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Marcel Haynes

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Let's go straight to the point, I really want to RP more but therefore I first need some friends for Marcellus.


Marcellus Haynes

This is Marcellus, he is eleven years old and was sorted into Hufflepuff. Marcel is a Half-Blood wizard. Marcel's father is a Muggle-born and his mother a Pure-Blood, he has no siblings it's only him and his parents. Marcellus was born in Blenheim, New Zealand and has lived there his entire life. Generally Marcel is a really sweet and nice boy but also a little bit socially awkward and very loyal to his family and friends. He is not the smartest but always manages to find an answer. Marcellus finds Care of Magical Creatures totally awesome and is eager for his first lesson.. Even though that's only about two years away from now. He is also fond of the subject werewolves and when he is older, he himself hopes to teach children at Hogwarts, preferably Care of Magical Creatures.

What I need for him: A best friend, partners in crime and very loyal to each other. But also needs other friends who are reliably and perhaps an enemie.​
Hey Steven! :hug:
Okay, so I have my Hufflepuff Firstie year, Giuliano Raven, however, Giuliano is a pure blood, and prejudice. He does not get on a soapbox and he would never been outright mean to someone not a pure blood, but he prefers to associate with pure bloods. Fortunately, he has a sneaky habit of purposefully not asking questions about status - a sort of don't ask don't tell policy. However, I doubt he would have much of a problem with Marcellus, even though he's a half-blood, because Marcellus would know about magic.
Anyway, Giuliano is very friendly, and has no idea of personal space, as he has always shared things and believes that being all up in someone's face is okay. He is loud, very happy, but not the smartest kid on the block - he does try. Sometimes he gets confused, has major 'blond moments' and takes a little longer to have things click, but otherwise he's a happy kid. He would like Marcellus's loyalty. I couldn't see them being enemies, as Giuliano would have to be the victim, and I don't think Marcellus would be a good bully at all, so I could see the being friends.Your choice.

I also have one of the Care of Magical Creatures professor's, Professor Speed Stark. I do like roleplaying as a professor, and Speed needs to get out more. So, it's your decision, but if Marcellus wants to be a Care of Magical Creatures teach so badly, it wouldn't be much of a stretch for him to go bug one of the professor's that teaches the class. However, Speed wouldn't see it as being bugged, seeing as when he was in school (and sorted into Hufflepuff! xD ) he bugged the Care of Magical Creature's professor at the time as well, so he'd be quite happy to talk to him if you like. ^_^

So I have Aya here, she's a half-blood as well, socially awkward but she's extremely loyal and loves to go on adventures as well. She was raised with magic so she's all sorts of excited to learn, and is pretty creative as well. Bio linked in the description for more info.

And then I have my Hufflepuff Jade Tova who I need to RP more with who is a bubbly muggle-born obsessed with Herbology (though she is still in the habit of calling it gardening). She's super sociable and is a bit of a chatterbox, but she'll listen if you need her too. Other than that, she's used to living right down the middle, isn't too extraordinary in schoolwork or her own personal life, but isn't boring by any means. She'd probably be a good friend for Marcellus :D
Marcellus and Giuliano: Yeah, I can see the two of them being good friends with each other. I think Marcellus should get used to that Giuliano has no idea of personal space, but he'll be fine. And perhaps they can learn from one another.

Marcellus and Professor Speed Stark: Marcellus would like to learn from the best, so Professor Stark would be the perfect person for this, and I'm sure Marcellus could learn a lot of things from the Professor.

Marcellus and Aya: I think Aya and Marcellus could be really good friends, because they are both almost the same person, they might understand each other because of the socially awkward thing. Marcellus would love her loyalty.

Marcellus and Jade: I think someone like Jade is really good for him, especially since Jade is very sociable. Marcellus wouldn't mind that she is a bit of a chatterbox, it could perhaps be very helpful to him, to make him more of an open person. They can probably teach each other a lot things around the wizardry community
Cool! Would you like me to start Giuliano and Marcellus, and you Speed and Marcellus? ^_^
Sure thing.
I'll get on it a little later if I can. If not, tomorrow. ^_^

Here you go, for Marcellus and Giuliano ;
Tell me when you've started Marcellus/Speed and just send it to me on Francesca. ^_^
He dear Steven, we spoke about Jane and Marcellus. And i think that it is a good match! I will introduce her a little bit more, so you could have an idea. Jane is eleven years old and in ravenclaw. She is a muggleborn and everything is new for her in the magic world. She is studieus and wants to learn more, but she is very smart so if she works hard, she could be on the same level as an half blood witch or wizard. Jane is a little bit insecure about herself, she was a victim of buly when she was very young at age.

In her life she had one friend, where she could count on. She is friendly and loyal to the one's who are to her. Jane as a friend is just a good company, and if it feels good with a person, she can be relaxed with them. I can start something but i don't know when for sure. Do you have any idea for a place to start?
Sure, you can start one. A good place would be either the library or the student lounge

Figured I should RP more so I'm bringing out my firsties~!

So first up is Luca Gander and he is quite the flirt for the ladies and a bit of a jerk for the guys. Nevertheless, he is still pretty much approachable but he does lose patience quite easily for those whom he doesn't know. He comes from a magical family in Switzerland so he pretty much knows things about magic but he's not really interested in them.

Then there's also Scarlet Joussane and she's one of the four Joussane siblings and sheis the youngest and only girl too. She's from France and is an orphan. Scarlet barely talks to anyone she isn't friends with. She's very shy and has low self-confidence thanks to the bullying she had experienced in muggle school she attended.
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