Closed Heta Vice?

Cyzarine Haden

charming!; class of 2054; hostess
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Aspen Wand 12 1/2" Dragon Heartstring Core
4/2036 (25)
Cyzarine had one last person she wanted to talk to. She definitely wasn't sure this girl would say yes but she also didn't know her and maybe she would be very interested in it. She approached the slytherin area and asked one of the younger students to go in and fetch Olivia. She was so excited to ask her to, hopeful that. she'd say yes and then she'd have her full team! They would all be just so ready for a great year of Heta Omega.
With the exams over Olivia was spending most of her time in the Slytherin common room and for the most part successfully avoiding her siblings, after all she would see plenty of the them over the coming weeks so she wanted some peace. She didn't expect someone to show up and tell her someone was outside the common room looking for her. Olivia got herself up and headed out into the corridor and was surprised to see the heta president Cyzarine waiting for her. "Hey, whats up?"
Cyzarine grinned happily at the girl as she greeted her, "So, I just had a quick question for you Olivia..." she started, composing herself mostly, though she still had a wide smile, "I'm the new Heta omega president, and I was wondering if you wanted to be my vice president?" She gave a wide smile and was barely containing an excited giggle. Her team was going to be so amazing!
Olivia opened her mouth to respond but stopped herself as the question actually sank in. "Really?" The two girls barely knew each other so Olivia was shocked that Cyzarine would want her as her vice president. "Yes of course I will," she said excitedly.
"Yes! of course!" she said, she would never ask someone without deeply meaning it. Cyzarine was glad when she agreed to it. She had a whole team! "Amazing! I'll be in touch for a little team meeting! See you soon Olivia!"

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