Hogwarts Monthly Y46/S1


By Margo Fox (Kadi)
Welcome to the first Hogwarts Monthly issue for the year! The year was off to an exciting start with first years arriving to the castle for the first time as well as a lone transfer student. Lets hope everyone has figured out how to find all their classes by now. And of course, a new Hogwarts year also means new Hogwarts professor. We welcome Professor James Cade teaching upper level Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Shiori Nakamura teaching upper level Astronomy with Professor Percival Zephyrmoon temporarily taking over the lower level classes. and lastly Professor Minnie Calida teaching lower level Arithmancy.

The semester has gone by in the flash and the next is just around the corner. Congratulations to everyone who survived their exams, unfortunately 5th and 7th year you're not off the hook quite yet. But there is still the Yule Ball and the holidays themselves to enjoy before we are back here again. Let's hope we are all rested and renvigorated to take on the rest of the year!
By Miranda Dawes (Camilla)
By Margo Fox (Kadi)
There's nothing like Halloween at Hogwarts! The school always puts on an amazing party. I was really impressed with how the haunted tent was set up and I and I'm sure a lot of other people had a really great time with bobbing for apples. Plus the food was delicious as always! The costumes were really something special too. There were some really funny costumes, like Marnie Frogg as a bag of every flavour beans and Teddy Pirrip as the headmaster. There were really pretty outfits too, like Zora Jackson wearing a ballerina outfit and Vanity Mettlestone's Little Red Riding hood coat. But the overall winners of the costume contest were:

Best Overall: Rosie Archer as a Sunrise
Best Magically Enhanced: Ngawaiata Martin as a Ghost
Most Scary: Marley Owens-Lee as a Possessed Doll
Best Group/Couple: Anisha and Raafe Khatri as Princess Peach and Rainbow Road
Most Ridiculous: Naveen Khatri as a Teabag
Most Traditional Halloween: Valerius Bianchi as a Venetian Masquerader

Congratulations to all the winners! I can't wait to see what everyone wears next year!
Hogwarts has been full of fun activities this semester run by our many clubs! The year started with the club fair that welcomed all new students to sign up for the fun.
The boys in the Brotherhood of Magic have had their fun with a nerf war in their club room. Let's hope the tight quarters didn't leave too many casualties. The girls of Heta Omega have been quiet but rest assured fun is just around the corner!

Out in the gardens, the Wild Patch Club has been hard at work clearing out weed. But they also made sure to enjoy their hard work and made some flower crowns to celebrate a good growing season so far.

Not to be out done, the Conglomerated Arts Club have been getting creative as they pushed themselves to try something new. Swapping creative outlets can only lead to making something new and wonderful.

And last but certainly not least here at the Hogwarts Monthly we have been hard at work putting this issue together just for you. Same goes for those over in the Accio! Club who I'm sure you've seen at school events capturing memories that will end up in our yearbook at the end of the year!


By Michael Watson (Camilla)
The first game of the Quidditch season was the reigning champions Hufflepuff against the consistently enthusiastic and motivated Gryffindor. Spectators were interested to see what the new look Hufflepuff could do, with the graduation of many of their star players last year, and Gryffindor never fail to provide stiff competition. Unfortunately for Hufflepuff, Gryffindor were all over them from the outset, with Gryffindor beater Aurora Archer immediately pressuring Hufflepuff's seeker Penelope Marshall and new keeper Teddy Pirrip preventing an attempt on goal by new chaser Oswald Brambleheart. The game was short lived, however, with Gryffindor captain and seeker Rāwhiti Te Rangi making quick work of the search for the snitch. Gryffindor won 150 - 0.
Michael's MVP: Gotta give this one to Rāwhiti Te Rangi, captaining a team and playing as seeker is not an easy task, but he's clearly consolidated a good team without sacrificing his own role.

Now unfortunately while I'd love to tell you about the Ravenclaw v Slytherin game, due to unforeseen circumstances Slytherin were unable to play and thus Ravenclaw won by default. As Ravenclaw captain, I'm happy we'll get to play off for the Quidditch Cup, but it's not the way I would have liked to win. Still, it is what it is, and all I'll say is that Gryffindor better watch out next semester! Slytherin, I look forward to our rematch in due time.

Michael's MVP: Professor Castillo, I have to say rallying support behind the team like that was an excellent play. I hope we get to see lots of crowd support in all the games next semester!
By Aine Thompson (Camilla)
By Margo Fox (Kadi)
Aine Thompson: I’m here with our illustrious Head Boy, Monday Weeks. Not only does Monday have Head Boy duties, he is also the club lead for the SDA and one of Ravenclaw’s beaters. I’m amazed he can find the time to breathe, let alone join me for an interview today. Hey Monday, how’s it going?

Monday Weeks: I’m doing pretty well, just a little tired from everything. I hope you are fairing okay too.

AT: Ah, we get through it, don’t we? Alright, I’m just going to ask you five rapid fire questions so our readers can get to know you a little better. You ready?

MW: Yeah, of course.

AT: Okay, favourite colour?

MW: Blue.

AT: Favourite food?

MW: Strawberries.

AT: So, you’re in charge of the SDA, any duelling strategies you’d like to share for the younger students looking to give it a go?

MW: Observe your opponent before striking. Think before you attack.

AT: Good advice! Well…since you and I are both muggleborn, would you agree with me that the magical world’s insistence on isolationism and aversion to progress opens doors for damaging policies and a sense of hopelessness amongst the youth? Or are you normal and don’t think about these things?

MW: Honestly, I agree with you. Sometimes I think about things like that. But I can see both sides, and it seems like a lose-lose situation.

AT: I should probably dial it back before I get hauled in to the Headmaster’s office. [laughs] Okay, and finally, any plans for what you want to do after graduation you’re comfortable sharing? Careers in mind?

MW: I am thinking about becoming an Auror. Or might go to university and work with mathematics or chemistry.

AT: Interesting choices! Well, whatever you decide, you’ll surely have no issues getting there. As you’ve probably guessed from this interview, and if you’ve read any of my previous articles, journalism is not high up there on my own list! Anyway, thank you very much for your time today!
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Ever the courageous one, rushing into situations is nothing new for you. Eight is a lucky number for your sign.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Both Monday and Friday hold significance for your sign. The beginning and end of the week.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): You may tend to let the wind blow you around but its important to have roots to the things that matter to you.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): It can be easy to be wary of new people. But rest easy when it comes to Capricorn and Taurus.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22): The Sun is very important to you. Keep warm colors like gold and orange around you to keep up your spirits.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22): You are no stranger to work and sometimes it doesn't even feel like work. Use the holidays to finally take a step back.

Libra (Sepr 23 - Oct 22): For a sign all about balance it can feel like you just don't fit in to such a chaotic world and that's ok. Also your lucky numbers are 4, 15, and 24.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21): You may have a reputation for being distrusting. Don't be afraid to let people in. And wear the color red, it suits you.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21): Like the planet associated with your sign, Jupiter, you are larger than life don't be thrown off by your own gravity.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19): Dark colors like black and brown tend to suit you. But you have to remember that you are still in control, not the stars.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18): You tend to be suck in your ways. Let go a little! Watch for blue or silver, those will be lucky for you.

Pisces (Feb 19 - March 20): You have great compatibility with those of the sign Virgo and Taurus. The Yule Ball is around the corner, make your move!___________
The Extraordinaries
By Hugo Stark-West (Mia) (Source)
Anyone who knows me, and to be honest many people who don’t know that I love comic books and super heroes. So when Adrian from Book and Bean found this editions book amongst the second hand books section for me I knew I would have to read it. Even if it took me a while longer than I intended before I started it I read it in one day (sorry professor Grayveson for my homework that week, I was busy).
Anyway. The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune. Where to start. The story is about Nick a sixteen year old who has an obsession with his city’s local extraordinary, a hero called Shadow Star. After accidentally meeting his hero he decides to do whatever he can to become an extraordinary, even if it involves microwaving a cricket. Like always school does get in the way of his big plans it is a new year and he has promised his dad he would do better. At least he has his best friends Gibby, Jazz and even his Ex, Owen who has somehow found his way into the friend group. But most importantly he had Seth who has been his absolute best friend for as long as he can remember and always looks adorable in his bow ties and jumpers, though there does seem to be something up with him, and he does seem to be extra busy recently and refuses to tell him about his secret boyfriend or girlfriend and everyone seems to get sketchy when he brings it up.
This is a great book. I made a call of the outcome in chapter two and was mostly correct though the twists and turns of nicks mind and adventure kept me engaged the whole way, it wasn’t boring. And it was fun just seeing how clueless nick could be of the world around him. It makes me wonder if we all have obvious things we aren’t seeing.
By Margo Fox (Kadi)
A big thank you to our dear readers! The Hogwarts Monthly team as been hard at work putting together this issue and it would not be what it is without each and every one of them. This is my first issue as co-editor and I could not be more honored to be given this responsibility, along with my wonderful co-editor Hugo Stark-West. We all hope that everyone enjoys this issue and has a wonderful break and we will see you back next semester!
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