Old School Week Here For A (N)ice Time

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Senna Overby

💫 unofficial quidditch club 💫
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Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Fairy Wing Core
07/2045 (16)
Senna was excited for this year's yule ball, even more so when she noticed what looked to some sort of natural looking ice rink. She wasted no time in heading over there, glad she hadn't decided on wearing a dress. Sen put on a pair of skated and made her way onto the ice.
Silas wasn’t usually into dances and the like, but he was feeling like spicing things up this year. He had a yellow suit on, showing off his Hufflepuff pride as he walked around the hall. He noticed a younger girl nearby wearing a suit as well, “Are we suit buddies?”
Senna was about to move away from the edge of the ice when someone spoke to her. "We could be!" She grinned as she tried to keep her balance on the skates. "But only if you come skate with me."
Silas hadn’t even noticed the girl’s skate and the rink before them. He wasn’t a proficient skater, but this seemed like such a cool idea. “Only if you help me because I don’t wanna fall on you,” he joked, quickly grabbing a pair of skates from the rack. “I’m Silas, by the way.”
"I mean I'm willing to try but I can't rule out the posibility of us both falling down." Senna snorted in response, moving her arms as to not fall over right away. She wasn't good with ice but she knew she had good balance so she figured things couldn't get too bad. Hopefully. "I'm Senna." She said in return before grinning again. "Silas and Senna, suit buddies. That could work."
Silas shrugged with a sly smile, figuring ice skating would be fun no matter what. He got the laces tied quickly before standing up, barely managing to keep himself upright. “We sound like a crime solving duo who wears suits. And maybe ice skate!” He added with a little too much enthusiasm as he slid forward on the ice away from Senna. “SUIT BUDDY!”
Senna watched as Silas got up, grinning at his words. "Don't think there's much crime to solve here." She replied, laughing as he suddenly slid forward on the ice. Laughing even harder when he called out for her. "I'M COMING, WAIT FOR ME!" Sen called back, carefully putting one foot in front of the other as she tried to follow him. Although she wasn't sure whether was she was doing could be considered skating at all, it was more like she was just trying to walk on her skates.
Silas barely caught his balance as he heard Senna yelling back to him. He managed to stop and did a few hops to turn himself around to face her. "I'M WAITING!" he yelled back, sure the professors and chaperones that professors would scold them soon for being too loud. "I've never actually ice skated before," he admitted.
Sen wobbled over to Silas, moving from stepping to actually trying to skate but almost losing her balance when she burst out laughing as he yelled back. At least she was sort of gliding over the ice now. "Well obviously I'm a professional." She joked when she finally reached him, barely making her way over without falling. "Want to bet on who'll lose balance first?"
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