Hot or Not

<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="150">Sporty/outoften
That's something we have in common I guess.

You're Aunty sounds evil, you should leave and move in with me :)
<SIZE size="150"><COLOR color="#000">Adorable/outoften
<SIZE size="150">
Can you get anymore freakin' adorable?
You are so damn sweet, I'll see what I can do ;)
Careful of those budgers, you seem to sweet to be bruised and battered.
Quidditch looks interesting but I don't think i would play, even if i could get a broom to hold me.

potential pimp o u t o f t e n
i really feel like i should take you under my wing. seriously, with a bit of practice and confidence, you
could probably be hot poop. you're already tall and dark, we can work on the handsome. up for it, bro?

Thinks but no thanks/10
I dont know the first thing about women. and heading on for nine foot is pushing tall a little too far. I am happy with my normal slow life.
<COLOR color="#000">Lackinginconfidence/outoften
Not everyone is born to be loud and the center of attention.
But who cares. I personally enjoy the company of quieter
and and less confident people anyway.
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="150">Kaster/outoften
You are related to the adorable Sammy yes?
<SIZE size="50"><COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="150">Wouldn'tdreamofit/outoften
He is so sweet all I want to do is hug him.
How could I even think of ever hurting him?​
Lucky You! :)
you are a Mom/10
your daughter looks cute and dare i say small, but then everyone is small. my Mom died when I was seven
<SIZE size="50"><COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="150">Youseemlovely/outoften
Despite your lack of confidence.
PS. My parents died when I was one so I undertand.​
Why do i feel like your Youth is being stolen from you?​
That is thee most unlady-like position
you could have gone for. Geez.
I've been playing beater since i was in my second year in hogwarts for Gryffindor, I'm far from being a lady!
P.s I'm sure someone will love you one day​

It seems like such a scary position

I met a girl that was around 7" tall... and fainted...
:o who was it? Maybe we have something in common. Dont worry about the fainting I may do that too, if I saw someone like me
I'm Tall myself, but i'm not part Giant, i'm 5'9" and i thought i was tall!
Embrace your height! Its so Cool!​
I used to play Basketball and Netball and all of those sports, but Quidditch is my favourite! You're a Sporty one aswell! whats your Favourite Sport?​

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