be nervous. I'm sure you'll do just fine, whichever house you're put in.<FONT font="Times New Roman">
G Gregory White Well-Known Member Messages 668 Jul 14, 2015 #7,690 Pfft / OutOfTen Pharmaceuticals, indeed. Arse.
D Desideratus Lesley Well-Known Member Messages 188 OOC First Name A Wild Tenilee! Sexual Orientation Sorensexual Wand Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Maple Wand with Unicorn Hair Core Age 2/2026 Jul 14, 2015 #7,691 LionAnimagus/OutOfTen That's so awesome!
D Dahlia Beauregard Well-Known Member Messages 160 OOC First Name Carrie Wand Straight 13 1/2 Cypress with Dragon Heartstring Unyielding Age 5/2028 Jul 15, 2015 #7,692 Unprepared // Out of Ten Oh, dear. Not a good trait for school work.
Keevan White Grieving | Pharmaceutical Business Owner | Tired Messages 121 OOC First Name Claire Blood Status Pure Blood Relationship Status Widow Age 07/1998 (55) Jul 16, 2015 #7,693 </FONT>Proud/OutofTen Sometimes, that can be a curse. Take it from me.<FONT font="Times New Roman">
A Archibald Wilkes Member Messages 12 OOC First Name Tenilee Wand Curly 12 1/2 Inch Rigid Ivy Wand with Unicorn Hair Core Age 1/2009 Jul 16, 2015 #7,694 MiddleBrother/OutOfTen That must be lovely, having siblings. I hope you get along with them!
B Brittany Clarke Well-Known Member Messages 189 OOC First Name Jamie Wand Birch Wand 14 1/4 essence of dragonstone Jul 19, 2015 #7,695 </COLOR></SIZE><COLOR color="#000">Shy? // Outoften<i></i> <SIZE size="50">Shy is something stupid. And how can you be a hotel manager and shy? You need to welcome your guests don't you? <i></i>
</COLOR></SIZE><COLOR color="#000">Shy? // Outoften<i></i> <SIZE size="50">Shy is something stupid. And how can you be a hotel manager and shy? You need to welcome your guests don't you? <i></i>
A Arturo Raven Well-Known Member Messages 148 OOC First Name A Wild Tenilee! Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Age 4/2025 Jul 20, 2015 #7,696 Spoiled&Selfish/OutOfTen You must be a world of fun to hang out with. Grow up a little, Life isn't always going to work for you.
Spoiled&Selfish/OutOfTen You must be a world of fun to hang out with. Grow up a little, Life isn't always going to work for you.
Stefan Archer head librarian Messages 19,123 OOC First Name Emzies Blood Status Muggleborn Relationship Status Married Sexual Orientation hetrosexual Wand Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core Age 4/2015 (46) Jul 20, 2015 #7,697 Cruel OutOfTen That will also get you no where. People aren't going to linger if you're cruel.<i></i><i></i>
Cruel OutOfTen That will also get you no where. People aren't going to linger if you're cruel.<i></i><i></i>
E Edea Fortescue-Bleakley Member Messages 24 OOC First Name Camilla Jul 22, 2015 #7,698 Librarian/10 I look forward to seeing the Hogwarts library. I imagine there'll be a lot of interesting reading there.
Librarian/10 I look forward to seeing the Hogwarts library. I imagine there'll be a lot of interesting reading there.
K Katherine McVanough Well-Known Member Messages 47 OOC First Name Marijke Age 6/2023 Jul 25, 2015 #7,699 Nervous // Outoften Don't be nervous, it'll be fun!<i></i>
V Vivica Byrne New Member Messages 3 OOC First Name Lavie Jul 25, 2015 #7,700 Confident // 10 You must be pretty approachable then?