Hot or Not

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I suppose the fact you are Part Veela makes you think you can get any boy you want then Huh? She's single by choice, notice it doesn't say looking. I thought Veela's could read. My bad.
Maybe? // Out of ten

Do you know for sure if that is why she is single? Or did you assume because she is not actively looking? Because you know what they say about assuming. Do not let you own jealousy blind you from seeing the bigger picture.
I know the feeling

I guess you're having a pretty rough time huh? I hope everything will soon be okay for you again.
Beater // Outoften
<COLOR color="black">Wow, that is awesome! But don't walk out of your shoes, that was rude towards Kione.
Muggleborn // Outoften

Muggleborn that is interesting, and also weird. You must learn a lot in hogwarts i think, without a magical education.
Surprising // O ut of ten

I am shocked that you are not overtly mean to someone as it seems common for our fellow slytherin first years to be extrodinarily mean for no good reason. Maybe just maybe there is hope for our house after all...
Justrelaxproudsnake // Outoften
It is honest? She just now nothing about magic? That is true, maybe it came meaner out of my mouth, than it should be. You don't have to be shocked, it is just what i learn from my family.. I hope you would understand. You are damaged so just take a breath and maybe we can talk about this shocking thing sometimes?
P rofessor // O ut of ten

Hmm... you do not look like a typical professor. I do hope that you fair far better then some of your fellow peers or I will be dreadfully disappointed.
<COLOR color="#000">smartoutoften
you must be if you want to be a headmaster, right?.

Confidence is a good thing to have! Just make sure you don't get too full of yourself.
Gryffindor // out of ten

May have to bump into you in the common room and ......... study :D
<COLOR color="#000">slowdownoutoften
we're only eleven!
<COLOR color="#000">FriendlySlytherinoutoften
Wasting the House..Totally..
Dark Ravenclaw? // Outoften​
<COLOR color="#000"> Don't say to much about other houses, you seem not like a standard ravenclaw student. I am curious, what is so dark about you.
<COLOR color="#000">Logicaloutoften
Not everything in life is logical, some things are different.
<COLOR color="#000">coldoutoften
need a blanket, do ya?

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