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Aimee Carter

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Can't have one yet! :(
Yeah, this is me. The Lanaphant. As some of you may have noticed, I haven't been on in a while. I'm sorry. Real life has gotten very chaotic. Homework is piling up. I mean, they're supposed to know how much we can handle and check with the other teachers to see that they don't assign too much at one time, but it seems like they doesn't it. I mean, I'm supposed to be like memorizing something in Hebrew School. I haven't been able to go because of homework and I don't even have the first word memorized!
I'm sooooo disappointed I missed out on sorting. Poor Aimee here. Her mom became sick and is close to dying. She is worried she'll become an orphan. And Amanda..... er, let's say she ended up with leukemia. It's treatable, but the treatment will take a while. If there is a magical treatment for it, her parents don't really want her to have it.
And those were the characters I was mainly on. I missed this site so much, when I was laying down trying to sleep it came in to my brain and I almost cried. I'm starting out small, okay? Or starting out small again...
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