
Hello Everyone,
My name is Imissin Garrayo and I am also new to Hogwarts NZ. I dont know when the sorting is???? But I hope Im in Slytherin! Im really nice but I just think that Slytherin will help me on the way to greatness and I will always be nice to everyone even if im in Slytherin :) If you could comment or reply on this note I would be grateful, and if you do comment please tell me what to do. Im so exited to be in Hogwarts its like a dream come true.
Kind Regards,
Imissin Garrayo (Hopefully in Slytherin)
Welcome!! Welcome!! And Welcome!!​

Hey there Imissin!! I'm Marga!!

Sorting isn't until a few months time though but you can still roleplay with many others here, especially those who are non-student characters. There are quite a "few" of those roaming around the site. xD :p .. Well, Site Documentation is always a good start here and you can always contact an Administrator or Global Moderator as they're really awesome and friendly and helpful people.. :D

Of course you can also ask me, but I have limited knowledge so my PM boxes are open for plots, questions and random conversations. ;) ... Hope to see you around the site!!

<COLOR color="midnightblue"><COLOR color="#ee4a2d">~Marga​
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