Hogwarts Monthly Y46/S2


By Margo Fox (Kadi)
Welcome back as we celebrate getting through yet another semester here at Hogwarts! I'm sure all the students taking their OWLs and NEWTs are glad to be done with them and now it's the professor's turn to get to work grading. Soon there will be a new house champion and top point earners for each house!

But before we get too ahead of ourselves lets all remember all the excitement the year had in store for us, like the return of Rose Giving and the Duelling Tournament. Both events you can read more about below! Not to mention a thrilling conclusion to the quidditch season as new quiddich cup champions were made!

Last, but certainly not least, we have to give a fond farewell to Professor Cyndi Kingsley. She has served as the lower years Ancient Runes professor and the Gryffindor Head of House, for longer than some of our current professors have been able to use their own wands. She has been an invaluable member of the faculty and a mentor to many students over the years. She will be sincerely missed by student and professor a like. Good luck with whatever comes next!
By Ruto Vernier-Raison (Kaye)
By Margo Fox (Kadi)
Following the rose delivery event was the Valentine’s Dance. Every year Hogwarts never fails to put on a fun event for their students to celebrate significant dates. Whilst Valentine’s Day is not for everyone, the dance still catered for others who did not have a date, with a well set-up snack table, and I know I’m not the only one who would spend most of their time around the snack table than on the dance floor.
As always, the Valentine’s Dance was prepared by our one and only Headmaster Professor Matt Alcott-Ward. The great hall was decorated beautifully, with light pastels and pink roses and candles all around. People also dressed the part as well in floral dresses and tuxedos, and the amazing Accio! team spent the night taking beautiful pictures of everyone in their outfits. If it wasn’t for Accio! how would we keep these special moments close?
Overall, I'm sure the night was enjoyed by everyone that attended. It is definitely one of the nights that I hope will be around forever.
Hogwarts has clubs for almost anything you could think of. If you like gardening and being outside well Wild Patch is for you. Do you like to be creative and making art, well I think you'll like the Conglomerated Arts Club quite a bit.

Now if you're a girl and want to find sisterhood with your fellow classmates may I suggest heading over to the Heta Omega society. On the other hand if you're a boy and want to get to know your classmates then The Brotherhood of Magic would be a good fit, and hopefully you were able to join them for an epic pillow fight!

And of course there's the SDA who put on quite a show with their Duelling Tournament which you can read more about in our recap of the event!

Over here at the Hogwarts Monthly you can see what we've been up to, it's in your hands right now! And soon you'll be able to see what the folks over at the Accio! yearbook club are up to too!

By Michael Watson (Camilla)
What a fantastic season of Quidditch we've had! And no, I'm not just saying that because Ravenclaw won the house cup (although that certainly factors into it), the games were incredible and entertaining. But don't worry if you missed them, because I've got the wrap-up for you right here.
Slytherin (150) def Hufflepuff (10)
The bronze medal match between Slytherin and Hufflepuff had an air of curiosity about it, as nobody really knew what to expect from an untested and largely inexperienced Slytherin team. And Hufflepuff, without most of their cup-winning line-up, had a lot to prove. Perhaps both team's beaters still have a little more to prove next year, as bludgers were seen flying to the bench (more on that later) and the very beaters hitting them, but it made for some great viewing. Despite managing both of these feats himself, Hufflepuff captain Chase Campbell did succeed in bludgeoning Slytherin's Ignatius Wolffort out of the match, although this ultmately worked against them as Slytherin's alternate seeker Morrie Ayre caught the snitch and won the game.
Michael's MVP: Chase, for pointing out the wild bludger hits, I'm giving this one to you. Sorry for putting you in the spotlight.
Ravenclaw (180) def Gryffindor (40)
But all eyes were on the championship match. As Ravenclaw captain, I acknowledge that this may be biased, but I will keep it as objective as I can. This was a surprisingly free scoring match (fire that Ravenclaw keeper, he's not very good) with Joshua Lynch a standout for Gryffindor on that front. Ravenclaw's beaters Lucy Holland and Audrey Beauchamp kept consistent pressure on Gryffindor's captain and seeker Rāwhiti Te Rangi. Thankfully, despite the consistent bludger hits from both sides, nobody was severely hurt and taken out of the game. Ultimately, Savannah Walters found the snitch first, sealing the House Cup for Ravenclaw in a hard fought, extremely close game.
Michael's MVP: Bias pick, sure, but Lucy Holland - stepping up as a substitute and managing a lot of excellent hits and distraction techniques. Incredible effort.
Ilvermorny (190) def Ravenclaw (50)
If anyone expected the exhibition match against Ilvermorny to be a non-event (like this writer did), they would have been sorely mistaken. Ilvermorny came in with a smaller team and looked to be in trouble early when Ravenclaw's Monday Weeks and Audrey Beauchamp quickly got Ilvermorny's seeker, Nabi Mun, removed from the game. Ilvermorny's captain Zoey Hawkins stepped up, swapping from chaser to seeker, but luckily for her (and unluckily for poor Nabi) it seemed as though bludgers were still magnetised to the poor seeker, hitting her on the bench twice more for good measure. (Needless to say, we've gone to get Audrey's bat and the bludgers examined for any curses). It seemed like the Ravenclaw beaters had the run of the depleted Ilvermorny lineup, but both team's chasers kept the scoreboard ticking over and after a gruelling test of stamina, Ilvermorny eventually were successful in catching the snitch. Thanks for coming, Ilvermorny - and we do hope your seeker wasn't too badly hurt.
Michael's MVP: Zoey Hawkins was extremely impressive to watch, jumping into the seeker position and winning the game for her side despite being down to 6 players.
By Aine Thompson (Camilla)
Rose Giving Y46
By Ruto Vernier-Raison (Kaye)
After taking a break to recalibrate, the dueling tournament was back and bigger than ever. SDA President Monday Weeks convinced the staff to participate, letting our professors join in the fun and provide great entertainment for all spectators. I would especially like to highlight the great spectacle Professor Josephs brought to her duels, showing that just because a professor teaches a more theoretical subject doesn't mean they should be underestimated with wand in hand!
Aside from a little bit of drama in the second year final, all duels went pretty smoothly under the watchful eyes of Professor Styx, Professor Cade and Professor Moncrieffe. Thankfully, there was only one set of slugs to clean up - there's always one, isn't there? Well done everyone who participated, and a big congratulations to champions Aroha Blenheim, Teddy Pirrip, Oswald Brambleheart, Dorian Fitzwilliam, Yuelia Rossingol, Ngawaiata Martin and Professor Josephs.
2ndAroha Blenheim
3rdTeddy Pirrip
4thOswald Brambleheart
5thDorian Fitzwilliam
6thYuelia Rossingol
7thNgawaiata Martin
Staff~Professor Kahurangi Josephs
It was that time of year again when the roses bloomed in the Hogwarts gardens. Love was in the air and smiles were on everyone’s faces. And who doesn’t love the idea of love? They say a sweet friendship refreshes the soul, however I think a sweet love rejuvenates us all.
The rose delivery service was organized this year by Head Girl Aine Thompson and Hufflepuff Sixth year Marnie Frogg. There were many submissions and it would have been a tough job organizing it all, however it’s such a lovely idea to deliver roses on Valentine’s Day, and I was glad to volunteer to be a part of such an event.
Love is like the wind - you can’t see it, but you can feel it, and the morning of Valentine’s Day definitely felt like love. It was nice and sunny, nature was happy, and it couldn’t have been more perfect. People could be found outside of the castle as well as inside, so delivering roses was tough to find people one did not know well. Personally, I embarrassed myself a couple of times as I struggled to put names to faces. Nonetheless, it is always a fun mission, and rose deliveries ended up being a major success as they always are.
In total there were 219 roses, and a few lovely anonymous ones included! This just goes to show the work that was put into it all, and all of those who volunteered should be proud of themselves for stepping up to help deliver love to those who deserved it.
I didn't receive any roses myself, and so delivering them was a great way to still feel included. If you weren't part of the event this year, I strongly suggest you consider taking part next year. If you yearn to feel part of something, you must step up.

By Miss Understanding/OOC:Mirnada Dawes (Camilla)
A lot has been happening at school this semester, but what about what’s been going on behind the scenes? Never fear, your faithful Miss Understanding is here to fill you all in!

Rose giving is supposed to be a time of kindness and appreciation. Some people might know, however, that roses really do stink if you get too close to them, and nobody knows that more than the younger Slytherins. I heard that a few girls got some mean messages and some nasty deliveries. Not to mention some students wanting to swap dorms to get away from their roommates! Talk about thorns in each other's sides! Maybe they need to take a few lessons from the Hufflepuffs…?

It wasn’t all bad, though. In fact, it seemed to work out well for the head students, who have seemed to be a whole lot closer lately. If the walls of the head people’s office could talk, I wonder what they’d say? The things they must have seen over the years!

Everyone obviously knows that Professor Grayveson is expecting and will be taking some maternity leave for the rest of the calendar year, and we all wish her the very best. Of course, she’s not the only expectant mother in the school. All I’ll say is maybe we need to make sure we don’t get too carried away on our holidays…?

And finally, the dueling tournament was very successful but I’m also disappointed that there wasn’t more drama! A certain notable pair of third years had it out spectacularly, and some second years got a bit carried away breaking the rules, but everyone else, I expect more to write about next time! I hear the History of Magic professor loves duels going off the rails…

I look forward to what next year will bring. In the meantime I hope you all have a nice holiday, stay safe, and if you have any anonymous gossip to share, please send it to me at the Hogwarts Monthly!
By Hugo Stark-West (Mia) (Source)
“The early summer sky was the colour of cat vomit.”
I think I have just found my new favourite first line. And it continues, “Of course… you would have to feed your cat only salmon flavoured food for a while to get the pinks right.”
Welcome to Hugo's book club and the world of Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. Or rather welcome to the world of pretties, seeing as they are in charge. The Uglies, like us, are teenagers that just live there. Tally is an ugly. A few weeks off her sixteenth birthday when she will get the pretty operation. Just like everyone else in her city over that age she will be pretty, with flawless skin, unbreakable bones and a calendar that is full of all of the best parties (I can think of some people who would love that). The perfect life she has always dreamed of. But as the day comes closer, Shay, her new friend starts to have doubts. When Shay runs away Tally is given an ultimatum by the city's special police. Find her friend and turn her in or be ugly forever. Tally sets off on a journey through the wilderness with only spagbol to eat and learns what pretty really means, as well as the ugliness hidden behind the facade. Is it enough to commit to a life outside of the city?
I enjoyed the book learning about Tally and Shay. Her adventure through the wilderness. The world was really well built, from crumbling ruins of (our) old civilization to shiny new skyscrapers. I really liked the technology, it felt realistic, hoverboards and houses that make whatever you need with bungee jackets on the top. I would certainly something to pick up if you want a lighthearted adventure into the future. Or anyone who wants to be pretty and popular.
By Margo Fox (Kadi)
As the year comes to an end, it is with a heavy heart that I must say goodbye to you, our readers, for the last time as your co-editor. I don't want to take too much credit because it is because of our amazing The Hogwarts Monthly team that this issue has made it to print at all. But it has been an honor to help guide them this past year along with the very talented Hugo Stark-West as my co-editor. I have full faith in him and our new co-editor Miranda Dawes who will be stepping up next year. Being a part of the paper has been a highlight of my time here at Hogwarts and if I'm lucky I'll get to write for you again out there in the real world.
Miranda couldn't believe that she was going to be co-editing the paper next year. If she didn't know better, she would've almost blamed her mum for it, suggesting she might have strongarmed the staff into picking her despite being so young. But she figured the school knew better than to listen to her mum, not to mention the different surnames made the connection a little less obvious.

Miranda also couldn't believe she'd gotten away with the gossip column. She felt like she'd spent a lot of time observing, being on the outside, being as nice and friendly as possible. But there was something kind of...fun about writing it. Not to mention sneaking it in while Margo had been distracted with exams. Her heart had been pounding out of her chest and she knew her dad wouldn't exactly be thrilled with her if he knew. Still, her name wasn't on it so nobody had to know. She kept her expression as neutral as possible as she scanned the rest of the paper, pleased with the outcome.
Chase would've much rather skipped over the hogwarts monthly this semester and yet when he found one on the table in front of him he couldn't help but to flip through it for a second. He stopped at the quidditch section and, much against his better judgement, decided to scan over it. Yep. Definitely shouldn't have done that. He groaned when he had to read about the mess their game against Slytherin had been, even more so when Michael had appointed him mvp after spotlighting his blunders. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that the other boy had meant well and yet he couldn't help but to feel like he had just been handed a participation award after coming in dead last. He could only pray next year would be less of a mess. Or at least if it was he'd know not to pick up the monthly again.
Morrie had read the Hogwarts Monthly paper from top to bottom, but was only really interested in the bits about her. She noticed her snitch catch was documented, good, but took offense to the other times she was eluded to, but not named. She was particularly angry with this Miss Understanding, even the name was a misnomer. "Oi!" She said, approaching and waving the paper, "I want a word with this Miss Understanding! More like misinformation!" She thought that was quite witty but she was too angry to enjoy it.

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