Hilde, Is That You?!

Xavier Snow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Xavier rubbed his shoulder uncomfortably as he waited near the side of one of his favorite shops for his girlfriend Hilde, they hadn't seen eachother in quite awhile and he seriously thought they needed to catch up. Quidditch and trying to live on his own was doing a very good job at occupying his time, he barely had time to even write to her anymore and felt so bad that he was doing the one thing he knew girls seemed to really dislike when they were dating someone, being distant. Hopefully if they spent some time together today he wouldn't feel so bad for not being around and she wouldn't be upset for the same exact reason that he was feeling bad. What they would end up doing today, he had no idea but it never took them long to find something to do around here. Hopefully she would show up soon, or he'd begin to think that she was upset with him or something.
Hilde had taken longer with her outfit, trying to cover her bruised legs from Quidditch practices. She didn't want to wear something that looked like she was hiding something, but still wanted to conceal how bad her legs looked. During her last practice she had taken quite a few bludgers to the legs and back. The bruises were healing but still made her look rather horrible. Finally satisfied with her outfit choice and reassurance from Ariah that no bruises showed, she headed to town to find Xavier.

She hadn't really heard too much from him since the school year started, but Hilde knew that he was busy with practices and everything that went along with living on your own. It didn't surprise her that he was making the effort to meet up with her for part of the weekend, but still, she was a bit nervous. He had no idea that she and Shane had connected again over the summer, after she had been off in Hawaii and in France to visit different boys. Shane had no idea as well, as far as she knew. Finally spotting the blonde hair of the man who's heart was on her neck, she smiled. "Hey stranger, waiting on someone?" she teased.
While Xavier stood and waited for his girlfriend he started to think about the meeting up that he had had with Trilby during the summer, he was honestly at a lost for words about what happened and hoped that maybe the young Slytherin could give him an idea of what was going. He used to be able to understand girls like it was nobody's business but lately they had been boggling his mind to the point of no return, either it was because they were getting older or he was losing his touch with woman. If that was the case he'd need some major time with his girlfriend or maybe even pick up a few more girls with him when his teams went out for dinners and met up with some really cute chicks along the way, he was sure Hilde wouldn't mind since chances were she was often around with that Shane guy just as well. When he heard someone speak to him he turned his confused face around to greet the person.

Uh hi? Who are you?" He scratched his head in a confused manner as he stared at the girl that stood before him, he thought she was hot of course but was there any reason she was talking to him he did need to be mindful that he was going to be his girlfriend soon. But then he saw the necklace that seemed very familiar to him around her neck. "W-wait, Hilde? Whoa you got hot!" He asked in disbelief as he stared at her with the biggest blue eyes, had she really grown up that much while they were away from each other but she looked much older and much cuter.
Hilde laughed as she moved to give her boyfriend a hug. "And I wasn't hot before?" She looped her arms around his neck and gave him a squeeze. "Well, you have bulked up a bit too. How's Quidditch treating you?" Taking a step back, she took in the sight of her boyfriend. His blonde hair was a bit blonder from the sun, and his arms and chest seemed to be a bit more muscular from all the game-play and practices. He looked amazing, but as excited as she was to see him, Hilde had to admit that her stomach didn't flip the same way that it did when she saw Shane.
Xavier shook his head at Hilde for a moment, he hadn't intended to say she wasn't good looking before but they had spent quite a deal of time away from each other and she had changed so much. "Well it's not that it'a just, you look so much older. I think puberty finally struck gold or something." He teased and kissed her cheek before he released her from the hug and rubbed his cheek shyly, he felt like the worst boyfriend in the world right no for forgetting her and everything. To put it honestly, he just couldn't handle a girlfriend all that well right not and it wasn't fair to Hilde or fair to himself. When asked how Quidditch was going for him he could only shrug softly, there was a lot to say but he wasn't sure if he should bother. "It's a lot harder than it looks. How was your summer while I was gone?" Xavier asked her, he hadn't seen her around or anything but heard word through the grapevine that she might or might not have seen or met up with Shane over the summer. Honestly it didn't bother him though because they were in a open type of relationship. Meaning they were free to roam around with others if they so desired it.
Hilde smiled at Xavier as he teased her, then linked her hand in his and started to walk around the village with him. "My summer was interesting. I went to a birthday party for my friend Eden and her siblings. Sadly, her brother is the dumb jerk that I broke up with at the Yule Ball last year, but I had fun glaring at him and making his new girlfriend feel uncomfortable, so that was fun." She couldn't help but laugh at the fact that Tohoru was not happy that she was there, but being as she and Eden are friends, well, he just has to get used to it. "Anything interesting happen once you got settled in France?" she asked, curious as to what her boyfriend was up to while he was away. Not that she should be jealous over anything that he may have done or anyone that he might have seen. They were able to see anyone they wanted...and it was not like she had not seen Shane over the summer herself.

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