Holiday Starts Here

Georgia Rose

OOC First Name
Curly 14 1/2" Sturdy Alder Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
There was nothing much that could be said about how good Georgia was feeling. It was nearing the end of term, and while she wasn't all too excited about seeing her adoptive parents, she was at least looking forward to spending some extended time relaxing. She was looking forward to taking more dance classes, and getting that to be better. She did a lot of dancing in school, but she was always happy to learn more. She was always looking to be better. She didn't like thinking that she really had more to learn. It was frustrating to think such a thing, when she was at school, because there was so little space for her to do much learning of any kind. She was happy with her subjects, but Georgia preferred others things. She was smiling to herself however. She was happy with how the day had been going so far. She'd sat her last exam that morning and was looking forward to spending some time, on the grounds, just relaxing or dancing really whatever took her fancy there and then. When she got to those grounds. Georgia was smiling happily as she walked through the palace. She was feeling pretty good. She was dressed in her uniform, but it wasn't as smart as it had been when she'd started her day. She was dancing her way through the school, until she hit the outdoors. Which felt great. She loved the warmth of the summer. She loved being in France. She loved the fact she'd finished her exams.

Georgia made her way through the grounds continuing to dance. She didn't mind that there were people watching her she loved the fact that she was free of the stress. She wasn't even sure what she wanted to do, she felt like flying as well as everything else. Everything that's she told herself to not do while revising for her exams was now coming back to her all at once. She was glad to not have to study, but she wished her mind could pick one thing that it could do. Georgia ended up, just stopping on the middle of a grassy area, and just falling to the floor. Lying on her back looking up at the sky. It was a bright blue, not one cloud in the sky, well at least from what she could see. However, this wasn't a largely stressful thing to her. She was just happy to feel the warmth of this sun on her skin. Happy to just be able to lie on the ground and take in the sites around her. To not have to think about anything that was pressing. Life was good in those stress-free moments. She let out a long laugh, before propping herself up on her elbows, glancing around the area. She was so happy, there was just sheer elation within her. She was so happy with everything. Georgia didn't even think about the fact she'd have to go home soon, as her happiness those thoughts left her mind. She just really thought that a bit of company now would just be the icing on the cake.

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