Here's to Loneliness

Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remain
<FONT font="Verdana"><SIZE size="50">For Tahiti born, Cyprien being at school was a problem. His twin sister had up and left him alone in a school, he didn't know or like. Verline was very bored of being by himself and yet, it seemed to be that every person who claimed they would help him out and be his friend just disappeared. It was getting to the point of frustrating. He was so close to just wanting to break entire chairs at the frustration that it involuntarily lead him to feel. He'd been sick and tired of being tossed around and treated like scum. Now was the time for difference. As a second year Ravenclaw student, the boy was pretty sure that this would be it. His english had greatly improved, his nerves however had not. He was still as nervous as he was first stepping in to the great hall for the very first time, how grand it had been and how nervous he had felt. Now, however he was attempting not show just how nervous he was. He tried to smile, show his pearly whites and pretend like it was all okay. He knew that it would be hard to do such a thing. But he was also feeling better about himself in the sense of how he felt like he could be somewhat popular. Cyprien was a well built twelve year old, he played mounds of sports and he enjoyed swimming everyday. He had lightly tanned skin and hazel brown eyes. He stood at the average height of those in his class but it was clear that Cyprien Verline would be one of the boys who would grow.

Settling himself in the student lounge, the lonely ravenclaw wondered how his sister was doing at Beauxbatons. Why she had picked to go there, when it was just so far away was beyond him. He was sure France was lovely and since he lived in Tahiti it wasn't hard for him to be able to go to France, despite the distance, he much preferred the much closer sights of the ever beautiful New Zealand. He wasn't however going to hold his sister back. She was a much more independent and out going person. He wasn't going to be the reason she didn't reach for the stars. Didn't get to do whatever she wanted. Which was why now, even though he was alone, the pre-teen was happy. He was going to make this work, in the same sense as how she had. He would get friends, get popular and just ride out the years here at Hogwarts. All he needed to do in the first instance was get some friends. Find some people he could hang out with, that wouldn't make him want to hit them. Really, all Cyprien Verline really wanted was a couple of people to hang out with.
Adjusting to the new school wasn't that hard for Lila... just remembering to speak English was the trick. There had been multiple times where French or Greek was about to spew out, but she had to remember where she was and start her train of thought again. She sighed lightly and her foot landed on the last step of the forth floor. She had been wandering around the school -- if you could really call it that, she considered it a castle-- getting familiar with the territory. It was bad enough that her mother had made her two days late and she has missed the first two classes. Letting out an angry growl, she muttered under her breath how irritating it all was. But that was her feud for this morning in class. She had to look at the rest of the day as a chance to get to know some people.

She had all ready met a sixth year Gryffindor. A rather spunky gal by the name of Tamalia... if she had remembered correctly. And they shared a striking resemblance to each other. She smiled at how perky she was that day when she tapped her on the shoulder and introduced herself to her quickly. But today was about someone else. Perhaps she could start with people in her own house? After alll... they were the people that she would see all the time.

Looking around, she saw a door that had a sign with the words 'Student Lounge' painted on it. Perhaps she would sneak in and see if there was a place to cuddle by the fire and read some... She pushed open the oak door and smiled at what she saw. It was a rather large room with plush chairs and couches, tables and benches and best of all: a fire place. Much larger than she had seen before, but it was a pretty commingle of rocks. She slipped in quietly, tugging at the hem of her skirt... they were just so short at this school.... Sighing again, she looked around the room and saw a younger Ravenclaw settled by himself and figured she'd walk over in that direction and take root in the chair across from him, smiling lightly at him. "Hello... I'm Lila..." she started to say quietly.

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