Here to Stay?

Aphrodite Romanes

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Maple Wand 11 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Aphrodite Snow didn't know where else to turn. She couldn't just waltz right over to the Snow Manor because Alphonse would throw a fit at her trying to come back. She was told strictly that residing with the enemy meant she was done with that part of the family. Returning to France was no longer an option for her because of that reason and that reason alone. The Lefevre's wouldn't take her in either because she wasn't blood related to Danielle, and they hated Half-Breeds with a high passion. Aphrodite strictly remembered hearing Axelle threaten to pluck her father's if she ever got close to her. That was not going to happen on her watch so that left them out too. If one was wondering why she was looking for a place to turn to, they would have to know a little bit about Aphrodite's life for the past ten years of her short lifetime. Just when she was a little over a year, Danielle Lefevre had taken her in to prevent her from being killed by the very man that killed her actual mother. Although the woman was not fond of Aphrodite's blood she raised her as her own and allowed her to make her own decisions. Things had gone all smooth and nice until Danielle married this man named Asparuh. Apparently they had been good friends for a long time and she must have liked him in some way or she still wouldn't be with him. Well this so called man had become her 'step-father'. But he scared all sense out of her. He was the size of giant. He also had enough hatred and evil inside him to run an entire army of. Either way he scared her to death and finally Aphrodite couldn't take it anymore. She decided to try and find a better place to live. Hopefully with a family member. Right now it was proving to be harder than she thought.

One of the last few options she had, required her to seek out her sister Alyssa and her new brother in law, Vincent Chevalier. Her sister was usually very supportive of everything and her new husband seemed just as sweet. Perhaps if she talked to them they would let her stay. Hopefully one of them would be home, she knew Alyssa just Graduated and stuff, so it was possible that she didn't have a job yet. Or maybe by some odd chance Vincent was home, just one of them please be home was all she could hope for. Approaching the door she let her small hand leave a soft but echoing knock on the door before she took a step back and hoped.
Vincent was sitting down on the couch, completely nude, but he did not mind. He had a blanket covering him, and he was flicking through the channels on television. Thankfully there was no magic going on right now or the television would be acting strange. They really did not need magic in their home right now anyway. Vincent was psyched though, he had Alyssa home, and he was just happy to be here. Alyssa was upstairs, and he was off work today. He was good, feeling good, and he was just having a great day. Vincent glanced up when he heard someone at the door. They were not expecting any visitors but he got up and went to the door, his blanket covering only what was necessary. Opening the door, his eyes looked around the shore, before gazing down at a young child. Vincent then looked down at his body, and he exclaim, "Oh poop!" Vincent quickly closed the door and he transfigured clothes onto his body using the blanket. Shorts, but it was not going to really...embarrass him even more than what he had already done. Opening the door once more, he smiled, "Sorry about that, Aphrodite, but um, why are you here? Come in!" Vincent wiped his face once with his hand, and wondered - no, prayed - that Alyssa had clothes on. "Alyssa! Get down here!"
Alyssa was laying in bed relaxing when she heard Vincent call for her to come downstairs. She was exhausted from last nights 'events' and didn't really want to go anywhere but his voice sounded urgent. A tired yet soft sigh left her lips as she sat up and stared around the room with her crystal blue eyes. Her clothing was strew all over the place and she honestly didn't feel like getting dressed right now. So instead she just gathered the thick blanket around her form and crawled out of bed and headed down the stairs to see what her husband wanted. Alyssa was so happy to be Graduated and not having to attend another year at Hogwarts New Zealand. She had already applied for a job as a Healer at St. Mungos but had yet to hear if she had gotten the job yet or not. So until then she just spent her days relaxing and soaking up the time she had with her husband while he was off work. Pretty soon he would have to go back and Alyssa would be alone for a long amounts of time. That was not going to be fun, but they could always spend time together during his breaks, before he went to work and when he got home. About halfway down the stairs she heard voices and froze for a moment. Either Vincent was watching TV or someone had decided to drop by and pay them a visit. Figuring it was just the TV she shrugged her shoulders and headed downstairs to see what he wanted. But once she got down stairs and saw her younger sister walking through the front door her mouth her dropped. "OHMYGOD, w-wait w-what?! Gah be right back!" Her younger sister had just seen her pretty much naked since she was covered by nothing but a blanket. That was a little embarrassing to be caught. Now her sister could probably only guess what her sister and brother-in-law did while no one was around. Well her assumptions would probably be right but it wasn't like Alyssa wanted her to know that. Once upstairs she changed herself into some proper Clothing, made sure her hair and make up were light but pretty. Why not make herself look good for her sister's visit? Once Alyssa had everything situated she headed back downstairs and looked at her sister softly. The blonde couldn't help but hope that her sister wasn't scarred for life now.

"Sorry about that, we weren't really expecting company or anything. Are you guys hungry or anything Aph?" Alyssa asked as she rubbed the back of her head and motioned for Aphrodite to follow her into the kitchen, hopefully Vincent would follow too because she intended to make him breakfast too. She liked cooking for him in general so cooking for him and another wouldn't really be that big of a deal. Immediately she reached out into the cupboard and pulled out a box of waffle mix, Belgian waffles with fresh strawberries sounded amazing right now. She also pulled out some orange juice and got some cups. "So, what brings you here Aphrodite? Particularly without those obnoxious guards of yours." Alyssa poured herself a glass of Orange juice before she pushed the carton out for Vincent and Aphrodite to take. Her pale fingers grabbed the cup and brought it up to her lips to take a small sip. Her eyes allowed her to stare at Aphrodite before she glanced at Vincent and smiled. In a way it was an almost apologetic smile, more of like an 'I'm sorry we don't get to have fun this morning.'
Aphrodite turned her head and her eyes grew to the size of saucers when she saw her brother-in-law had answered the door, wearing practically nothing. First of all that was more than him than she ever needed to see, second of all, now she could only guess what her older sister and her husband do when no one's around. Then Vincent swore and slammed the door in her face. 'Adults are so weird.' Aphrodite rolled her blue eyes softly and brushed a strand of her honey blonde hair out of her face. His reaction was just a little rude but the young girl wouldn't let it bother her because he was probably embarrassed by what she may have possibly seen. Wasn't this going to be an exciting story to tell the girls once she git a hold of them? The door opened back up a moment or so later and this time Vincent was wearing at least a pair of shorts. Which was better than nothing. He asked what she was doing here and Aphrodite took a moment to raise a perfectly shaped eyebrow in his direction, so he was just going let that little incident pass over so quickly? If that was the case then there was no need to tease him about it. Instead she grinned softly, her glossed white teeth gleaming as she did so. "I came here because I wanted to talk to you and my sister about something. It's a little important so I hope it's okay that I'm here." She was told to come in and Aphrodite didn't waste a minute on that since it was indeed a little chilly outside right now. Once she was inside and the door was closed behind her, she looked around the Living room a few times. For some reason it just suit Alyssa and Vincent perfectly. It was nice, neat, fancy, and overall just a part of them. Just as she partially opened her mouth to ask where Alyssa was, the blonde beauty herself came downstairs also just wrapped in a blanket. Aphrodite immediately face palmed and watched as her sister, in an embarrassed huff, ran back upstairs. "You two need to work on wearing clothes more often." Aphrodite lifted her face to mutter that to Vincent. Sure she could understand that they had been away from one another but her sister had been Graduated for a little bit. You think they would be able to remember that by now.

Alyssa had returned back downstairs and asked if either of them was hungry. Aphrodite only shrugged her thin shoulders before she followed her sister into the kitchen. She hopped onto one of the stools that was in the kitchen and watched as her sister moved around. It wasn't long before she was asking why Aphrodite was here too. It was now or never that she just went out with it. "Well, I was wondering..can I stay here with you guys? I don't really feel comfortable living with Miss Danielle anymore, her husband hates me." Aphrodite would give more detail if she needed to. But if they were okay with her living there and didn't care too much about reason then she wouldn't bother them. The blonde bit her lip and looked pleadingly towards Vincent and her sister. They just had to say yes, she had nowhere else to go!
Also face palming when Alyssa came down in nothing but a blanket, Vincent glanced over at the young girl for a moment before sighing softly. Well, there went his fun that morning, but he did not mind that much at all. Vincent smiled over at Aphrodite and he said, "Oh it is fine that you are here. And since we are well, alone, we don't like to dress ourselves up that often." That was more of an excuse than anything, because he did not know if Aphrodite even knew about the birds and the bees yet. Vincent ran his fingers through his hair and really wished that he had a shirt on right now, or proper clothing at least. Once Alyssa came back down - this time fully dressed - Vincent was relieved for the most part. That meant that he would not have to fight off urges that he had when he saw that glorious nude body of hers. Which was why he loved to pick out the clothing that showed off the most skin but only to wear around the house while he is around. Vincent was lucky enough to think that none of his friends would ever stop by because they all had lives of their own, and his best friend had twins now. Merlin only knew what Xavier was up to right now anyway. Vincent was not that sure himself, but he did not mind, as long as Xavier was not out there creating more babies than he can count. Vincent missed his best friend, and often wondered how he was doing. Vincent needed to get up with him more often.

Stomach growling after Vincent had clearly forgotten over the embarrassing act, he realized just how famished he was. After resting up greatly, after an exciting and rough night, one needed their daily nutrients. Vincent was not that good of a cook, so he was glad that he had Alyssa, and in return, he often cleaned up afterward so that she would not turn into a cliche house wife. Vincent did not want that at all. He vaguely wondered if she would ever go back into modeling. Vincent got the glass and poured him some from the cartoon, and he put it back into the fridge once everyone was done with it. He grasped the glass with his hand and he turned to Aphrodite and Alyssa. Their kitchen was decent, so he could just stand here, leaning against the counter. Vincent was a little shocked, that he almost choked on his orange juice when Aphrodite came out with the whole 'Can I live with you?' sentence. Vincent cleared his throat and he glanced over at Alyssa. Vincent turned his blue eyes once more to Aphrodite and he said, "I don't see why not. But who is Danielle and her husband, and why would he hate you? You seem like a cute kid." Vincent took another sip of orange juice. He knew that Danielle was not their mother, because from what he heard, Alyssa's mother had died some time ago. "And if you live here, you can go to that one school. Er, Hogwarts New Zealand, isn't it?" He did not know what school she would have gone to otherwise.
Alyssa was still clearly embarrassed that she had been caught practically wearing nothing by her little sister. Even though she was married and it was probably obvious to everyone who knew that she was married that she and Vincent had done stuff, but for some reason it felt so weird knowing that her family knew about it. It was almost as if they had been there for the entire thing when all they had done was hear about it. Especially when it came to Aphrodite because she was young and possibly easily corrupted in some areas. This was something that Alyssa didn't want her sister getting involved in stuff like this so young and have it live on her shoulders knowing that it was her and her husband that scarred her for life or something like that. Although for the moment it seemed that Vincent's explanation quelled her to keep calm for now. Which it would hopefully stay for awhile too. Alyssa began to search for some pans and some bowls to make the waffles in and everything as she heard her sister start to talk about something. For the first couple of minute's the elder blonde was far from listening as she continued to pull out things to make breakfast. But by the time she opened the box and was about to pour the mix in her sister dropped the bomb and Alyssa's mouth dropped. Did her sister just seriously ask to come lice with her? "Aphrodite are you serious?" She asked as she poured some mix into the bowl then sex the box away so she wouldn't knock it over or anything. Bits of powdery waffle mix flew into the air before she breathed out and tried to make sure she didn't inhale a lot of the mix with her nose. A part of Alyssa was still in shock that Aphrodite wanted to live with her and Vincent. Things couldn't have been that bad with Danielle and her family right now could they? Because from what she knew they treated her like she was a little princess and everything. With a wave if magic and some spell some water and other mixtures were added to the waffle mix before the spoon began to stir it evenly. What a nifty spell that was. Now she needed to address the issue that was now growing into the air. And to further the weirdness Vincent seemed to almost agree. He actually wanted his little sister-in-law to live here with them? Couldn't he see that having her here would be a lot of work for the both of them? Particularly when they both had as much needs as they currently did.

"Aphrodite, I dunno. We just got this house, I don't have a job, I know nothing about taking care of kids your age, and I just got out on my own. Are you sure there is no one else you can stay with?" Alyssa asked as she cocked her head to the side and made sure she had a bowl of ready for the top of the waffles for when they were finished. Her voice was soft the entire time she spoke as well as her eyes filled with sincerity. Of course she loved her little sister like crazy. But she just wanted to have some freedom and time to herself. Plus she wasn't sure that some little girl who had just been living with a mass of a Death Eaters would be a good person to bring around Vincent. Brushing some of her hair out of her face she gracefully made her way over to where her husband stood before she walked over to whisper something to him. Unfortunately she was cut short when she felt Vincent's body fall onto her and the three of them topple floor in a big pile. Aphrodite had totally just jumped the both of them. "GAH! You two are crushing me!" She wheezed out as she struggled to pull her thin frame from underneath them. They were too heavy though and Alyssa breathed out in defeat.
Aphrodite gave Vincent an odd look when he said that he didn't know who Danielle and Asparuh were and that he didn't know why they hated her. The young Snow inclined her head into her older sister's direction before she cleared her throat softly and allowed her blue eyed to roll softly. It figures that Alyssa would have kept something like this from her husband in order to protect him from the way that things really were in this world or rather within their own little world that they lived every day. It made her wonder if her older sister was trying to run from her heritage or if she was truly afraid of it like more and more of the family members were becoming. "Danielle is Xavier and Gabrielle's mom. She took me in after my mother died. And her husbands name is Asparuh. He hates me because well...why does any pure blood hate someone like us. We are, and I quote; 'Disgusting little half-breeds.'" Aphrodite air quoted when she mentioned the part about the half-breeds thing. Only because she had heard it so many times in the past before that she was no longer sure whether or not it would be something that could ever bother again. By this point she had come to recognize the fact that she was not fully human. but that was okay with her because it gave her more of a reason to shine. When Vincent said he saw nothing wrong with her being able to stay and that he thought she was a cute kid, Aphrodite grinned as if she had just been crowned Miss Universe or something. Not only was thus uberly handsome guy telling her that she was a cute kid, but if he said yes then chances were high that she would get to stay with them and not have to go back to living with Danielle! But Alyssa had to destroy the moment by listing off all the reasons why she didn't want to have someone else living here. This made Aphrodite frown and hop off the stool. How could anyone say no to her?! Before she really realized it she was charging towards her sister.

But Alyssa ended up moving behind Vincent just as she was going to run over and hug her sister. This ended up in her jumping into Vincent instead, which sort of triggered some form of domino effect. Soon all three of them were laying on the ground in a big heap. But this was Aphrodite's chance to convince her sister. "Pleeeeeaaaasseeeee Alyssa! I don't want to go back there and if I go to school you'll barely see me during the year! Please! please! please!" Aphrodite begged as she removed herself from the pile and hopped up and down as an emphasis on how much she really wanted this. The only other way to plead with Vincent and see if he couldn't get her to agree. Then again with then both on the floor like that Aphrodite half expected them to get rid of all their clothes again. Her lower lip puckered out and she huffed under her breath. This was so not fair!
"I sincerely loathe people like that. If one of them were in peril, I don't know if I would even save them, you know? Just because how young and stupid they act. Blood is blood, and if you can turn into something, that is bloody awesome," Vincent snorted and rolled his magnificent blue eyes. People as prejudice as that did not deserve a happy life, not in his opinion anyway. Anyone judgmental was bad news in his books. He did not know that he was judging a judgmental person but he did not care, and he was sticking by what he thought, which he thought was the right thing - something everyone thought about everything they believed in. "Asparuh, sounds like an odd name to me. Must not be from around here," mused Vincent. Yet, he could not help but remember something about that particular name. Nothing really came to mind, nothing at all. But he knew of Danielle from Xavier. Not much about her but he knew that she was not someone to mess with, and he figured that she just had a bad temper was all. But he was unaware of just how deep that was. Vincent did not think of those prejudice pure-bloods all to be Death Eaters. He had never known one, really, so he would not know what to expect. Humorous how many times he was around them on occasions, even at graduation, and he never knew about it.

His blue eyes turned to Alyssa when she rejected Aphrodite staying here. Vincent felt like this was going to be an issue, but he normally did whatever Alyssa said, but he did not want Aphrodite to return to her god-awful adopted parents and be treated like she was not even human. When Alyssa came to him, almost to say something, but it happened so fast, the Auror's head spun. He felt someone tackle him, causing him to lose his balance and fall - right on top of Alyssa. Vincent glanced down at Alyssa and he smirked when she said that they were crushing her. He frowned a bit, before he used his own muscles to lift himself from atop of Alyssa, and end up scooping Aphrodite up, and setting her on her feet, and giving out his hand to Alyssa in case she needed help getting up too. He was going to make a sexual remark, but he held his tongue. There was a child in the room. Vincent turned to Alyssa and he said, "She has a point. Most of the time, she will be at school, so it would be like having a sister over for the holidays. It might even give us practice before we have our own kid, huh?" Vincent smiled a handsome smile, hoping that she would go for it. He was just so attached to not letting her go back to people like that, prejudice. Vincent really did not want to see that happening, not to Aphrodite, not to anyone. Vincent was an Auror, and his duty was to right the wrong, and something of the sort, and he really felt that letting Aphrodite go was not doing the right thing.
Despite the fact that she was nearly crushed by the two of them, Alyssa wasn't really that mad except for the fact that it had been a really rough landing on her poor backside. They weren't in this position long because she felt the weight leave her thin frame before she saw her husband hold his hand out to her so she could get some help back up to her standing position. Without hesitation she took his hand and allowed him to help her back up. Once she was up she dusted herself off and sighed before heading back over to fixing the waffles again. She was starving and she figure it would help distract her from having to look at her little sister's face for the time being because she could already imagine it wouldn't look very happy after she had pretty much said no. Just as she got to cooking a few of the waffles, Vincent even tried to step in and assist the little girl in winning over Alyssa's favor and being able to live with them. Her eyes drifted over to him as she shook her head, he was a huge weakness of hers so it wasn't really fair that he wasn't on her side right now, he was always on her side so she wasn't used to him being against her either. Alyssa pulled one of the freshly cooked waffles and set it on a plate. It was perfectly cooked and she almost couldn't wait before she ate it, she needed to finish waffles for the other two inside the house though. Thens eh glanced up and caught that handsome smile he gave and Alyssa caved. He was only trying to do good for people and from the way he made it sound it wouldn't be so bad keeping Aphrodite anyways. If she was at school most of the time then they wouldn't have to worry about her all the time like Alyssa was sort of thinking she would. "Fine, you can stay Aphrodite. Just do me a favor and make you keep Danielle and her family away from my house ok-heeeey let go!" The blonde Veela only got halfway through her sentence when she was latched onto by her little sister again. This time Alyssa wasn't on the ground and gave her little sister a semi harsh look. As much as she loved hugs she almost felt like it was spoiling the moment between all of them. It took a minute but eventually Alyssa was able to pry the little beast off of her and watched as Aphrodite started to talk at least one hundred miles a minute. The last part Alyssa was able to make out was how she was going to go home and pack her stuff then be back tomorrow. Then the girl proceeded to leave the Chevalier home, leaving Alyssa alone in the Kitchen with Vincent.

Her eye gaze shifted to Vincent before she finished the last waffle off. She set the plate aside before she turned off the waffle maker and walked over to Vincent. She just smiled at him softly before she wrapped her arms around him in a soft hug. Having Aphrodite here wouldn't be too bad, for the most part. It made Alyssa feel too much like a mother though. However the hug lasted only a minute before Alyssa decided to extract her revenge and she swiftly gave his arse a good pinch before she gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back to making fixing up her waffle. "That was for squishing me." She stuck her tongue out at him. Another part of her was almost tempted to bring up the whole fact that them practicing for before they had their own kid was unneeded as they had yet to talk about children at all. It was more or less a subject that Alyssa avoided personally. Thus why she didn't really want bring it up, because then they would have to talk about it. A pretty smile made it's way onto her face as she pushed his food over. Alyssa loved him enough to do anything so she needed to learn to just let whatever happened, happen and not try to avoid it.
Aphrodite could almost say she felt bad for having knocked over Vincent and Alyssa but a part of her sort of thought it was funny too. She could only guess that they were used to being like this anyways so it didn't seem as awkward as it would to possibly others. "That's very honorable, but Miss Danielle says that those with dirty blood are dangerous. And those who defend them are even worse. To her, you guys would be called blood-traitors. Or well rather you would Vincent..." Aphrodite told Vincent when she was lifted back off the pair and back onto her standing position on the floor, she felt that as her 'older brother' he should know some of the things on her mind. Aphrodite didn't worry even close to as much as Alyssa did about the blood purity thing but that was because Danielle never really beat her over it. Sure she hated Half-Breeds to an extent but she also believed that they could be used as powerful weapons someday too. While Alphonse never really showed anything but disgust for the lost of them. Then again Aphrodite wasn't really sure how much Alyssa really let Vincent onto. Letting all thoughts of blood and her parents aside she grinned softly when Vincent tried to assist her in taking her sister into it. The biggest thing he had to help with there was how he brought up that she would be at school most of the time so she wouldn't really be around that much to disrupt them. In fact school started really soon so before they knew it they would be left alone again. Aphrodite would also be extremely helpful around the house. There would be a lot of benefits to it that Aphrodite hoped her sister would be able to see that. When Vincent mentioned that she could be like practice before they had their own kid, Aphrodite's eyes widened. The thought of her have a little niece or nephew sounded really cute but she wasn't so fond of being considered as practice. But when Alyssa said yes the young girl grinned and forgot all about the whole mention of practice.

"Eeep thanks sissy! I promise I won't be a pain! I have to go get my stuff packed but I'll be back tomorrow and everything!" Her arms latched around her sister in sisterly hugged before she was pried off. She used this time to run over and give Vincent a hug too for talking to her sister and everything. He was truly the worlds awesomest brother-in-law! Once she had finished giving him her quick hug she headed back outside to find the House-elf that brought her here so he could take her back and allow her to get her things ready. Things were going to go perfect now! She just knew it! The only thing that would have her worried at all was possibly her walking in on some things she didn't really want to see.

OOCOut of Character:
I suppose after Vincent's next post we can have the thread move along to the next part. :cool:
Smiling broadly, Vincent was glad that Alyssa finally agreed. Vincent was happy for Aphrodite now that she was living with them. She hugged Alyssa and then hugged Vincent rather quickly before bolting from the house. Vincent softly embraced Alyssa and he thought, So today is a hugging day. Vincent then felt a pinch on his ass. He jumped a bit and he glared softly and suggestively at Alyssa, before she pushed his plate of waffles over him. He took up a fork and he started to dig in. However, just a few bites in, he smirked a bit, rose up from his place. He walked over behind the counter where Alyssa was, and very loudly, open-palmed, smacked her directly on the ass. "Revenge, is so sweet is it not?" But he knew that it would not last beyond breakfast, because of what he had done, it was just asking for it.
Some Months Later​
<COLOR color="mediumvioletred"> Alyssa had always had trouble resiting anything cute. It wasn't programmed in her system to turn her back on anything that made her go 'awwh', it just wasn't possible for her! That's most likely why she suddenly found herself in the current position she was in. Opened the front door and peeking her head inside Alyssa peered around the living room for anything sign of her husband inside their house. But it was quiet and there was no movement from within. "Vincent! Are you home?!" The blonde paused for a moment before she heard silence still and figured that her husband was at work and that it was safe for the time being. Opening the door all the way, <I>Alyssa walked inside carrying a medium sized cardboard box. The door closed behind her softly and Alyssa hurried into the kitchen with said box. The whole time she tried to make sure that she held it steadily and securely so that all the wriggling inside wouldn't cause her to drop it on the floor. Her straightened long blonde hair flew behind her like a silvery wisp as she arrived into the kitchen. However she hadn't even made it to the counter when she heard a high-pitched little yip! yip! coming from the inside of the medium sized box that she was carrying. Her crystal blue eyes widened and she peered down at the box and set it on the counter. "Shhh puppy! You are going to get my into trouble!" Alyssa tried to hush the hyperactive puppy that happened to be moving around inside the box, eager for freedom from the cardboard box of doom. When the yipping continued Alyssa sighed and opened the box. Which allowed the small puppy to poke it's head out of the box. Alyssa grinned when she saw the puppy's eyes lock onto hers. Oh he was just so cute! The puppy was found by Alyssa wondering the streets alone and looking desperately for food. How on earth could she leave the little guy out there by himself and let him starve and freeze at night? It was fairly obvious that she couldn't because the motherly side of her kicked in big time and she just had to take him in. The only issue was convincing Vincent to let her keep the puppy. He was a softie but she didn't know if he'd be willing to have a dog. Then again from the way he spoke it sounded like he wanted a baby, so why wouldn't he want a puppy?

Pulling the puppy out of the box she grinned as she watched the small ball of fluff bound from the kitchen to the carpeted floor of the living room. Oh he was perfect for the family already! Alyssa pulled her heels off and set them aside to be put up later and followed the puppy into the room. He was currently trying to get a hold of the remote control and rip it to pieces. It made her giggle softly before she went over to the pick the small fluffball up. The puppy licked her face softly and just as she went to respond to his slobbery kisses she heard the front door start to open. 'Oh sh!t!' Alyssa went into panic mode and bolted out of the living room. Vincent could probably hear her running but she would come up with an excuse for it once she hid the puppy. Hurriedly looking around with the wriggling puppy in her arms she needed to think of a place to put him. The laundry room was the first place she could think of before she stuffed the puppy into a clothing hamper. Once she put the puppy inside Alyssa bolted out of the laundry room and made her way back into the living room to greet whom she figured was her husband. "Heeeey hon-ooh!" Running through the house on the wooden floor probably wasn't a good idea. Alyssa stumbled for a moment before she grabbed onto the corner of the wall to balance herself. "I'm okay! Er um..welcome home!" She greeted with a sheepish smile. That would have stunk if she had fallen. But her happiness didn't last long because she heard a faint yip! yip! in the background. Her eyes shifted lightly and she prayed that Vincent would not hear the barking puppy!

After a long day at work, Vincent was hoping to come home and end up with a silent house, so he can kick back and relax. Maybe even take a hot bath and sitting down for a while. He just needed to settle down. It was hard work being an Auror! Vincent opened the front door of his house, and immediately taking off his shoes and socks, before he glanced up in suspicion when he saw Alyssa almost fall but hang onto the corner of the wall. Vincent thought that she must have been running or something, but otherwise, he did not think much of it. He greeted with a tired smile, "Hey, honey. Careful next time you run, okay?" Vincent chuckled slightly, and he crossed over to the couch before he plopped down and leaned against the cushions. Then again, his blue eyes closed as he wondered, what would have made Alyssa run to begin with? Excitement to see him? He might have to go with that one because he was pretty excited, on the inside, to see her. Maybe she had just put on some clothing or something. However, there was an odd sound in the house, which made his eyes open, and he glanced over at his wife, an eyebrow raising, "What in the hell is yipping like a dog?" That was not something that he was used to hearing. But the more he focused on the sound, the more real it sounded. Maybe a neighbor had a toy dog or something, a small dog that did not know how to bark for the life of it. The last thing that was on his mind was the possibility of the yipping to be coming from inside of his house. He did not own any animals, so why would it be in here?
Alyssa bit her lipstick clad lips and nodded her head softly. Being careful when running through the house seemed like a reasonable request for the most part as she barely ran for anything anyways. Besides she got enough exercise doing other things anyways. Her crystal blue eyes watched at her husband crossed the living room before settling himself down onto the couch. He looked so tired and she could only assume that he either had a rough or event filled say at world, she didn't even recall seeing him at lunch today because he usually came home for a little then left her alone again while he went back to work. As much fun as it was not having much to worry about Alyssa really hoped that the job she applied for would get back to her soon. Alyssa wanted to go out and do something and not have to make Vincent feel like he was the only source of income. Hopefully it would be all soon though. A moment passed and Alyssa noticed that he looked exhausted right now, perhaps he needed to rest? Alyssa wanted him to be feeling okay and awake when she asked him for the puppy. If he was tired he might get mad at her and he might tell her no. She could always sweet talk him if it got too bad because she knew that Vincent had a weakness for her. With a gentle sigh Alyssa crossed the Living room to him and set on the couch beside him. "You look exhausted. Maybe you should take a nap or something." Alyssa leaned over and kissed him softly before she ran her hand across his cheek softly. In a little bit she'd probably fix him something to eat then ask if he wanted to watch a movie and cuddle. Butter him up before she brought out the puppy and asked if she could keep him. Alyssa removed her hand from his face and bit her lip when she heard the yipping again. Vincent could hear it too but it seemed like he didn't know that the noise was coming form the house. And Alyssa could only hope that he wouldn't know for awhile either.

"I think maybe the neighbor has a dog or something. You relax, I'll go check it out." She kissed his cheek and smiled before she hopped off the couch and headed towards the laundry where she knew the barking was coming from. Luckily it was around the corner so Vincent wouldn't see her heading there when she said she was going to go check it out. Flicking some of her blonde hair out of her face she walked into the laundry room and peered around, the hamper was on the other side of the room so she crossed it before she grabbed a hold of the lid and started to open it. "Okay, puppy you need to be qui-ohhhh noo!" The puppy was gone. It must have gotten out of the hamper while she was talking to Vincent. Hurriedly Alyssa started to search around everything in the Laundry room that she could. It was nowhere to be found! Oh god what if it was inside the living room and Vincent saw it! Would he yell at her? Alyssa made her way back down the hallway and casually peeked her around the corner, her eyes searching worriedly for the puppy in the living room. She didn't really think about covering her worry much so it was probably obvious that she was looking for something. "Um...there was no dog. Perhaps you are just hearing things Vincent. You really need to um..lay down or something." Alyssa still had her head poked around the corner when she heard something scuff around in the kitchen. Her eyes shifted to that direction and widened in horror when she saw the puppy trying to open the cabinet with it's paw. Alyssa's jaw dropped in horor. "Eeep!" Immediately Alyssa bolted away from the wall and the living room and into the kitchen to hide the puppy before Vincent saw or heard it. This was turning out to be much more difficult then she imagined it would be.
Vincent glanced over at Alyssa and wondered what was going on with her. She never acted like this and he was starting to get a little suspicious. He shrugged and he opened the copy of the Daily Prophet to read the news and see what it had in it. He had to work around his lunch so he did not come home, but he did not mean to leave her alone home all day. Vincent wanted to come home, but he could not at the time. His eyes scanned the ink on the paper, reading it and finding it really to be rather full of crap this time around. Why he even bothered reading it was a mystery anyway. Everyone already knew about the Minister's son, and because he is her son, more than likely, he will be famous amongst the people. Seraphine was well known because she was the Minister. Vincent felt sorry for the kid when he would end up growing up. Vincent let out a soft yawn before he put the paper on the table and he glanced over at his wife. He smiled at her and hoped that she had a good day today. She crossed the living room and took a seat next to him. "I might, but I think I am feeling better now." He winked at her before he returned the kiss. She caressed his cheek and automatically made him feel like a king. He loved her so much, and though he was tired, he wanted to be up and active for her. He really just wanted to just cuddle with her right now, maybe put on something to watch, and enjoy the evening with her. However, he could hear that yipping again. Vincent let out a soft sigh and thought, People need to learn to control their animals.

"Any way we can use Silencio on that thing? It is getting on my nerves," Vincent chuckled as she kissed his cheek and she hopped off the couch. She was going to check it out, but she was going even deeper into the house. He tried to see where she was going but he couldn't, so he leaned back into the couch and figured that she was going to a window near the other side of the house to see who had a dog. Vincent flipped on a movie, and he leaned back to watch it. It was a movie called Monster In Law, luckily the house did not have anything magical running in it right now or else this would not work at all. Vincent turned it up and he could not hear what Alyssa was doing in the house. Vincent had his eyes glued on the television, and when Alyssa said that he was possibly hearing things, Vincent started to think. "Didn't you say that you heard it - eh, maybe I do." Vincent shifted his body so that he was laying on the couch, a cushion supporting his head. He continued to lay down and rest, and because he was laying down, he could not see the kitchen. Nor could he even hear the scratching of claws on the cabinets. However, the moment that Alyssa started to run, Vincent lifted his head up and he saw her running. Then his eyes spotted something fluffy and white. Vincent raised an eyebrow and he inquired, "How did a Persian cat get into the house?" Vincent rose up and supported himself so that he could get a better look at it. What in the hell was that thing?
Alyssa grinned when Vincent said that he thought he was feeling better now and returned the kiss she had given him, she loved moments like this because it was often a sign that they would have a fairly good night together. By that their night probably consisted of dinner, a movie, cuddling on the couch, and it their mood and energy permit it, 'other' things as well. Ever since she had Graduated and was allowed to fully move in with him they spent their nights entirely like this. Sometime they also went out for dinner or walks on the beach. Some said that the romance died once you actually got married but Alyssa had yet to see any proof of that. They had been married for more than six months even and she loved every moment of it. Even when they had their little tiffs or small arguments it never lasted long and it was usually over playful terms, not once had they actually had a really aggressive or nasty fight. And if they had she doubted they would last very long being in separate rooms as she knew that Vincent was as much of a cuddler as she was, they always woke up in each other's arms. "I thought that would be the case. Are you hungry or do you need anything while I'm up and about?" Alyssa knew that the yipping was bothering him but she didn't want him to get upset or get too annoyed, because then she would be feeling the tension all night. Alyssa hated the tension and she hated feeling like Vincent was upset about anything, perhaps if he got too upset she could calm things down with other methods. When cuddling didn't work she knew various other ways to get him to come around. Another small sigh left her lips as she gave him once last kiss. If only everyone was as easy to cheer as Vincent was. Alyssa wasn't very good at cheering up most people but she didn't have much of a problem with him, it was another one of the endless things that she loved about him.

Despite her efforts to try and hide the puppy from her husbands view, she had forgotten that one could see into the kitchen if they laid on the couch a certain way. He asked how a Persian cat got into the house and Alyssa bit her lip as she looked down at the small fluffball. Well she could sort of see how he got Persian cat out of that but she knew once the puppy got close that Vincent would know right away what the puppy was. Alyssa gave the puppy a 'you couldn't have stayed hidden for a little bit longer?' look before the Pomeranian puppy hopped up onto her legs. Oh how cute was that! Alyssa glanced into the Living room and figured that it was now or never to ask him if they could keep the puppy. Alyssa bent down and her small hands picked the puppy up before heading into the living room. Once she reached the couch where her husband sat she gave him a shy smile before she revealed the puppy to him. It yipped at him before it's tail started to wag with immense speed. "It's not a's a puppy. I found him hiding in a box on the way home and I felt so bad..and he was so cute that...I kind of...well...took him home?" Alyssa made her to keep her voice really soft and innocent sounding. The puppy however struggled as best as it could to hop from Alyssa's arms and pounce all over Vincent with it's two pound body. Her hair fell into her face before she shyly glanced back up at him and tried to appeal with him, perhaps she may even need to use that charm a little bit. "So I was wondering...he's so cute and little. And I don't want him to be out there all alone so..can we keep him Vincent? Puuuuh-lleeeeaaasee?! Pleasepleasepleaseplease?!" Alyssa puckered out her lower lip and gave him the positively most adorable puppy dog eyes that she could muster in attempts to get him to soften up and let her keep the puppy. She even held the small furry animal out and had it look at Vincent too. How on earth could that man possibly resist this?
Vincent was excited about tonight. Well, he got excited every night really, because he loved the activities that followed, which inevitably came from his mother's side of the family. He supposed that they were just so sexually active, it caused him to be the same way. Soon, they would be married for a year, and Vincent wondered what he would do for the anniversary. It was just so exciting! He loved being a married man, without kids right now, and everything was just going his way. The Auror just wondered what in the world that was that he had seen. "Yeah, I am a little hungry I suppose." A grown man needed his energy actually. For someone like him, he needed it to satisfy his wife completely. There was never a dull moment in this marriage, and their home was just for him. Maybe one guest room, but that was about it. Vincent did not see a reason to get a larger house than what was needed because he was just starting out at the time, saved up and he owned his place. Vincent was just one laid back man, had a trophy wife, but he loved her more than any other man with a gorgeous wife would. Vincent was probably the luckiest man alive. And she cooked for him, without him asking her to! How lucky was that? He would cook too if he had to, but that was not really the point though. She did things for him as much as he did things for her. The Auror sat up completely by this point and he watched the expression on her face. She wasn't shocked that there was a cat in the house, and when it jumped onto her legs rather than just curl around them, he realized that it was a fluffy dog.

Vincent raised an eyebrow, and that was where the yipping came from. That thing that probably bounced when it barked. Vincent wondered if she was hiding it or just keeping it for a friend. Whichever the case, Vincent was not really a dog person. Vincent never had a pet other than an owl growing up, not because he could not have one, but because he did not want one. They needed a lot of attention. She picked up the ball of fluff and carried it to the living room, and show it to him. Indeed, it was a dog, and it looked really friendly. But it seemed to really love Alyssa. Probably as much as she loved it. Vincent bit his lip nervously. Vincent made sure that he was clear on the situation, "You saw a homeless dog, and took it in, and you lied about the yipping noise when it was clearly the puppy you were stashing away?" Vincent didn't want to outright and say that she lied about it, but to Vincent, that was just the case. But he really did not see the need in a puppy. How could he say no? She really seemed like she was into wanting it. Vincent let out a sigh, and wondered what to do. Vincent noticed that she was puckering out her lower lip and gave him those eyes. The puppy, he could resist, but not Alyssa. He let out another sigh and he muttered, "All right, as long as you take care of it. And it doesn't interrupt my fun time at home." Vincent shrugged lightly, and he smiled warmly over at Alyssa. At least she wouldn't be lonely when he was at work.
Holding the wriggling puppy within her hands she stared down at it softly, how could a person say no to something so fluffy and cuddly looking? Better yet, how could anyone resist her? Alyssa knew that Vincent had a harder time resisting her so she played that card when she had to, of course he was always give love for it anyways. He was a really good husband so she felt he needed to be given love on a daily basis anyways. Alyssa pulled the puppy back up to her chest and cuddled it as she listened to Vincent try to make sense of the situation that was going on with her and the puppy. Biting a glossed lip she suddenly felt bad that she had lied all together. It wasn't that she intended to lie him from the beginning and everything. But she wanted to keep the puppy a surprise until the time was right and if she told him that the yipping was coming from inside the house then it would have ruined everything. Finally she tried to think of some sort of way she could apologize to him and cocked her head to the side. The puppy lifted it's face to give her a slobbery kiss on her face. "Ewww, gross puppy!" It yipped happily and wiggled again as he watched her bring a pale arm up and wipe her face clean of any slobbery wetness, slobbery puppy kisses were nothing compared to Vincent's kisses obviously. Finally she decided to set the puppy down and watched as he bounded back into the kitchen to finish exploring the house. Hopefully he didn't get into a lot of stuff and start destroying things because Alyssa would probably get in trouble more than the puppy would. "Oh gosh hun I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to lie. I just wanted to keep the puppy a secret until I thought you were in a better mood and would be more likely to say yes. But yes, I found a homeless puppy and I couldn't was so fluffy and- you know how I can't resist cute little animals! I feel like a bad wife now." Alyssa ran some thin fingers through her hair and sighed softly, hoping that he would forgive her for lying to him. She never wanted to lie to him to hurt him or be intentional about it. One thing she was never able to fix about herself was that she could be so brutal on herself at times. This was probably a factor caused by her father father being really harsh with her as a child. When he let out a sigh and told her his answer Alyssa's mouth dropped open and her eyes sparked with happiness and excitement! She could keep the puppy!

"Oh my gosh really?! Vincent your the best husband ever!" Before Alyssa said anything else she bounded over and jumped onto Vincent to envelop him into a loving hug. She truly couldn't describe how happy she was that he let her keep the puppy. Once the hug waned off and Alyssa decided that she liked the closeness between her and Vincent she figured she might as well show him her thanks. Ignoring the small patter of puppy feet, Alyssa crawled onto Vincent's lap and sat so that she was straddling his lap and facing. This was usually no big deal because she sat like this on him all the time. Slowly her hands cupped his cheeks and she brought her lips down on his passionately. The kiss lasted for a moment before she kissed his nose and pulled away to smile at him softly. "Thank you so much. Are you um...still hungry though?" Alyssa asked him as she eyed the kitchen. She wasn't as hungry at the moment but once her nose smelled food she'd probably be starving. Turning her head back to Vincent again as her hand trailed down his cheeks and rested on his shoulders. After one more romantic kiss Alyssa moved to get off his lap then attempt to go cook them something to eat. The puppy that she decided to call Snowball waited eagerly on the floor for her.
Vincent could very easily say no to anyone, but there was something about Alyssa that he could rarely say no to. She seemed just so unhappy years ago, and he would bend over backward to make sure that she was satisfied and happy about everything. Vincent was not really upset, and one could see that he was just a little tired in his blue eyes. Vincent leaned against the cushion of the couch, and he got himself comfortable in the best way that he could. The dog licked Alyssa on the face, and he laughed softly, before the puppy bounded off into the kitchen, where Vincent ignored that it would even exist right now. Her face better be clean of the dog's saliva. Vincent might be a man and all, and did some gross things according to women, but he was a little more snobbish in a way. He really did not like animal saliva, be it cats, dogs or owls. He just did not like it at all. At least the dog was not getting into anything, like the trash, or else one would be seeing a furball flying across the house. Vincent just hoped that it was trained and all, because he knew that some dogs were hard to work with anyway. Vincent also hoped that this one would end up being a well behaved dog too. Vincent shook his head, "No no, you are a perfect wife. Um, I see why you did it, but there would be no need to butter me up for anything. I guess everything homeless needs a clean bed and warm food and clean water to drink." Vincent shrugged lightly, and it showed that he really did not mind having a dog in the house right now anyway. This was not a serious situation. She did not lie about anything serious, like cheating, which wouldn't make much sense because he probably left her tired day after day anyway. Vincent was in his prime after all.

Then Alyssa jumped on him, and immediately, Vincent just laughed. He liked having this attention because it made him feel like he was doing the right thing. "I know I am," Vincent smirked lightly with arrogance before he laughed even more. Vincent set his hands on her waist, and he glanced down when he realized that she was wearing a skirt, and even more tempting, she was straddling him, on his lap and facing him, in a skirt. Wow, Alyssa knew how to get a man in the mood. Though this happened a lot, Vincent still felt like it had never happened to him. She was amazing, and she knew how to work it. She kissed him passionately, and he returned the favor with just as much passion. However, when she asked if he was hungry, Vincent's hunger was absent from his thoughts. But the moment she tried to move, he held her in place, and just pulled her closer to him. Vincent smirked at her, and he answered in a suggestive tone, "I think I am..." But when he kissed her, he made sure to only kiss the corner of her lips, before trailing down her neck. Hopefully she would get the picture. But if that was not a hint enough, he moved a bit on the couch, before the final position was her back on the couch, and Vincent hover over her. Vincent gazed into his wife's beautiful blue eyes and he murmured, "I think I want a helping of a beautiful girl on my couch right now." Vincent chuckled lightly, before his hand went to her side, and very lightly, tickled her just a bit. Vincent was playful, and that was a fact that she would of course know. Seems like every time they made love, there was always a part that was never the same, and that was leading up to the actual event.
Alyssa blushed and shied her face away for a second as Vincent told her that she was the perfect wife and she would never need to butter him up for anything, seriously how sweet was he? And he even admitted aloud that homeless things often needed a clean bed, warm food, and clean water to drink to survive and have a good and healthy life. In response the blonde nodded her head excitedly. She was still pleased overall that he had agreed to let her have the puppy and wasn't mad that she had technically lied to him earlier about the puppy. "I'm thinking we should name him...snowball! He's such a sweet puppy, I can tell you guys will really get along so well! I'll train him too, though I think he's already trained pretty well!" Alyssa said softly as she eyed the puppy try to make his way into the cupboard. She hoped that Snowball would be an acceptable name for the little puppy because the color of his fur reminded him of the cold flaky stuff she remembering seeing every winter in France. Plus she didn't really want to think of any other names. The puppy bounded away from the cupboard and barked happily as he went to the glass door to look out at the ocean. A light giggle left the blonde Veela. It was just so cute to watch. Like a little baby or something. The only thing Alyssa hoped the puppy wouldn't do as he already seemed trained for the most part, was bark in the morning when her and Vincent were trying to sleep before they had to go to work. They often stayed up late doing things anyways so they were exhausted once the morning hours rolled around.

Alyssa was held in place from getting off of Vincent's lap before she was then pulled closer to him. The blonde squeaked out in surprised which in turn caught the puppy's attention, he turned and slowly headed for the couch where the two lovers were. Alyssa felt Vincent kiss the corner of her lips, then trailed down to her neck where she bit back a breathy moan. He was obviously hungry from something a little more than food right now. Finally Alyssa's back was against the couch and she knew that she wouldn't be cooking anytime soon. "Well I think that can be arra-AH! Vincent!" He tickled her side and she squealed out and tried to wriggle away. He knew she was really ticklish there and it wasn't quite fair. A laugh, an actual laugh and not a giggle left her mouth and she covered her mouth so she wouldn't make too much noise laughing. The puppy stood beside the couch now and barked at Vincent. Warning him to keep his hands off the lady who brought him home. Alyssa brought a hand down to pat his head and send him off for a moment. Crystal blue eyes were rolled before she leaned up and kissed Vincent's collar bone softly. She knew he liked that. He hands drifted down his backside and she made sure to give his ass a nice squeeze before she kissed him again, smiling that pretty grin of hers the whole time. Her hands started to take his shirt off before Snowball then tried his best to jump onto the couch, barking and doing little puppy growls the entire time. "I don't think the puppy wants to share me with you or something." Alyssa shooed him off again and apologized to Vincent. After a few quick apology kisses she was finally able to get his shirt off and on the floor somewhere in the living room. She could easily feel his muscled arms now, which she loved. He had nice muscles everywhere actually. "Do you think we should move this to bedroom..or..." Alyssa trailed off again when her lips locked with his heatedly. She was willing to move, but then again things were getting heated quick and they rarely ever waited for it to die down before she made love to one another.
Vincent watched her blush and he smiled a bit, and thought that she looked so cute when she blushed like she just did. Vincent always thought that Alyssa was the cutest thing since sliced bread, but no one thought that it was the best thing, it was all in Vincent's mind. He thought it was the sweetest thing. But then he glanced over at the puppy that Alyssa said that they should name him Snowball. It fit the puppy very well, and it did look pretty fluffy and it was as white as snow. Vincent was just nodded when he hoped that it would be trained in the end. Because he really did not want to be cleaning up after the puppy, because that was just disgusting all on its own. Vincent did not even bother to look down at the puppy when it was watching the two lovers on the couch, with Vincent on top of Alyssa. Things were really getting heated anyway, so his mind was rather one sided anyhow. Vincent stopped tickling just a little bit, before he watched Alyssa laugh rather than just giggle. Vincent ignored the bark, and figured that if the puppy was going to interrupt him, he would sling it out of the room. Sorry, but Vincent needed his alone time with Alyssa. His shirt was soon taken off, revealing a rather attractive chest and muscles. He really loved it when she kissed him like she did, and the one moment that the puppy was growling, Vincent shoved the puppy away with his hand offhandedly. "I'm about to repel Snowball from the couch." But then he ended up taking off her shirt, and he went down to kiss her passionately, loving the taste of Alyssa on his lips and on his tongue. She was the most tasty thing that he had ever tasted. But he did not even pause to say anything to move the situation to the bedroom. Vincent was too far gone to even stop now, because he was just too far into it. Vincent moved his hands over her body before he started to move her skirt down. Vincent did not even think to lock the front door.
Xavier wasn't overly excited about going to visit his little sister today so he could deliver the big news to her. Mostly because Vincent would be there and he didn't really want to talk to him right now. They had gotten into a minor scuff awhile ago and the blonde still wasn't over it. His best friend had changed and he could be the first to admit that he wasn't happy about people changing on him. Which everyone seemed to be doing these days. His twin sister had certainly changed as of late, never had he seen her more in her lifetime than he had the past couple of weeks. Then there was Alyssa who was becoming more and more mature then she had ever been, his mother was growing more and more anxious about things and she was never anxious. And then there was Vincent. His change had been over years but Xavier had never been able to adjust to it properly as he didn't want his best friend to change on him like everyone seemed to do. For the first five years they knew one another everything was fine. They were typical guys who happened to think girls were cute but never really bothered with them because they were too busy with Quidditch and just having fun in general. But then one day Vincent came home from a shopping trip and began talking on and on about this girl that he had met. He talked about how pretty she was and everything, eventually it became known to Xavier that the girl had met was his little sister. Things surely went downhill from there because what kind of a best friend dates their friends little sister? That wasn't cool at all. Sure it was selfish but he didn't want to have to share his best friend with his sister and he didn't want to feel like he was being replaced. He didn't want to be envious because Vincent's life was oh so much better than his either as it wasn't something he should need to feel envious about. But here he was wishing he had the sort of life Vincent did and that he didn't have to fight as hard as he was to keep his life in any sort of order like he was. But today wasn't so much about them and their little dispute. It was mostly about the fact that Xavier was going to introduce them, well mostly Alyssa, to his new wife. One that he couldn't stand in the very least but she was amusing and pretty enough to keep around for the most part. Plus he wasn't sure if the marriage could even be broken without his mother's consent. But he promised Jezebella that introductions were in store and that she would indeed have a very good time meeting Alyssa at least. He didn't know if she had ever met a Part-Veela before, but that wasn't what he meant by good time. It was just really fun to tick Alyssa off. Standing right outside the door he turned towards Jezebella and gave her wink before he knocked once and pushed the door opened. Xavier rarely ever actually knocked for some reason. He always just came inside and did what he wanted.

"Hey is anyone ho-what the hell?" Well that wasn't what he was expecting to see exactly. He pretty much just caught his best friend, er ex-best friend at the moment, and his little sister pretty much in the middle of being intimate. Really it seemed to him that those two ere always at it and this just proved his point. But right on the couch where people waked through and stuff? At least before they had been somewhere that had a locked door at least. Neither of them had locked the door, pulled the curtain to the screen door, and not to mention it like broad daylight outside too. Xavier shook his head and turned it away to furrow his eyebrows when a small white puppy came over and tried to attack his leg in a puffball like fury. He nudged the dog away with his foot and rolled his blue eyes again when the puppy came right back and glared at him. Trying to now ignore the puppy he return his gaze back to Alyssa and Vincent before he closed the door behind Jezebella. "Perhaps you two should keep your hormones to a minimum and actually get dressed? I have someone that I want you to meet." Xavier stated calmly, trying his hardest not to gag at seeing what he had just seen. His saw more of both of them he would ever choose so in any lifetime. That was just wrong to make people witness in his eyes. Even though most adults did that sort of thing he tried to pretend that his sister wasn't one of those people. He tried to pretend that none of his siblings did actually.
For a moment Alyssa didn't even see the door to their home open, then again she didn't really expect her brother to walk right into a house without knocking. Apparently she underestimated his stupidity and disregard for the rules. It wasn't until she actually heard her brother's voice loud and clear within the room that she broke the kiss and let out a squeak of surprise and horror. Her hands left Vincent's back as she tried her best to cover herself from foreign eyes. "Xavier why the hell didn't you knock and wait for someone to answer the dang door?" She managed out as she scrambled around and managed to find her skirt. Luckily her shirt was still easily found next to her and everything or there would have been an even bigger problem. She crawled out from underneath Vincent and gave him a loving smile before she pulled her skirt back on and gave her brother a nasty glare. Well he certainly picked the worst time to come into their house unwanted. Not only had he seem more of her then she really would have wanted but now there was a lot of unneeded sexual tension that her and Vincent were probably going to have until goodness knows when. This was supposed to be their private time together to relax and such but apparently they weren't allowed to have even that. Once her skirt was on all the way and it was adjusted to make it look like it had never been taken off, and her shirt was also put back on and adjusted as well she held up her finger as if telling everyone that she'd be right back. She took this time to walk away and head into the bathroom to fix her hair, face, and make-up. Luckily all it took was a quick brushing and some moisturizer to the face before she felt that she looked fine enough to be in the presence of people and left the bathroom. Snowball trudging along at her feet. Her eyes landed on her husband first and she knew that she'd definitely be cuddling up to him after she greeted her brother really quickly. Then she approached Xavier gracefully, and her hand collided with his face in a soft smack to the face.

"That's for not knocking. But all in all, it's nice to see you again." She winked softly before she returned to her husband's side and crawled back onto the couch, her legs folded gracefully and her crystal blue eyes fixed on the stranger inside her home. Her straightened blonde hair fell around her shoulders and she wondered if she should even bother to ask who the woman was. Or if she should bother to yell at her too for not knowing better about knocking as well. Then again it wasn't like she knew anything about Vincent and Alyssa and how they liked to spend their private time at home. When they weren't having company over they usually didn't wear any clothing at all. They didn't really need to in the first place plus they constantly ended up taking them back off anyways so why bother even having them on the first place. "So...who's your friend?" Alyssa asked with a soft smile and a raised eyebrow. Although there was something about the girl that sort of made her feel uneasy she thought she would be gentle and polite. Maybe she was Xavier's girlfriend or something. He needed a girl that would keep him in line.
Jezebella Hurley possibly was not the most pleasant females in the world, but she was not the worst either. She announced what she did not like and liked out in the open and had no inner filter. She was still rather aggravated with the fact that her parents refused to let her divorce the man that she married out of a mistake, one single mistake, because she had finally gotten with a nice, pure-blooded male. She refused also to change her last name as well. She did not think that it would last long anyway, because once the two years were up, she was free to do what she pleased. Would killing Xavier Snow be the first on the list? Possibly if he managed to get her to hate him. Jezebella just hoped that things here would be pleasant enough to get her mood up. At least she was not pregnant. That was the last thing she wanted right now anyway. She was far too little to have a child right now anyway. It wouldn't kill her at all, but it would just made her too large to really move around anyway. Jezebella smoothed down her outfit that reached to the bottom of her ankles. Was Jezebella nervous about meeting Alyssa Chevalier and Vincent Chevalier? No. Was Jezebella aware that Alyssa knew her cousin Abigail Lurken? Nope. Jezebella did not even know the Lurken family that well, and she preferred not to. She had to keep up with her own family as well. That alone was a nightmare anyhow. Her indigo eyes were dark as she strolled up to the front door of the house that Xavier led her to. The wink make her a little more irritated, but she didn't want to show it. At least he wasn't drunk right now.

The woman was still on her way to fixing that issue permanently. She hated alcohol, and she was determined to make sure that every alcohol tasted like ash in Xavier's mouth. Jezebella turned her eyes to the front door as he just entered just as she was opening her mouth to speak, "Xavier, we should kn-" Before she could even finish her sentence, her eyes landed on the exact reason of why they should have knocked or something. Alyssa and Vincent were practically naked on the couch, looking like they were either about to make love or in the middle of it. Jezebella giggling lightly behind her hand, as it flew to her lips. Seemingly so that she knew why people loved to have sex now that she was introduced to it, though the first time she had a headache and her thighs were incredibly sore, but after a while, it just got better. She didn't love it per say, but she did enjoy it from time to time. When Alyssa smacked Xavier across the face, she just knew that she would like her. Veela or not, she did not care, as long as she wasn't muggle affiliated. Jezebella reached around and she moved her brunette hair so that she would be able to not have it tickling her pale skin on her neck and face. Jezebella spoke, her icy voice somewhat sweet as well, "Actually, I'm Jezebella Hurley, and technically, his wife." Her eyes loomed over Xavier once before she entered into the living room even more and took a seat on the love seat. She had heels on, and these you couldn't stand in them for very long. Why Jezebella loved heels, no one would ever know.
Vincent was too heavily into the moment to even think about anyone even entering into his home. He was just enjoying the pleasure of what he was receiving, and if he was interrupted, Vincent often got cranky. It was a known fact but that was the way it was. Vincent then heard a familiar voice loud and clear, before his blue eyes went over and saw two figures. One being Xavier and the other a girl that he could have sworn he recognized. Vincent was a little shocked at first, but then he just groaned and said, "God guys, could you step out and let us finish?" But then Alyssa already jumped up and put on her clothing. Vincent sighed in frustration, before he managed to get on his jeans and a shirt that was tossed aside. Vincent just made sure that everything was accounted for, and there was no mess anyway. Not yet anyhow. Vincent hated being interrupted, and this was one of the worst times. He had just gotten home from work and everything, and he needed to relax with some good old loving, and now this happens. Vincent couldn't just kick him out or anything, because Vincent was too nice of a person to do such a thing. It was his house though. Well, his and Alyssa's, but whatever, he still wanted his sweet time with Alyssa. Vincent settled himself onto the couch, and hoped that he would at least appear normal. Alyssa had gone to the bathroom to get herself fixed up before she went and smacked Xavier which was something that made Vincent laugh just a bit. Alyssa made him laugh so easily, it was almost unreal on how much she just made him happy. Vincent was in heaven.

The Auror went on ahead and got a blanket to cover himself until certain things wind down. Vincent then smiled a little more though he was pouting now, when she crawled over to sit next to him on the couch. Vincent put his arm around her shoulders before he kissed her lightly on the cheek, and with his hand, motioned for the two to sit down. Xavier wanted them to meet the girl, and then when the girl decided to introduce herself, Vincent looked at the two of them, expecting one to be joking. However, it seemed true, because his blue eyes landed on a ring on her finger. Vincent just started laughing. Deep, rolling laughs from his throat and he had to wait at least twenty seconds to calm down enough to ask, "Xavier, now when did this happen? I thought that you weren't ever going to get married and all that jazz?" Vincent wanted to know this information, because not only did he find it funny, but he found it ironic. That name was also familiar as well, but he didn't know where he heard it from. Vincent found it really intriguing, but then again, the girl seemed a Vincent could see it, there was something different about her but he could not name it for the life of him. Xavier seemed to attract the weird crowds. Though Vincent thought that Trilby was all right, not really his type but she was all right. Vincent did not know her either, and he also had no clue who the woman of his children were. Vincent was glad that he did not have children right now anyway. He and Alyssa could and should have as much fun as possible, and until they were ready to have children at least. Vincent was not ready right now, even though he was in his early twenties. Vincent also inquired, "Where did you two meet anyway?" Vincent could have sworn he heard her have a British accent, somewhat.

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