K Kaleb Bane Well-Known Member Messages 143 OOC First Name Connor Wand | Apple Wand | 13 1/2" | Essence of Belladonna | Dec 30, 2012 #5,951 SparksCreateFire/OutoftenDon't Burn the party down...
A Albertus Vermeulen Well-Known Member Messages 1,217 OOC First Name Camilla Wand Aloe Wand 14 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring Dec 30, 2012 #5,952 Gryffindor/10 Heh, little lion cub. Adorable.
E Eric Evans Well-Known Member Messages 614 OOC First Name Brandon Wand 11" Elder wand with Pheonix feather core Dec 30, 2012 #5,953 Minor // Out of Ten who invited the kids to this party? ( )
C Caedwyn Wilkes Well-Known Member Messages 344 OOC First Name Zavia Wand Willow wand 14. Flexible. Core of dragon heartstring. Age 6/2011 Dec 30, 2012 #5,954 Gangin' up?/OutOfTen Dance isn't sport it's art. DRummerboy. Then just keep your wands out if you're afraid of fire from sparks. All are welcome.
Gangin' up?/OutOfTen Dance isn't sport it's art. DRummerboy. Then just keep your wands out if you're afraid of fire from sparks. All are welcome.
K Kaleb Bane Well-Known Member Messages 143 OOC First Name Connor Wand | Apple Wand | 13 1/2" | Essence of Belladonna | Dec 30, 2012 #5,955 TooCoolToBeGangedUpOn/OutoftenDon't you need a target for an Attack?
C Caedwyn Wilkes Well-Known Member Messages 344 OOC First Name Zavia Wand Willow wand 14. Flexible. Core of dragon heartstring. Age 6/2011 Dec 30, 2012 #5,956 Like you all/Out of Ten You just take care and create some fireworks on your own guys. This girl's going to sleep now.
Like you all/Out of Ten You just take care and create some fireworks on your own guys. This girl's going to sleep now.
R Roxan Fairbrother Well-Known Member Messages 69 OOC First Name Domino Dec 30, 2012 #5,957 nice? /out.of.ten "You seem pretty nice, gesturing to the comments you're saying..."
Kate Archer Well-Known Member Messages 4,117 OOC First Name Johanna Wand Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core Age 5/2015 Dec 30, 2012 #5,958 Explorer//OutOfTen You'll have fun so in Hogwarts
Aspen Centaur, Groundskeeper, Intrigued, Lonely. Messages 317 OOC First Name Mia Wand a bow, arrows and a dagger Age 48 (08/2014) Dec 30, 2012 #5,959 pretty/10 I think my sister mentioned you once or twice. you sound nice, i guess you must be to be made head girl like her.
pretty/10 I think my sister mentioned you once or twice. you sound nice, i guess you must be to be made head girl like her.
K Kaoru Shurui Well-Known Member Messages 67 Wand Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna Dec 30, 2012 #5,960 misunderstood, perhaps? /out.of.ten You may be an outcast, but you like humans. If you're nice, people shouldn't care!
misunderstood, perhaps? /out.of.ten You may be an outcast, but you like humans. If you're nice, people shouldn't care!
Kate Archer Well-Known Member Messages 4,117 OOC First Name Johanna Wand Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core Age 5/2015 Dec 30, 2012 #5,961 HappySmiles//OutOfTen Make sure no one knocks that smile from your face.
M Myuna Kickett Well-Known Member Messages 765 OOC First Name Mia Dec 30, 2012 #5,962 Hufflepuff?/10 what the hell is a hufflepuff? my mum and grandma talked about the other three houses but what's so special about the badgers?
Hufflepuff?/10 what the hell is a hufflepuff? my mum and grandma talked about the other three houses but what's so special about the badgers?
C Cavani Laskaris Well-Known Member Messages 79 Wand Knotted 10" Flexible Hawthorn Wand with Mermaid Scale Core Age 11/2018 Dec 30, 2012 #5,963 rebel?/OutOfTen How dull.<i></i><i></i>
A Albertus Vermeulen Well-Known Member Messages 1,217 OOC First Name Camilla Wand Aloe Wand 14 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring Dec 30, 2012 #5,964 Pretty/10 Rebellion may be dull, but your looks certainly aren't.
Kate Archer Well-Known Member Messages 4,117 OOC First Name Johanna Wand Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core Age 5/2015 Dec 30, 2012 #5,965 ThirdYear//OutOfTen You look old for a third year.
J Jai Dionysus Well-Known Member Messages 277 Dec 30, 2012 #5,966 You'veGotToBeJoking / OutofTen A Hufflepuff as Head Girl? What's Hogwarts coming to ...
I Isabella Pisces Well-Known Member Messages 622 Wand Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle Age 3/2018 Dec 30, 2012 #5,967 </FONT><FONT font="Lucida">Dude./OutofTen Brush your hair. <i></i>
A Albertus Vermeulen Well-Known Member Messages 1,217 OOC First Name Camilla Wand Aloe Wand 14 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring Dec 30, 2012 #5,968 Devilish/10 I wonder how devilish you could be...
C Caedwyn Wilkes Well-Known Member Messages 344 OOC First Name Zavia Wand Willow wand 14. Flexible. Core of dragon heartstring. Age 6/2011 Dec 30, 2012 #5,969 Get A Room/OutofTen You would most certainly not wanna find out.
A Albertus Vermeulen Well-Known Member Messages 1,217 OOC First Name Camilla Wand Aloe Wand 14 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring Dec 30, 2012 #5,970 How do you know?/10 Aren't you an interesting creature.
A Artemis Jackson Well-Known Member Messages 1,928 OOC First Name Arty Wand Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains Dec 30, 2012 #5,971 WeirdOutOfTen Your age does not match a third year's.
A Albertus Vermeulen Well-Known Member Messages 1,217 OOC First Name Camilla Wand Aloe Wand 14 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring Dec 30, 2012 #5,972 Nosy/10 Personal reasons are personal reasons but I'll tell you this: my parents were never equipped to consider what their kids needed.
Nosy/10 Personal reasons are personal reasons but I'll tell you this: my parents were never equipped to consider what their kids needed.
J Jai Dionysus Well-Known Member Messages 277 Dec 30, 2012 #5,973 NewKid / OutofTen Where have you been, huh? Nice to meet you, I suppose.
A Aodh Wilkes Well-Known Member Messages 63 OOC First Name Sandor Wand Blackthorn Age 8/2013 Dec 30, 2012 #5,974 Heh.../outoften Jai, old fella... Jai the grumpy one... Drinking wine as Dionysos, Dionysus?
I Isabella Pisces Well-Known Member Messages 622 Wand Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle Age 3/2018 Dec 30, 2012 #5,975 </FONT><FONT font="Lucida">You'reWeird./OutofTen And that's nothing to be proud of, dude. <i></i>