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Winston Perkins

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Straight 10 Inch Flexible Maple Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Winston Perkins,


<FONT font="Cambri Math"><COLOR color="#000">Winston is a 24 years old traveler who has seen a lot of things during his time traveling. He's a tough, nice and sometimes macho guy who started traveling with his best friend Sam, six years ago. After graduating he and Sam didn't knew what to do, so they choose to travel around the world. Four years passed away and the two of them went to Ireland for two weeks, but things changed for the two best friends. Sam met a girl and wanted to stay with her, and Winston wanted to move on to different countries. They got into a fight what let Winston to travel alone for the two years that came. Now he's back in New Zealand to take a break from traveling.

What I'm looking for:
- A friend and/or possible love interests.
- Someone who could give him shelter since he doesn't have any money.

Feel free to PM me for anything.
There is a bit of an age difference but because of their shared love of travel I think Mars and Winston could be friends? I think they would likely only meet after she graduates as she will be backpacking and travelling a lot more than she was before during holidays with her muggle friends but idk maybe they stayed at the same hostel once or twice. As an actual backpacker I can tell you that the age difference thing in hostels doesn't matter when it comes to meeting people/making friends. So idk thoughts?
Yes, that would totally work for me, since he probably has to stay at hostels now. Could you give me more info on Mars, please?
I have Dallas who could be a friend/possible love interest. She is currently working as a waitress, but hopes to get a job involving Herbology, and/or potion making. She moved to New Zealand about a year ago, and so far her only friends are Aeon, and Brodie. She will be the surrogate mother for their children.

Dallas moved to New Zealand because her, and her ex traveled around the world for a year after graduating. The two broke up because he wanted to settle down, and have kids right away because he was getting pressure from his family to keep their pureblood line going. Dallas wanted more then that, and moved to New Zealand because she fell in love with it when they were traveling. She could offer a place to stay for him, but she only has a small apartment so he would be on the couch(or maybe in her bed *wink wink* :p ).
@Sammy, yes I see them as friends/love interests. He would feel good around her since she has also been traveling, and would love to hear stories about it. Let me know if you want a bit more info about Winston. :)
Awesome :D What school did he go to? Dallas went to Hogwarts Scotland, and was in Gryffindor so they might recognize each other, but not really know each other.

Also would you like to start an rp to see how they get along?
Winston also went to Hogwarts Scotland, and was in Ravenclaw so yes maybe they recognize each other.

Sure, I'll give it a try :) Any suggestions about where I should post it?
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