Hide Behind It

Zara Cohen-Knight

artist · twin
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Zara did not enjoy going to places like the Wild Patch but she found herself there, looking for someone unexpected. Xavier was somehow the only person she could talk to without having to fear judgement or that he would tell people. All in all she knew that if she wasn't a bug he would pretty much be happy to do anything and so the girl entered the area looking for him, stress written all over her face. She hadn't really thought about what she was going to say to him or how but mostly she needed to be away from Lennon because he could tell something was wrong and lying to him was hard at best, impossible for the most part because he knew her too well. The rebellious Ravenclaw brushed her fringe out of her face as she walked forward, flinching when something in the corner of her eyes moved but that was only her shadow not an insect so relieved she continued on when she saw a familiar mop of curly hair. "Bug Boy," she said softly, not meaning to tease him only to use what had somehow become a pet name for the Hufflepuff. With a sheepish smile on her face she tried to show him this too.
Xavier wasn't a member of the Wild Patch Club, but he often spent time in the Wild Patch digging in the dirt for bugs. The previous president of the club had instilled a new and organic regime for the plants, allowing them to grow much healthier and stronger in addition to making the soil more hospitable for insects. Worms in particular seemed to love the compost heap behind the small hut in the middle of the garden, and that was where Xavier was kneeling when he heard the words 'bug boy' ring in his ears. He stood up, turning towards the source of the noise to see none other than his friend Zara, if she would allow him to call her a friend. Even after the few years they had known each other, he wasn't sure what she thought of him and it was confusing. But regardless of that fact, he was happy to see her that day and quickly dusted his hands on his shorts to clean the compost off of them, before stepping towards the Ravenclaw girl with a smile on his face. "Zara!" He greeted. "What's up?"
Zara smiled at Xavier - as strange as he was she depended on him in a way she couldn't with anyone at the moment so as he asked her what was going on she brushed her hair out of her face and said, "Can we talk? I um... I -" Zara was struggling to find her words. Or rather Zara knew the words but she couldn't speak them. That would be far too horrible. Yet she had a feeling that if she did tell Xavier that he would be okay with it. He was a freak too, after all. They had to stick together. The witch looked around to assure that no one else would be there but was glad to see it was just them as she continued on. "I broke up with Asaiah and I can't say why but I need you to pretend to date me," she said quickly, excuses and apologies tumbling out of her mouth before she could hear Xavier's answer incase he would say no. "Sorry I wouldn't want to kiss or really do anything I just... I just need people to think that I'm dating someone and I..." Zara stopped herself as she realized what she was doing to herself and to Bug Boy so she sighed and then shook her head. "No never mind. Forget I asked, this is weird," she said.
Zara's voice was hesitant and it caused Xavier's brows to furrow with worry. She usually seemed like such a self-assured person, so certain of her beliefs and actions that it was almost shocking to watch her struggle to find words. He tilted his head to the side curiously when she further explained the situation. The more she explained, the less she seemed to make sense. She had broken up with her boyfriend, but still needed someone to pretend to date her? Was her previous boyfriend not enough? Why was he a candidate for this, and not a different boy in their year that hadn't grossed her out on more than one occasion? As Zara said apologies and excuses left right and center, Xavier still couldn't make sense of the situation. But he found himself stepping forward and reaching out as she shook her head, telling him to forget it. "Wait." He said, moving his gaze to the ground, pondering everything. "I'll do it." He then said as he looked back to Zara. Romance was always the last thing on his mind, and not important at all in comparison to his love of insects, but he figured there was no harm in agreeing to pretend to date someone if they needed it. And really, it did seem like Zara needed it. He had never seen her so distraught before and that was saying a lot considering how they met. Something that caused her to struggle to find words, and ask him to pretend to date her must have been serious. "Just tell me what I need to do."

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