hey hey

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Wolfie Wolfington

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
African Blackwood 15 inches with ssence of Wolf Claw
hey guys im back now for a while.

so i would like to rp with as many peeps as possible. ok so the charries that need it the most are.

wolfie wolfington. ok so we have nurse wolfie here and i was wondering if any of you would like to rp with this nurse. hes kind sweet and caring. BUT get on his bad side and you will know about it. so im looking for friends and enemys and the love intrest to steal his heart

stefabn glass ok so im trying to get this guy back in the game again. hes currently in a state of depression and is struggling to get out of it. so for hm i would like friends enemys and a love intrest if possible.

please help me guys.
Hey David,

I have Alexia (this account) and if your interested I can RP through her. She's a seventh year Hufflepuff, so a year above Stefan (I assume you spelt it wrong :p hehe) She has just returned to Hogwarts after a six year absence being in France (due to my year+ hiatus from the site I needed a story that explained why she missed so much school) she doesn't really have many friends and is kind of struggling adjusting back to being in New Zealand and Hogwarts, so maybe they could be support friends for each other cause they are both quite depressed, or they could just be ordinary friends, or even enemies who pick on each other cause they are both unhappy (I really don't know, up to you..)

So yeah, let me know what you think :)
yeah that sounds cool i dont mind what they are to be perfectally honest so i was thinking maybe they bumb into each other walking the corridors and they just hit it off?
probally best if you start as kind of busy right now got a massive work load to work thropugh
Hey, my professor, and Wolfie, could get along well. Both being nice people. He also once wanted to be a healer, but he's given up that idea. And prefers teaching.
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