
Louis Vernier

university student | muggle-oriented
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Larch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Louis had been in this position once before, and he definitely wasn't proud to be in it again. He always embarrassed himself in front of everyone, no matter how hard he tried not to, and perhaps this time was the worst. He wasn't sure why he couldn't cast a simple charm in class and he was afraid yet again that he was going to get into trouble, even though the professor had been so nice and understanding before. He wasn't expecting any second chances from her, and Louis couldn't help but feel more sad than nervous this time as he walked down the corridor towards her office, looking straight at the ground as he did so. He thought about bailing, but he knew he didn't have it in him to do it. He just wanted to get it all over and done with. He sighed before knocking slowly on the professor's door.
Mallory had been nervous since Louis had run out of her classroom. He'd done this before, and she was really starting to worry about the young boy. Last time, he had expressed issues with the curriculum. She hoped that wasn't the case again. She had been pacing her office nervously, her cats asleep on a higher shelf and busy ignoring her. She was almost too quick in answering the door when the knock sounded, giving Louis a warm smile. "Louis, hello, do come in," She held the door open for him, before moving to make some tea. "Would you like a cup of tea?" She asked him.
It didn't take long before the professor answered the door. She told him to come inside, which he did so, and even offered him some tea. "No thanks." he said, not really fond of the beverage. As he looked up to speak to her he noticed one of the cats sitting on a shelf. He couldn't help but smile slightly. He wasn't sure what it was about animals, but he liked them, as long as they weren't big and scary like many of the magical creatures that Louis would have been learning about if he took Care of Magical Creatures as a subject. It was a shame that there wasn't a class where they learnt about cats and dogs. "What's its name?" he asked curiously, pointing towards the cat.
Mallory nodded, fixing her own tea and moving to sit at her desk again. She looked up as he pointed and smiled. "That would be Maxim." She informed the boy. "He's my baby." She smiled fondly. "Of course, his elder sister," Mallory nodded to his feet, seeing that the older cat had woven between his legs looking for attention. "That is Amara. She likes you," Mallory set her tea down, giving him her most gentle smile. "Louis, dorogoy, I want to ask you about what happened in class. Is everything alright?" She did her best to speak softly, trying not to come across as angry or confrontational in any way.
Louis listened as the professor introduced a couple of her cats to him. They were siblings. "Do you breed them?" he asked, wondering if perhaps she had some sort of side business with all of her cats. He smiled down at the one that went between his legs, a bit too shy to ask if he could pet it. He knew some people were very protective of their animals, and if Louis had a pet cat, he knew he would be protective of it too. At the professor's question, Louis just shrugged. It hadn't surprised him that she was concerned. "I'm okay." he told her, knowing that was true, at least in that moment. He just didn't know why he tensed up at the thought of casting some spells, but he really didn't want to tell her that, despite how much he knew that he needed to. "I just didn't want to do the spell in case my marble exploded."
Mallory smiled gently and shook her head at the boys question. "Oh, no, not at all. I've had Amara for years, and a dear friend recently gifted me Maxim," She told him, thinking he didn't need to know too much about her 'dear friend'. She listened intently as he spoke again, surprised by what he said. She blinked, considering his words carefully for a few moments and thinking of her own. "Well... alright then," Mallory folded her hands in front of her, thinking for a moment.

"Would you perhaps feel a bit better practicing practical magic alone with me, in private one on one sessions?" She asked him. "While I think learning these spells is important, it is just as important to learn them in a way that is safe and comfortable for you. If performing in a classroom setting is unsettling to you, I'm certain we can think of another alternative." She gave him a warm smile. "Would you like that better, Louis?"
Louis nodded as the professor answered his question about the cats. The pair of them seemed to get along well despite being different ages and from different litters, which was definitely a good thing. The professor seemed to take care of her cats well, and Louis really respected the professor for that. At the professor's question, Louis just shrugged. "I guess so." he said. He figured it would be much less embarrassing only casing it in front of the professor rather than the whole class. It would also mean that if anything happened the professor would quickly be able to stop it as her attention would only be on him. "No one has to know though, right? Like the students don't need to know?" Louis was afraid people would think he was weird for needing the extra help, but he was more than happy to do it if the professor thought that it would be beneficial for him.
Mallory smiled and shook her head. "No one needs to know that you don't want to know," She reassured him. "I'm here to make sure you're learning in a safe and friendly environment. Just tell me whatever you need, dorogoy, and I will do whatever I can to help you." She promised. It was at that point that Maxim awoke, stretching and hopping down from the shelf he was resting on. He padded over to Louis, purring and twining between the boys legs. Mallory smiled warmly. "You can hold him, if you'd like," she told Louis.
The professor's words made Louis smile. She obviously really cared, much more than any other professor most likely did, and Louis was glad that she was the charms professor. "Thanks." he said. "So I'm not going to get into trouble for running out again?" Louis couldn't help but make sure. After all, he was sure not everyone's patience was infinite. As a cat twirled itself around his legs again, he giggled a little, wondering why it was the cat liked him so much. He didn't mind. After all, he really liked cats. As the professor said he could pick it up, Louis didn't hesitate reaching down for it and collecting it in his arms. It was definitely a different texture to other cats, but he supposed they weren't much different besides that. As it sniffed his nose, Louis giggled again. "Why does he like me so much?" he asked, definitely not complaining.
Mallory smiled and shook her head. "Of course not, Louis. You were uncomfortable in my class and you removed yourself from a stressful situation. I won't punish you for putting your mental health first." She reassured him. She propped her chin in her hand as he picked up Maxim. "Maxim is a very affectionate cat. He can sense that you are someone good, so he wants your affection."
Louis couldn't help but take a sigh of relief as the professor told him that he wasn't going to get punished. The professor had given him way too many chances, and so Louis promised himself that he wouldn't mess up again. After all, he was almost in his fourth year and he wanted to prove that he was a good candidate for a prefect in his fifth year. As the professor said that he was someone good, he quickly shook his head, putting the cat back down gently onto the floor. "No, no, that's not me." he said, his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink. "I've done bad things before. I know people that are way better than me." He didn't mean to sound so humble, but he also didn't believe that the cat thought he was a good person. After all, it barely knew him.
Mallory smiled warmly. "You can't fool the cats. Animals have a very good sense of people." She told him, tucking her hair behind her ear. "And I happen to know a Hufflepuff that would argue that point with you, passionately," She chuckled. "In all my time teaching your class, Louis, I have never seen the young Mr. Harris look so worried as he did when you rushed out of class. I tutor him as well, you know. He's a very talkative young man. I know he thinks rather highly of you." She tried to reassure the young boy in front of her.

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