Hollie Ridley

Hollie Ridley

Well-Known Member
'Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather'
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I have a Crush On You
You Have a Crush On Me
I look Up To You

Anything else you'd like to add?
Sign it below =)
Just say how we're friends and stuff:

House and Year:
How we met:
Our relationship:
Any threads we've had:
What you think of me:
Good times:
Bad times:
Anything else:
Love you all x
Name: Kyle Smith
House and Year:Griffindor 1st year
How we met:seventh floor corridor
Our relationship: met once
Any threads we've had: fifth floor corridor
What you think of me: your kind and cool
Good times:
Bad times:
Anything else: want to get to know you better
Name: Jade Caja
Age: 12
House and Year: Gryffindor 2nd year
How we met: FF club, Language club
Our relationship:Aquaintance, student friend
Any threads we've had:Friend Finder Meeting
Meeting!, Bonjour tout les nouvelles!
What you think of me: Fun, full of good ideas, good french and german speaker
Good times: FFC
Bad times: none yet!
Anything else:
Name: Laura O'Connor
Age: 11
House and Year: First Year Gryffindor, baby. ;)
How we met: We met at random in our dorm
Our relationship: Close friends, Student friends, soon-to-be Partners in Crime
Any threads we've had: The Forbidden Forest, the dorm, Death has taken Hold, the Fourth Floor Corridor, loads.
What you think of me: Bubbly, true Gryffindor gal, great friend, always there for me.
Good times: In the dorm. (?!)
Bad times: When Laura's parents died.
Anything else: Nofink.
Name: Kate Johnson
House and Year:Hufflepuff 1st year
How we met: We just did!!
Our relationship: Close friends
Any threads we've had: Madame Pudifoots, Library, 4th floor corridor
What you think of me: Cheerful, clever and funny
Good times: All the time!!
Bad times: None yet!!
Anything else: nope!!

Name: Bianca Felicity Petrescu
Age: 11+
House and Year: Hufflepuff First Year
How we met: Friend Finder club, Language club
Our relationship: Student friend, Club Friends, Average Friends, Could even be close friends!
Any threads we've had: Friend Finder and Language Club meetings. And even in classes.
What you think of me: Friendly, Fun, Sweet, Honest, Responsible.
Good times: Friend Finder and Language Club meetings.
Bad times: None yet!
Anything else: I hope we become good friends! :p

Name: Harriet Turner
Age: 12
House and Year: Gryffindor second year.
How we met: Ermm I think it was in Brightstone, but then in the common room and around school!
Our relationship: Closer friends, protective over you.
Any threads we've had: In the corridors!
What you think of me: Your a good friend, your friendly and fun to be around!
Good times: All of the times!
Bad times: None yet!
Anything else: Noppe

Name: Patricia Rogers
Age: 12
House and Year: Hufflepuff First Year
How we met: Friend Finder club, Language club,
Our relationship: Student friend, Club Friends, Average Friends,
Any threads we've had: Friend Finder and Language Club meetings. (I think a few other places - can't remember :unsure: )
What you think of me: Friendly, Fun, Sweet, Honest, Responsible.
Good times: Friend Finder and Language Club meetings.
Bad times: None
Anything else: I hope we become good friends!

Name: Annamarie Rousseau
Age: 11...almost 12
House and Year: Gryffindor First Year
How we met: Hanging out in the Tower and during Qudditich try-outs
Our relationship: Friends
Any threads we've had: Quite a few in the tower...and the ones for try-outs.
What you think of me: I think you are a caring and sweet person, who is always ready and willing to cheer someone up.
Good times: You, me, and Harriets convo. in the girl's dorm.
Bad times: I am sad that we really didn't get to better friends sooner
Anything else: I think we really have a start of a good friendship!

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