Hot or Not

Lucky you!

We need to talk at some point. I am very close to getting fully certified as a full Healer.


Though I see not a red headed Irish woman.
I worry too, what people think if me, what are the results of my actions, what happens if I don't do good at school, what people think my shyness... Worrying is bad.
Harpies chaser/10
Awesome. I want to play chaser too when i graduate. wow you were gryffindor head girl too. you should be happy to know us lions have the head girl again this year.
Harpies chaser/10
Awesome. I want to play chaser too when i graduate. wow you were gryffindor head girl too. you should be happy to know us lions have the head girl again this year.
That seems very scary, aren't you worried you're going to infect people? I'd be terrified that it would be my fault and would bubble wrap my hands shut... Just for safety reasons!
I'm the opposite. But at
least you are friendly.
My dads a muggle, that's cool that you're fully muggle born... You're super extraordinary to be like that... Well I think so anyway
Being muggle born is a little annoying
sometimes though because I don't
understand or know a lot of magic stuff.
IUnderstand/ Out of Ten

I completely understand where you are coming from dude.
Sorry I've been ignoring you
I've been to scared to talk to anyone
I know you, and I still don't believe
that you are an abomination.

You have awesome glasses!
My siblings make fun of them cause no one else in my family needs glasses
That's silly, glasses are awesome
and I have to admit I am jealous.
You're lucky you have good eyes, it causes issues sometimes when I can't see things that well, my neither called me an idiot cause I couldn't see the tv properly
I hate them sometimes
I would love to have glasses.
All though I wouldn't wish the names that I get called on someone, you're very brave, I'm surprised you're not a gryffindor
Adorable/ Out of Ten

I think you are just an adorable first year. Sorry.
You're very sweet but most people call me weird... Not adorable
sort of/10
yeah that does scare me a little, but I know at least at the moment I am somewhere safe where the only person that may get hurt is myself.
(drom what you said to me on the previous page)

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