Hey moon.

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Samuel Phillips

Part-Veela | Artist | Scrivenshafts Owner
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 1/2" Flexible Cypress Wand with Veela Hair Core

our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed;

Hey hey hey, this is my baby Samuel, in case you haven't already figured out that yet.
He's very attractive, isn't he? So irresistible, and his sweet Veela blood doesn't help
that fact either. You would imagine he would have girls falling at his feet, and fainting
as he walks past because he is just that darn beautiful. Even though this is very true
in some respects, my sweet baby is very lonely, he has nobody who fully understands
him, and knows his deepest darkest secrets. The person closest to him at the moment
is his half-brother Jonathon, also referred to as Batman in most cases. But family love
can only fill the void so far, right? Well this is where you come in.

for diamonds do appear to be;

First a bit of backstory about my baby. Samuel is currently living in France, although I
am not completely sure where just yet, so this can be figured out later, however he is
going to remain living near his brother for obvious reasons. Samuel his been sleeping
around at the moment, and living up his life as a single guy again as much as he can
since getting out of his last toxic relationship. All this freedom would normally be a
good thing, right? Well not for Samuel, because halfway through his seventh year, he
received an owl that his parents had died in a tragic fire, caused by a stray cigarette.
Samuel was the only one in the household who smoked cigarettes so he put two and
two together and figured out it was his fault his family is now dead. Jonathon and his
housekeeper were luckily spared of such a harsh fiery death, but Samuel being of a
pessimist, hasn't considered that, and is instead trying to get over it by being a wh*re.

and then she said she can't believe;

So at the moment I have a few epic plots coming up where Samuel finally gets to
confront most of his problems head on, and then once the confrontation is over
he'll be ready to finally move on and start being completely happy again since like
forever. Then enter stage right, Samuel's lovely final. I got the idea for her one day
while just casually scrolling through my dashboard on tumblr, and a picture of this
really beautiful girl caught my eye. I instantly thought Samuel's going to marry her
and bam. The idea for his final popped up. I haven't yet figured out her name, so
that's completely open in a sense, as long as you clear it with me first but the playby,
that's set in stone, with very little to no lenience. I can only imagine his final being
this girl. Oh god I haven't even said her name already, the playby is Allegra Carpenter.
Feel free to google image search her if you want to get more of a look at her gorgeous
features, but if you're lazy, you can look at her here, here and here. Beautiful, isn't she?

of fabled foreign tongues;

Now let's talk about her some more. She wouldn't be shy, but she wouldn't be outgoing,
rather a perfect balance of the two and she would also be confident, as well as bold. She
would need these traits as she would have to deal with Samuel every day, not an easy
task. She would be Samuel's ground, in a way, as she would bring him back into reality,
and show him to consider the consequences of his actions. That is to say she would be
his conscience in a sense, she would question every decision he makes, or is going to
make, and will leave it up to him to decide, and eventually Samuel would evolve into a
more responsible and mature person from that. She would be from the usa, I think, and
her family would be wealthy, and her father would be a big art dealer. Which is how they
will meet. Her family will travel to France to see an art show by an amazing young artist,
Samuel will eye her from across the room, start a conversation, and it will all go from there.

northern downpour sends its love;

I have their basic relationship plotted out very vaguely, so it's definitely subject to change,
I won't say it now because it can be sorted through pm later. I can tell you now that it is
good, it's very good, at least in my mind. But they'll be very cute and amazing and perfect
and wonderful. All I need somebody to do is take this sweetheart up. Oh, and if it helps, I've
made enough graphics for her to last a lifetime, and in my opinion they're pretty snazzy. This
is not a first come first serve deal, but it could be depending on who contacts me. I'm not
fussy on length or anything similar, as long as you can provide me at least two paragraphs it
should be fine. Feel free to contact me through pm or post here, either way works well for me.

Lyrics - Northern Downpour by Panic! At The Disco.

This has been sorted through pm and can now be archived. ^_^

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