Hi, I'm Squeak


New Member
Hi, my name is Squeak, I'm new here and I really like HNZ. ^_^

I hope I can get some friends, go to Hogwarts and be sorted into Ravenclaw.

Se all of you in school. (I hope I get a letter...) :unsure:
Hi! Your username is totally adorbs, btw (I have a pet rat called Squeak!)

I'm Kelsey Ruth, and I've been rping here for about seven years or so. I've got lots of characters and I'd love to introduce you to some of them, and I hope you have a great time rping and make lots of friends :)

You'll see that the usernames on here reflect the names of our characters, so if you'd like to follow this link here: http://hogwarts.nz/home/?c=20 you can change it to your character's first and last name.

You can make as many accounts as you want characters, and add them to a tracker so everyone knows who is rping who! Ahh, technology.

You seem eager to get sorted, so here's what you'll want to do and where you need to go: http://hogwarts.nz/topic/11655454/1/ Don't worry, no one gets their letter left behind ;)

Anywhoodles, welcome!
Hi Squeak! It looks like KR gave you all the pertinent info to get you started. :) If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me.
Hello Squeak! Welcome to HNZ!
It is very good to have you with us :hug:
Hello Squeak! :woot:
I will hopefully be sorting some charries this year, so if you ever want to plot or chat, I'm just a PM away! ^_^ You can call me Tenilee, by the way. I hope to see you around!
Welcome Squeak! ^_^

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