Hi, I'm your cousin

OOC First Name
Melly xx
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Phaedra skipped through the streets of Brightstone her blond curls bobbing with her. She was careful of the puddles she didn't want her brand new dress to get filthy. Her eyes sparkling with delight with her freedom she caught sight of someone she knew. Doing a double take she looked back and comfirmed her sighting. It was Lapis Lazuli, her cousin. Phaedra had only seen pictures of Lapis in the many family photo albums that were at home but she recognised her instantly. Dancing up to her she jumped in front of Lapis and smiled, showing her bright white teeth and adorable dimples. "Hi, I'm your cousin!" she annouced rocking on her heels as she took hand fulls of her dress and began to swing it. "My name is Phaedra Lazuli-Globe." she added "And yours Lapis!" she giggled looking up at Lapis who looked a little bemused by her appearance.
Lapis, who had been wandering and enjoying the atmosphere of Brightstone (and her temporary freedom from schoolwork) was rather taken aback at the bouncy girl who approached her. At the introduction however, Lapis did feel a flicker of recognition. She had never met Phaedra, but . . .
"You look a lot like your father!" Lapis blurted out, before realising that the subject of her dead uncle was probably not a good one to bring up. She paused, trying desperately to think of something to talk about with this unexpected arrival.
"Um, how's Aunt Isadora?"
Lapis smiled, making an effort to be friendly to this cousin she didn't know.
Phaedra's smile dropped slightly at the mention of her father. He had died not so long ago and she missed him terribly. Nethertheless she regained her prized smile and nodded, her curls bouncing again. Flicking a piece of stray golden hair out of her face she said "Yes, mummy says that too, that is before she bursts in to tears and tells me to take five dollars and buy something!" the little girls brow furrowed "It's not fair though, five dollars doesn't buy anything I want! Mummy has been very stingy with my allowance lately! I'm used to the best and from the look of you... Not so much!" Phaedra was used to being extremely rude to anyone that she met about the state of their living and her cousin was no exception.

Phaedra giggled at the attempt to change the mood and she smiled knowingly to Lapis "Mummys fine, when I see her. You see I have a busy schedule. I have violen, gymnastics, tutoring, singing AND modeling! I have my own P.A so mum can relax hence I don't see her all that much." Phaedra smiled at her use of the big words that her english tutor had said to use. Lapis looked slightly taken aback at how Phaedra talked and she couldn't blame her, not many expected a 9 year old to speak in such a grown up manner. Not dwelling on this she grinned at Lapis "Would you like to get some ice cream?" she asked her jingling the coins that were clutched in her hand.
Lapis stepped back a little, nonplussed by Phaedra's irrepressible bounce. Life in general seemed to be overwhelming Lapis at the moment, especially in addition to her own family problems. However, she felt the need to defend what was one of her favourite outfits.
"Yes, so I wear clothes from Savemart. I could have more expensive stuff if I liked, but I don't like, so there." Savemart was the best second-hand clothing store in Lapis's hometown of Dunedin, and she loved it because the clothes it stocked were unusual. This statement really wasn't up to Lapis's usual standard of arguement, but she couldn't think of anything better. Lapis could see already that her cousin was far more spoilt than she'd expected, especially after Isadora had been shamed by the family for marrying a Muggle.

"Oh, you do violin! Are you any good? I love music, play flute myself. Maybe we could do a duet sometime. Yes, I'd love some icecream." Lapis was impressed at Phaedra's vocabulary, and how much the girl talked, but two could play at that game. Lapis was good with words, and could talk as fast as her cousin, if not quite as much. "I can see why she'd need to relax sometimes, with all the energy you've got. What does she do for a living that you can afford so many classes? Or are you funded partially by the family? I thought they didn't . . . approve of Aunt Isadora."

((Can you find anything to take offense to in there?))
((yes i can! Prepare for a Phaedra argument :voldy: ))

Phaedra smiled some what sympathetically at Lapis 'savemart!' she thought 'no wonder!' Phaedra had always hated second hand clothes, they smelt funny and you never knew who last wore them. The thought of one of her realitves wearing such attaire was a frightening thought to the young girl but she quickly put to the back of her mind. Phaedra poked her tounge out a Lapis's argument as she wasn't bothered to argue back.

Phaedra grinned "Of course I'm good at violen!" she stated "I have one of the best violen tutors in the country!" Phaedra loved bragging to anyone who would listen. She shrugged non-committedly "Perhaps... Well lets go then!" she said impatiently grabbing Lapis's arm and dragging her over to buy some ice cream.
Lapis's next sentence startled Phaedra, she dropped her cousins arm and turned to stare at her "I cannot beleive what you just said!" she hissed "Leave my mother out of this!" Frowning she put her hands on her hips, " And anyway I don't care what you say but, I'll have you know that my family tree goes back CENTURIES we are practically royalty! We don't need any funding." she added flipping her curls over her shoulder.
Lapis wasn't sure about her cousin's line of reasoning, but it was amusing, and she decided to point out what was wrong with it.
"Ahh . . . two problems with that. One, we have the same family tree, so I'm not trying to insult it. Two, just because one of our ancestors had the same sirname as the queen of England does not make us royalty."

It was true that Lapis's however-many-times-great grandmother was called Windsor, but that hardly classified as being royalty. Nor did having a good violin tutor necessarily make you good at violin. Lapis decided not to raise that point; she had had a short experience with a violin at a young age and never gone near the things again. The Ravenclaw kept walking towards the ice-cream parlour, but glancing at Phaedra she saw the younger girl had stopped. Lapis turned towards her, and waited.
"Does not!"
"Does not!"
"Does not!"
There was a long pause.

"You know," Lapis said thoughtfully, "saying does not-does too over and over again doesn't really constitute an arguement."
Phaedra paused for a moment also to somewhat comprehend what Lapis had said...
"Does too!"

That was fun =))

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