
Roswald and Lila had already joined the rest of the family in the waiting room by the time the healer came out. He was a little bane when he saw that Alex was called first, but like Lila being the wife she was, she did everything to calm Roswald down. When the second healer arrived, his nerves did eventually shimmer down. He was about to get up and follow the healer towards the room. When he was stopped by a fellow ministry worker, he only recognize a few time but knew her named by face. Roswald told Lila to go on ahead with the girl Melodie, he still hadn't thanked Melodie and Abathyn for watching over Maddiie when she was first attacked. Roswald looked over towards Jay than at the shaking girl that looked familiar.

"I know her..." he said sadly, but wonder why she was shaking. "And I'm sure Alexander didn't do this all alone. He was missing just about the same time Maddiie had disappeared the first time. Trust me, I'm not giving him credit" of course he wasn't saying this loud enough for everyone to hear, this was only meant for Jay. "But why do she weep? My daughter is still breathing, at least to my acknowledge that she is, and the baby hasn't been pronounced yet" he made it seem like it was going to happen. But at this point Roswald can not tell, only this seer could.
Seeing a family together like this made her long for her own son. She wondered just how young Jack was doing being cared for by Varilla but she figured that she was being over protective. He was fifteen after all and didn't really need to look after him like she used to. She blocked this emotion from her eyes however because she had learned over the years that things like that could be used against her in a moment's notice. Still she contemplated getting Jack transfered over to the island.

She listened to what Mr. Halloworth was saying and nodded. "I assumed as much. She seemed not to want to be here when the family came but I insisted she be here." Jaylisa said then looked over at the child. She didn't know why the girl was shaking but she could guess. "When she came to us she said that she saw that a girl was being attacked and that if nothing was done that the girl would die along with the child she was carrying. That has chainged but I think she feels responcable for both." She said while observing the shaking girl. She wondered if she had gotten enough of being here. Jaylisa was ready to zap the girl back to the school gates.
The woman healer came out again looking for Mr. Hollawarth. He felt distracted but apologize to Jay Newton that he had to leave. "Please whatever you do, bring her back to school to safety. I will have to personally talk to the child seer some other time" he gave Jay a gentle handshake, before he walked away towards the double doors. His son Jonathan had already left the waiting room with Zehava. He had told his father that Zehava had a stomach ache. Roswald knew he would have to talk to Miss Bones sooner or later, this will trouble Jonathan if he found out. Roswald was just glad he left before she arrived, who knew what could've have happen inside the waiting room.
Jaylisa put her hand to her MoM hat in a small tip as Mr. Halloworth shook her hand then reached for Zazuka's arm. "Come, we have to get you back to school." She said as gently as she could. She could feel the girl shaking under her palm but this would just have to be delt with. She could see a level of relife go through Zazuka's face when she looked down. Again Jaylisa wondered what was going on here but knew better than to ask.
Meloidie found herself quiverring, out of fear or perhaps even out of pity for Maddiie. She took a deep breath in and followed the crowd to a small white room, presumably the one where the young girl was staying. Melodie wrapped her cardigan tightly around her body, feeling it gave her more security as she stepped into the unknown. Melodie's heart ached to see all of Maddiie's family and friends so hurt, so scared. But she tried to be brave and smiled sweetly at young Zazuka as she left the room.

Melodie couldn't even try to imagine what Maddiie was feeling. What had happened to her was so unexpected. And if anyone was upset about it, it was Alexander. He must have been, so scared, felt so useless. He couldn't have even known how to save Maddiie. Meloide tried to comfort Alexander, but he seemed uncertain as Melodie called her Marlana. She thought to keep her mouth shut, maybe Maddiie didn't want her family to know. Meloide pulled a clean hankerchief from her pocket and handed it to Alexander. "There, there" she said, desperately trying to help him feel better.
Zehava gripped Jon's hand, feeling slightly dizzy. She wasn't sure whether it was because of her child, or the fact she hated being in the same place with lots of people. She hadn't been listening to anything, and wondered if they were talking about them.
She leant up to Jon, and whispered. 'I don't feel too good.'

She hoped she wasn't going to faint in front of everybody. Things always seemed to happen to her at the most inconvenient moments. She sat down, putting her head between her knees, knowing she looked like a total nutter. Great first impression, she thought to herself.
(if Mel is posting I'm assuming Abby can :) if not just tell me.)

Abathyn rushed into St Mungos, pushing a stroller with Jaimee and Laani. As soon as she knew that Marlana, no Maddiie was here she dropped everything to come out of the hiding she had enforced on herself a mere few days ago. She ran into the waiting room, spotting her cousin Melodie walking into a white room. "What's happened? How is she?" she asked urgently, hoping her children wouldn't wake up again. Abby looked about at the other people; they must be her family.

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