Hope for the Best

Andrew Mckenna

Active Member
Sexual Orientation
Andrew, unfortunately, had quite a substantial amount of clients. Specialising in youth problems was something important to him, and his next client would be here very soon. Miss Hope was fortunate to have so many people in her corner that were able to bring her to his attention. Having yet to see her, the healer couldn't begin to diagnose what may trouble her, but there were a few things he was able to gather from her school counsellor - her preference for order, being one of them. Because of this, he could sure that Miss Hope would be at his door at exactly 12:00, and he went out of his way to make his office more appropriate for her.

His range was rather vast, and his office reflected this. The healer flicked his wand to pack away the more child-oriented items, such as aviatomobile, toy broomstick, and puppets, but left the boards and books as he doubted they would cause a potential issue. The office faced the street on one side, whilst the other side had a view of the park net door. Both were obscured slightly by thin drapes that dyed the sunlight a light blue along the floor boards. There were two lounges, coupled with two chairs separated from his desk at the far end of the square room. There was a noticeable lack of mats on the floor, but the lounges had a few cushions to provide much needed colour to the grey-scale room, and served to warm it up considerably. His tie served the same function against his suit, with its changing colours contrasting his crisp white shirt and black trousers.

Mister Clairoux's voice could already be heard through the closed mahogany door, causing Andrew to leave his papers in a neat pile on the desk, and exit the office in order to greet them. "Hello Miss Hope, Mister Clairoux. You may call me Andrew," he told them, speaking more to Lilyanna - he and the counsellor had previously met. A quick exchange occurred between the two men, before Daniel informed his young charge that he would be found outside if she needed him. Andrew gestured to the open door beside him as Daniel grabbed a magazine and dropped himself into a chair. "You may sit wherever you like," he addressed to Lilyanna.
Lilyanna still could not believe she was going to have to do this. Out of everything she imagined herself doing in life she did not imagine she would need help with anything, but the adults around her seemed to know better and so she was just going to have to stick with it until eventually it could all be over. The Slytherin apparated beside Daniel and the pair of them walked towards the tall building. It was 11.55am and Lilyanna refused to enter it yet. They still had five more minutes and it was plenty of time for Lilyanna to keep freaking out. What if she didn't like him or he didn't like her? What if he just thought she was stupid and told her he couldn't help whatever was wrong with her? Many thoughts were going through Lilyanna's mind as she walked closely beside Daniel, not wanting to leave his side after a couple of minutes waiting.

As they climbed the stairs and eventually reached the right floor, Lilyanna could feel her heart beating against her chest with every step. It was now 11.59am and they were one minute early, but Daniel kept walking and so Lilyanna did too. The man in the office had dark hair and brown eyes and was wearing a suit. It made Lilyanna conscious of what she was wearing as she hadn't really dressed up for the occasion and was just dressed in her robes. He introduced himself as Andrew and Lilyanna nodded before Daniel had told her he was going to go outside. "But why?" she asked quickly, tugging onto his sleeve. But after a reasonable answer about it being illegal for him to stay, Lilyanna slowly detached herself from him, feeling much more vulnerable. "I don't want to sit down." Lilyanna told Andrew. If she needed to run away, it was easier if she was already standing up.
Andrew gave her a nod, not minding her decision to stand. If she wanted to test the softness of her shoes against the hard floor, that was entirely her decision. "As you wish. What would you like me to call you, Miss Hope?" It was best to get that sorted as soon as possible to avoid antagonising her any further. She was a young woman that appreciated order - he had expected her to not accept this change with open arms. It would take time to have her grow accustomed to the situation, which she eventually would if his studies for over twenty years were worth anything.

She was exceptionally stubborn, however, and it wasn't Andrew's job to force her to do anything. Mister Clairoux, however, seemed to have a different idea, and after trying (and failing rather spectacularly) to have Lilyanna enter the room without having to get up, the tall man eventually put down his 'heart wrenching' story in the magazine, slipped into the office, stood until Lilyanna joined him, before leaving with a grumble or too behind a smile.

Andrew gave him a thankful nod, quietly amused, before his attention was back on Lilyanna once more. "We can keep the door open if you would prefer for now. But if so, for the sake of affording you some privacy, I'll have the room silenced should our session continue. You can leave when you like, though I would suggest you at least try this first session. I might surprise you."
Lilyanna didn't know if she should leave Daniel to walk into a room she had never been in before. She didn't want to sit down and was thankful that Andrew wasn't going to force her to do so. He then asked her what she wanted to be called. "Not Miss Hope." she replied, feeling like Miss Hope was a bit too formal. After all, Miss Hope was also her sister and she didn't want anyone, including herself, getting confused.

Lilyanna rolled her eyes at Daniel's stupid story about a kneazle. It didn't even give her the slightest motivation to go inside. It wasn't until Daniel stood back up and walked inside that Lilyanna followed him, eventually stepping inside the office herself. But he walked back out, and Lilyanna's feet stayed planted on the ground as he left to sit back down. "Yes, I want the door open." she told Andrew, feeling as if Daniel was further away if the door was closed. Besides, if the door was closed, he might leave and if he left Lilyanna would hate him. "Um, what do I do?" Lilyanna asked wearily, looking around at all of the different objects in the room.
Andrew made a mental note in order to respect her wishes. If she didn't want to be called Miss Hope, it would be pointless referring to her as such unless he sought to purposefully antagonise her. "I'll remember. If not Miss Hope, may I call you Lilyanna?" he offered. If she didn't want her last or middle name, then he'd simply go without using a name at all. It wouldn't be the first time that was the turn of events, but there was no need in pretending that he didn't know her first name already. If she allowed him to use it, it would only make both their lives easier.

He left the door open as per her wishes, and he decided it was time to take a seat, himself. If Lilyanna wanted to remain standing, it didn't mean he had to. He gave her a polite smile to try and give her some reassurance. "That is rather up to you, I'm afraid," he informed her. "Today's session is expected to be rather informal. There is no set structure to follow with this meeting, all I want to do for now is make you comfortable, and perhaps get to know you. Everyone wants the very best for you, myself included. There's no need to rush, and there's no need to be apprehensive." Easier said than done, he knew all too well, but these things needed to be said regardless of how easily they were absorbed. "If all goes well and you want to continue coming here, then we can start working on techniques designed to help you. But we can't do that until you know you can trust me, and I know what you're capable of. Understand?"
Lilyanna did not know what she wanted the man to call her. She didn't want to get confused and so she nodded when he suggested he just call her by her first name. It was easier that way and it made the whole situation seem less intimidating. What did confuse the girl however was why he needed to get to know her. All she wanted to do was find out what was wrong with her and if anyone was able to fix it. She wasn't a very social person and so opening herself up to Andrew was going to be the hardest thing she'd ever have to do. It would take up a lot of time and Lilyanna just wanted to get straight to the point. Despite this, she kept her mouth closed and took a while to think about whether she understood before nodding once again. He wanted her to feel comfortable and to not rush towards things. This was going to be hard for the girl but she nodded nonetheless. "Yes, I understand." she said, her voice almost a whisper. It wasn't very convincing but she hoped it was enough to convince him anyway.

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