hollie ridley

Hollie Ridley

Well-Known Member
'Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather'
Full Name: Hollie Jane Diana Ridley

Birth Date: September 9th 2008
Current Age: 12
Basic Appearance: Natural blonde hair but recently dyed brown (see bio), brown eyes and about 5'5

Parents: Richard Ridley and Diana Hardcastle.
Siblings, if any: Sam, Shelby, Lucy, Karl, Nikki, and Madi
Pets, if any: Her dog, Muffy =) and her owl, Snowie.
Stepfather-to-be: Henry Keller

[[Click here to see more info about her family in her bio]]

Area of Residence: England
Blood status: Muggleborn

Hogwarts House (And why): Gryffindor =) Because Hollie is brave, selfless, and will do anything for her friends. She has a noble spirit and a brave heart.
Best school subjects (And why): DADA, Herbology, and Flying because she can keep control of her broom and adores sport, loves plants and nature, and enjoys defensive stuff.

Toughest time in her life: Don't even go there.

What would her Patronus be? Hollie's patronus would be a canadian goose because what really gives her liberty and courage is knowing that she can always 'Fly Away Home'.
What would her Boggart be? Hollie's boggart would be any of her siblings dead/dying
What would her Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Hollie's animagus would be a dog (rough collie) because she is extremely loyal, and can be very protective of her younger siblings, especially Madi.
What would your character see if she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Upon looking into the Mirror of Erised, Hollie would see her whole family getting on together; her mother being faithful and loyal to her father (because currently she isn't) and herself and her siblings having loving, joyful relationships.
What memory could she use to create a Patronus? Hollie would use her memory of when her sister Madi was born, which was one of the best moments of her life.

Write an example roleplay by your character:
Hollie sat down on the soft, golden sand and stretched out her towel beside her. Before she could occupy it, however, a small distraction arrived in the shape of Madi, her blonde headed younger sister.
"Hollie, Hollie, can you come swimming with me? I'm scared of the cold waves." Madi looked at her expectantly. Hollie smiled, lovingly.
"Of course," she said, graciously; she had been planning on lying here, in the sun, getting a tan whilst she finished her book, Coming Home. But instead she stood up, untied her pigtails and shook her long blonde hair free. Gazing down at her sister fondly, she took the little girl's hand and led her towards the sea.

On her way, she met Shelby and a group of giggling girlfriends.

"Ah, it's Hollie the babysitter," Shelby said, her thin lips curling into a smile.
Hollie flushed, as Shelby's friends roared with laughter.
"Witty, but it would have been funnier if the 'baby' I was sitting wasn't your sister as well," she retorted. That shut those girls up.
Shelby scowled.
"You think you're so good," she re-started, "because you got a scholarship. To some freak school!"
Hollie laughed.
"Yeh, maybe" she said, smiling. "But most of that's because it now means I can get away from you!"
A small little giggle erupted from somewhere below Hollie's elbow. Madi had clearly found that incredibly funny.
Shelby glared at the six year old before turning back to Hollie.
"Yeh, sure," she sneered, "what you really mean is that you're actually freakish enough to pretend to feel pleased that you're gonna get done in by all those 'scary witches and wizards'. You're probably petrified!"
The other girls nodded, and then looked confused.
Hollie's entire expression changed. Her face went from looking lofty to looking furious.
"That's a secret!" she hissed, angrily. "You're not supposed to tell anyone about where I'm going."
"Where are you going?" piped up one of Shelby's girlfriends.
Hollie was just about to retort 'nowhere' when she hesitated. She could play this to her advantage. Shelby didn't really want anyone to know she had a freaky sister who was 'really a witch'. Her expression told Hollie that much. She looked like she'd been slapped in the face.
"Don't worry,"Shelby said, hastily, before Hollie could reply. "She's going nowhere, it was a slip of the tongue."
But the girls didn't look convinced, so Hollie decided to give them a bit of the truth.
"Actually, I am going somewhere. It's a school in New Zealand called Hogwarts. It's for special people."
The girls looked as though they believed this response more than Shelby's, but the outgoing one questioned it nonetheless.
"What dya mean, special people? Since when have you been special?" she asked, her gaze flickering from Hollie to Shelby.
"She means retarted people," Shelby answered, nastily. But there was no doub about it, she was panicking now. Hollie grinned. Her sister really had gotten herself into it this time.
"I mean... able people. People with a special ability," Hollie replied, slowly. She was playing for time, here. It was clear that Shelby regretted starting this conversation, and couldn't wait to leave Hollie and Madi alone.
"Special ability? What kind of special abilities? You don't have any special abilities... isn't that right Shel?" A red-headed girl Hollie recognised as Dani said.
Shelby nodded, looking at the floor. She was nearly the shade of green. Jealousy or embarrassment? Hollie wondered, for a moment. Before she could reply with 'magical ability' Madi got there first.
"Hogwarts is for magical people. People with a magical ability! Shelby said earlier about witches and wizards... well Hollie's a witch!"
If anyone else had said that comment, it would have sounded bad, like Hollie was an old hag with a dozen warts on her nose. But the way Madi said it was cool. Hollie smiled at the girls' astonished faces.
"Yeh, that's right," she said, agreeing with her younger sister, "I am."
There was a stunned silence. No one said anything. Hollie glanced at Madi, who was looking immensly pleased with herself.
Shelby, on the otherhand, was looking sickened.
"Come on girls, we're never gonna get a tan at this rate!" she said, shortly, and stalked off, beckoning the girls to follow.
With a last glance at Hollie they did, until the stretch of land infront of Hollie and Madi was clear. Hollie made sure that her older sister was far away before turning to Madi.
"Come on," she said, her voice light and excited, "let's go play!"
And the two girls raced to the sea, jumped the waves three times, and then plunged on in.

Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Diary,
You won't believe this. Today I got a letter to a new school... in New Zealand. And, what's more, it's a school of magic. Yeh, I know. I can't believe it myself. It's incredible. I probably sound so 'matter of fact' about it, but inside I can't believe it. A school of magic.
It came this morning, after breakfast. It was me and dad in the kitchen, and it just like, fluttered in. It had my name on it so I opened it and read. Dad couldn't believe it when I showed him. He was dumbstruck. Well, I was pretty astounded myself!
You know what dad's are like though; he made a huge thing of it, going upstairs with the letter and showing everyone individually. Everyone congratulated me, except Shelby of course. Even Sam tore himself away from the computer to say well done. I was so embarrassed! I mean, I hadn't done anything!
I don't know what mum will say. She probably won't even register what I say, she'll be so kiss-drunk from her recent affair. And that's a good point, I need to let Dad know what's going on. Poor soul, he has no idea. I've been meaning to tell him for a while. But how do you word that? How do you tell your own loving father that his wife's off having affairs? I dunno. Beats me.
The worst bit will be telling Lauren. We've been looking forward to secondary school for ages; she's gonna be so disappointed that I'm not going.
Anyway, better go now. I can hear someone coming and I bet it's dad, coming to tell me to turn my light out.


There you go! :)
Well, you've been here for a while, but still, Welcome. :p I thought your rp was really interesting to read! I kind of wanted more.... :)

Just a few questions:

If Hollie's family lives in England, why did she attend Hogwarts New Zealand and not Hogwarts Scotland?

Why is Shelby so bitter towards Hollie? Is there a reason for this?

Why does Hollie's mother feel the need to have love affairs? Is it because Richard is never home?

I imagine it's Professor Keller you're speaking of, why does Hollie dislike him so much?

Just curious, why would the dog that Hollie would be for an Animagus be a collie? So specifically I mean.

You're really off to a solid start, I'm very curious to know more.
Thank you :D I want to be an author when I'm older, so this is all good practise! I love getting stuck into discovering who my characters are; sometimes it makes me think about myself more! I mean, I'd never before considered what my patronus would be... I guess this questionaire's caused me to search inside myself more, and not just Hollie. :D
Anway, enough of that, here're some answers...

If Hollie's family lives in England, why did she attend Hogwarts New Zealand and not Hogwarts Scotland?
Hollie's great aunt lives in NZ, whereas she has no family in Scotland. If anything happened to Hollie whilst she was staying there, then she could go and stay with her great aunt, who dotes on her. But really, she also thought that HNZ sounded so much better!

Why is Shelby so bitter towards Hollie? Is there a reason for this?
Shelby has always been bitter towards Hollie, probably because Hollie is naturally so much nicer and has real friends. In some ways, Shelby's jealous of her younger sister because Hollie has a sort of charm that alot of Shelby's friends secretly like. Her personality is friendlier. Also, Hollie became a Christian at the age of seven, and Shelby, like her mother, hates religion and therefore holds that against Hollie. But she's also just of a spiteful nature and therefore loves being nasty.

Why does Hollie's mother feel the need to have love affairs? Is it because Richard is never home?
Good question. Actually, Richard is home the most out of the two of them, and it's Diana that goes out. She was lovely when they got married, but has taken advantage of her husband's wealth and attends parties, balls, and gatherings alot of the time. She is also a beautiful woman and likes the attention she gets from other men, which often leads to affairs. She is also a bit of a rebel, and believes she has Richard twisted around her little finger.

I imagine it's Professor Keller you're speaking of, why does Hollie dislike him so much?
Hollie is someone who believes in happiness, and making the most of what you've got. Sometimes her potions teacher can be really grouchy, and the mood rubs off on Hollie. She detestes feeling miserable, and Professor Keller has that affect on her, so she therefore hates being in his presence. If he was a bit happier and enjoyed life a bit more... well, her feelings would probably change.

Just curious, why would the dog that Hollie would be for an Animagus be a collie? So specifically I mean.
Rough collie dogs are extremely loyal, and Hollie once had one that saved her life - physically and emotionally. She has therefore experienced such loyalty from a collie, and is extremely drawn to them. Hollie is also a really loyal person, and some may describe her personality similar to a Collie. Collie dogs are loving, loyal, and beautiful, but when angered and threatened, sometimes lash out, especially if the person they love is being tormented. Hollie is the same. She hates it when people (like Shelby) bully her younger sister Madi, and is extremely protective over her.

I think that's it....

Any more questions?
feel free to ask them... :D
Thats really good!! ;) Just a few questions though as i think Estrella has asked all the rest!

1. Does your character have any weaknesses? If so what?

2. What does your charcter want to be when she is older?

3. What is the thing that in the time of her most troublesome part of life, and why?

And any other things i will ask again!

But well done!

You will make a very good author and i wish you the best in your writing career!

Kate xxx
Lol :p Cheers :D

1. Does your character have any weaknesses? If so what?
Hmmm... typical of you to ask this one! Lol. Ok, here we go...
[ul][li] Impatience. Hollie can be extremely impatient if things don't happen fast enough. Not something to be proud of.</LI>
[li] Jealousy. Hollie can be very jealous of people, most commonly her friends.
[li] Doesn't forget. Hollie finds it extremely hard to forgive people who have hurt her real bad. She can't get over it and in years to come she may still hold it against them.
<LI>[li] Lack of Self-Esteem. It'll only take one thing and Hollie will feel miserable about herself. She'd great at making other people feel good, but when it comes to looking at her, she can only see negative, unless she searches real hard.[/li][/ul]
Urm... that's it for now, but I'll probs think of more and then I'll edit :D

2. What does your charcter want to be when she is older?
Hmm... before she discovered HNZ and the magical world, Hollie really wanted to be a professional gymnast, if not an athlete. If that wasn't possible, then probably a PE teacher of some description. She also considered the possibilty of a lawyer.
But then she discovered a whole new world - this one. She now has no idea except she would love to pursue a career in the wizarding world. But really, it'll take a lot of time to find out. She will do research later on in life, at the moment Hollie just wants to enjoy life for what it is.

And ur, i didn't really understand your last question. was it asking what the worst time in Hollie's life is? :unsure:

but yeah, thanks for the questions. keep them coming :p

oh and thank you very much :D
Okay so I had a random urge to come on here and ask questions so here is what I came up with.... some of this questions come from your bio too.... oh and sorry about the sheer amount of them..... I got a little carried away :p

1) This is just a warm up questions: Which of her parents does Hollie most look like? Are the eyes a family thing or is that something unique about her?

2) Being a daddy's little girl was there any question within herself when it came to moving to New Zealand? Was there ever a moment when staying home would have been an option? If so why did she make the choice she did?

3) As a muggle born was there any sense of disbelief or denial at first when the letter was read and received?

4) What was the hardest part about moving so far away from home at such a young age?

5) Does Hollie know about her mother's love affairs? If so how did she find out?

6) Wow Hollie has a big family! In your role play you showed us a little of their relationships but I will still ask: What was the biggest struggle of growing up with so many siblings? What was the best part?

7) When it comes to fighting a Boggart how would which sibling it was affect her differently? For example would she have different thoughts going through her head if it was Madi compared to Shelby?

8) You stated in one of your answers that at 7, Hollie had become a Christian while her mother and atleast one of her sisters aren't. How did that affect her life thus far as a Christian? Is that one of the reasons why there are almost distinct teams in the family?
Soz Hollie!! I hadn't finished the sentence but i had to get off. I meant to ask,

In her hardest part of her life, what was the thing that helped her get through and why?

Well done though. You have had a lot of very hard questions and you have answered them well. Well done for getting this fortnights spotlighted character!! You really deserve it!! :p

Hilary, you should get a job at asking VERY hard questions. I would love to try and answer some about my charcter!! Is it possible for you to ask them on my thread? That would be great!!

Ok, first off, Hilary. Wow, you ask some fab questions! This is gonna be tough...

1) This is just a warm up questions: Which of her parents does Hollie most look like? Are the eyes a family thing or is that something unique about her?
Hollie looks most like her father, as in she has the same eyes as him (therefore yes, it is a family thing), but she has her grandmother's hair. Hollie doesn't really look like her mother.

2) Being a daddy's little girl was there any question within herself when it came to moving to New Zealand? Was there ever a moment when staying home would have been an option? If so why did she make the choice she did?
Hollie never really considered that. She received her letter and was so excited by it. Her father encouraged her all the way, but obviously it tugged at her heart when leaving. However, she always knew that she could return home in the holidays, and made a pact to write. There may have been a few times when she considered staying at home, but they were overcome by her uncontrollable excitement.

3) As a muggle born was there any sense of disbelief or denial at first when the letter was read and received?
Yes. A big yes. Hollie thought it may have been a prank played on her by her sister, Shelby, but after a while it became obvious the Shelby had no such imagination. Hollie searched and searched for another possible answer but none came; she could only assume it was real. She took the plane to NZ where her great aunt lives, and once she found out that Obsidian Harbour was real, she realised it all was.

4) What was the hardest part about moving so far away from home at such a young age?
Leaving her family behind. Hollie loves all her siblings, including Shelby (deep down), and it was hard realising she wasn't going to see them as much. Also, the fact she couldn't take the family dog, Muffy, with them made it tough, and she was going to miss her best friend Lauren terribly. She also would never experience a muggle secondary school.

5) Does Hollie know about her mother's love affairs? If so how did she find out?
Hollie guessed about her mother's love affairs, but they were accurate guesses. Her mother was always out late, and would sometimes get back at about 4 or 5 in the morning. It didn't take much imagination to think of where she was staying or what she was doing.

6) Wow Hollie has a big family! In your role play you showed us a little of their relationships but I will still ask: What was the biggest struggle of growing up with so many siblings? What was the best part?
The biggest struggle is it is hard to keep everyone happy. If she does something for one sibling it may upset the others, or make them jealous etc. Also, they have to do a lot of sharing and Hollie doesn't get a lot of time with either parent. It's always a busy house and Hollie sometimes wishes it was quieter and more peaceful.
The best part is she is allowed to borrow things from either one, and if upset she has a number of people to confide in, and can choose. Also, they are all protective of each other so there is security.

7) When it comes to fighting a Boggart how would which sibling it was affect her differently? For example would she have different thoughts going through her head if it was Madi compared to Shelby?
Yes, I suppose she would. But it would still upset her hugely even if it was Shelby.

8) You stated in one of your answers that at 7, Hollie had become a Christian while her mother and atleast one of her sisters aren't. How did that affect her life thus far as a Christian? Is that one of the reasons why there are almost distinct teams in the family?
Urm... yes. One of the reasons Shelby began picking on Hollie was because of her belief in God. It affected her life in a good way because she now knows that no matter what, someone is always there. And considering she just moved to NZ at the age of 11-12, that's pretty important! Her father has just recently become a Christian to. (He mentioned it in his letter to her, see the owlery).

Ok... now for Kate's last question...

In her hardest part of her life, what was the thing that helped her get through and why?
Woah, this is a toughy. Ok, well, probably knowing that God was there no matter what and kept her in his arms. I won't go into the toughest part of her life though.

Is that ok guys? Have I satisfied you? Lol
Keep the questions coming, these are good. :D

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