Here comes a Beauxbatons Quidditch Team!!!

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Mizelea Brooks

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Rosewood Wand 13 ½ Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Hey Everyone! *waves* :D

Obviously I'm excited for posting this early and well really looking forward to Quidditch in Beauxbatons. Hopefully this year we could have enough teams both in different teams as well. So now let's get to the point. Once again I am looking for players for my team (Beauxbaton Quidditch), there is no specific name yet. So if ever you have a Beauxbaton student (2nd year and up, let's see if I could include 1st years.) feel free to post here. Once the team is completed maybe we'll be chatting through MSN or Skype or anything that you have in mind. I'm not choosy with choosing players, as long as they have the guts to play the game.
For all who will post, you will have a simple try-out (will be posted SOONish)

Don't be afraid to post or PM me. For former players, just post as well.I'm really psyche to play Quidditch! Fill out the form and...I'll be waiting for your post. :wub:
- -Mintzy <3​
[b]Beauxbaton Character Name:[/b]
[b]He's/She's Year:[/b]
[b]Desired Position:[/b]
Beauxbaton Character Name: Corey Lovre
He's/She's Year: 5th
Desired Position: Chaser
(Hopefully we can get things going this year ;) )
Beauxbaton Character Name: Talia Benoit
He's/She's Year: 7th
Desired Position: Seeker
Beauxbaton Character Name: Michaela Mitchelle Doesburg
He's/She's Year: Fourth year
Desired Position: Seeker

I already did the try-out but I feel that I still need to post :D
There will be new a try-out this year. There's a new member signing for seeker,
which means new competition for you. :shifty: :r :)

Any Beauxbaton Student is free to join. ^_^
just to let you know that Praneil will not be returning to the team this year. so his beater spot will be free.
Sure :)

So I've already posted the try-outs and it can be found here.
For people who are interested, just check out the thread and post if you want to join. Thanks! ^_^
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